Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 478: Disturbance and promotion

   Chapter 478 Disturbance and promotion

Wen Yuanhong was so embarrassed by her that he had no power to fight back, and muttered weakly: "Little sister, I just mentioned it casually, and the word of numerology is awe, don't take it seriously, and I don't believe that rumor, how can you follow it? It's like a cannonball fight!"

  Wen Yuanjing came back to his senses, and lowered his head dazedly and uneasy, "Second brother, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

  Wen Yuanhong waved his hand hurriedly, "It's okay, I don't blame you!"

   It was just this interruption that everyone lost their interest in joking, Wen Yuanjing hurried back after eating, and Chen Ningya looked at her leaving back, full of inquiry.

Wen Yuanjing, who returned to her own bedroom, was still in a state of confusion. She locked Hong Ling outside, threw her body on the bed, and beat the quilt angrily. Feeling guilty, sad, pity, and resentment, all kinds of emotions surged up. It's like breaking the five-flavor bottle, sour, sweet, bitter, salty, and everything.

  What happened to her? Although it is appropriate to treat Xiao Guang as a friend and fight for her friend, she was quite sure that she not only wanted to rectify Xiao Guang's name, but also seemed to have some indescribable thoughts. This is not right, it is too wrong!

  The more she thought about it, the more panic she became. She turned over on the bed for a long time and couldn't fall asleep. She simply left the courtyard and went straight to Chen Ningya's courtyard.

   The other courtyard is much smaller than the house in Liu'an Lane. The courtyard where the two live is only a few steps away. From her courtyard, you can see whether the candles in Chen Ningya's bedroom are lit.

   "Mother, have you rested?"

  Chen Ningya gently opened the door and saw Wen Yuanjing standing uneasy outside the door, she turned helplessly, "Come in!"

   The mother and daughter sat opposite each other in the room, and no one spoke first. In the end, Wen Yuanjing couldn't hold it anymore and surrendered, "Mother, will the second brother and second sister-in-law be angry with me about this tonight?"

   "Which thing are you referring to?" Chen Ningya raised her eyebrows and asked in a relaxed manner, leaning back as she said that, and relaxedly transferring her entire body weight to the back chair.

   "That's right. It's me who refuted the second brother." Wen Yuanjing's voice was weak and flies.

  Chen Ningya heard it clearly, and suddenly smiled, "You think your second brother and second sister-in-law are such a small-bellied person? Besides, there is nothing wrong with your rebuttal, but the tone of your voice makes my mother uncomfortable!"

  Chen Ningya's expression lightened. Seeing her like this, Wen Yuanjing knew she was angry and became more and more uneasy, "Mother"

   "Huh?" Chen Ningya raised her eyebrows again.

Wen Yuanjing summoned up her courage, raised her head to look at her, and asked eagerly, "Mother, although Hong Ling and Hong Sha are not sisters, they can be considered to have grown up together since childhood, and they are better than sisters. In terms of relationship, They should be good sisters and good friends, right?"

  Chen Ningya nodded, not in a hurry to speak.

  Wen Yuanjing said again: "If Hongsha was misunderstood in Qi's family one day, and she was rejected by the servants of Qi's family, what would Hongling's reaction be?"

   "Huh?" Chen Ningya's expression finally changed, she said hesitantly, "I must be very angry! Maybe I will tell you about it, tell me, and let us find a way."

   "What if she can't do anything about it?" Wen Yuanjing asked again.

  Chen Ningya shrugged, "Then you can only be sad, what else can you do? But you should ask Hongling about this kind of thing! What? Hongsha was bullied at Qi's house?"

  Wen Yuanjing hurriedly shook his head, she was just giving an example, if Chen Ningya asked Wen Yuanzhen seriously, wouldn't it be a joke!

   Leaving from Chen Ningya's side, Wen Yuanjing not only was not relieved, but became more irritable, and finally called Hong Ling to her side and chatted with her all night, until the **** crowing, the master and the servant could not bear to lie down.

   In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Guangduan sat on the dragon chair of the Qianqing Palace, glanced coolly at the civil and military officials below, and said softly with Eunuch Liu, "Declaring the decree."

Eunuch Liu calmly held the imperial decree and said, "Fengtian, the emperor summoned and ordered Congli, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, to be a scholar of Wenhuadian University, Ding Peng, a scholar of Zhanshifu, to be a scholar of Wuyingdian University, and the cabinet to add a scholar of Dongge University. , I ordered Zhuo Mingxuan, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, to be a scholar of Dongge University, and I respect this!"

   Zhuo Mingxuan, who was standing in the middle and back, was stunned for a moment, and quickly stood up to express his gratitude.

When    stood back to his position again, facing the scorching eyes of his colleagues, his face was frozen and motionless, but his heart was overwhelmed, his mind was in a mess, and even thinking was difficult.

Just before everyone came to their senses from the matter of the cabinet, they heard Eunuch Liu read out the imperial edict, "The Minister of Work, Zhuo Qianzhao, was ordered to be the left servant of the Ministry of Works, and Qi Zixi, the concubine of the Hanlin Academy, gave a lecture to the Hanlin Academy. Dali Temple Critic Wen Yuanhong for Dali Temple Zheng Shuntian Prefecture Experience Xue Zheng for Shuntian Prefecture Promotion."

   This imperial decree made the courtiers dizzy and couldn't even react. They didn't come forward to congratulate Zhuo Mingxuan until everyone went out in twos and threes.

   "Elder Zhuoge, congratulations!"

   Zhuo Mingxuan responded mildly one by one, neither warm nor too alienated, no matter who came up to talk to him, he maintained a certain degree and handled it just right.

Feng Ge Lao brought Xu Ge Lao from not far away, and congratulated him with a faint smile: "Zuo Ge Lao, we will do business together in the future! Oh! You have entered the cabinet at such a young age, and your future can be described as bright. It's bright, but young people still have to work hard, don't be too ambitious, too eager, the road has to be taken step by step, and the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time, right?"

Zhuo Mingxuan retracted those mixed thoughts, curled his lips, lowered his eyes and said, "Old Feng Ge is very right, but this old man is too old to be confused, he is really not young, if you don't work hard now, who will be in the future? Exactly!"

  Once Feng Ge saw that Zhuo Mingxuan was not good, he snorted in dissatisfaction and walked away.

   Mr. Xu Ge hurried to catch up.

  Dai Yuyang stood behind Zhuo Mingxuan, and said hoarsely and slowly, "Why do you care about him? It's just a clown jumping on the beam singing a one-man show, and it can't be on the stage!"

Zhuo Mingxuan turned around and pondered: "Since the emperor let me into the cabinet, he can't look at me directly. If I don't be tougher now, wouldn't it be more difficult in the future? Don't be afraid of trouble! A mere patriarch, I still don't care."

   With the Zhuo family behind him, how could he be afraid of a Feng family or Xu family with little background?

   Hearing what he said, Dai Yuyang smiled and changed the subject and asked, "I don't know what's going on in Mobei now? Has King Dingbei received any news about how Marshal Wen and the Huns are fighting?"

   Zhuo Mingxuan glanced at him narrowly, "This is the point of your conversation with me! Humph!"

Dai Yuyang smiled and his face remained the same. I am also concerned about my benefactor. To be honest, if he was in the capital now, he would definitely be able to rise to the position of the fifth-rank or even the fourth-rank. Although he is a first-rank marshal in Mobei, he can In the end it is not as safe as in Beijing! "

   (end of this chapter)

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