Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 480: travel

   Chapter 480 The Journey

  Lan Ling came in from the outside and reported, "Mrs. First Lady, Second Lady, Second Lady, Second Lady, Second Lady, Eldest Master is here."

   Zhuo Qianyu thought for a while before he figured out who the eldest master was, and said hurriedly, "Uncle is coming, we'd better go out to see the elders first, and we'll talk about it later."

  Wen Yuanjing was not ignorant of the importance, and immediately got up to wash up briefly and followed them there.

At this time, Wen Youcheng was talking to Wen Yuanhong and the others. Because of his arrival, everyone in the room dared to be presumptuous. With him as the center, there were questions and answers. , looks really awkward.

   Zhuo Qianyu led the others to greet Wen Youcheng obediently.

   Wen Yuanhong's eyes fell on Wen Yuanjing, and he asked with concern, "But you are not feeling well?"

   Wen Youcheng heard the words and looked over, Wen Yuanjing felt guilty, shook his head hurriedly, and muttered in a low voice, "I just slept late last night, and I was tired early, no problem."

Wen Yuanzhen took the opportunity and joked: "Mother, uncle, little sister is bored at home, I asked her if she wanted to go to Lingnan, and I said that my father and elder brother were not here, so we were not at ease even if mother went out with her, but the little sister said It doesn't matter if she doesn't go to Lingnan, she wants to go back to Dizhou and Fushan Village, it seems that she really can't wait!"

   "Do you want to go back to the village?" Chen Ningya's brows were almost tied, and she confirmed again and again.

  Wen Yuanjing nodded.

On the other hand, Wen Youcheng laughed and said: "I think she just wants to go out for a walk. Before, the Prince of Lingnan and the county master painted a lot of cakes for her, but she yearns for Lingnan. Now they are gone, this way. There is no movement anymore, I am afraid that this child is extremely disappointed, it just so happens that I am going to Lingnan, if this girl wants to go, she will go with me, and I will not let her be in danger."

  Wen Yuanjing heard the words, her eyes suddenly lit up, she looked at Wen Youcheng in surprise, "Uncle, really? Didn't you coax me?"

Even Chen Ningya was speechless at her reaction, she held her forehead with a headache and said, "Forget it, it seems that this girl is really ambitious, and the capital can't lock her up, so let her go out for a walk, just in time for me. I also want to meet Xi’s family, and we happen to be together, so I’ll have to trouble my uncle!”

  Wen Youcheng waved his hand and said indifferently, "It's just a few more people. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, and it won't be difficult to bring you guys."

   After hearing this, everyone felt relieved, and then their eyes turned red with envy.

   Lingnan! It's not like they can go to Jiangnan if they want to. Maybe they will never have a chance to step into the Lingnan boundary in their lifetimes. Chen Ningya and Wen Yuanjing are better, and they can follow them to visit relatives and friends, and tour the mountains and waters. Really different life.

   All men are envious, let alone women, especially Wen Yuanzhen, who is the daughter of the Wen family, but she is already married and can't help herself, thinking, Wen Yuanzhen suddenly gave Qi Zixi a hard look.

   Qi Zixi: "?????"

   Because of Chen Ningya's decision to go out, Wen Yuanjing's mood improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it looked the same as before.

The next day, Chen Ningya called to Zhuo Qianyu and said carefully: "Girl Jing and I will be going away in the next two days. Thank you for your hard work. Originally, I wanted to bring you all with me, but Yuan Liang just happened to be there. His grandfather and grandmother also met. When people are old, it is unrealistic to ask them to travel thousands of miles to the capital. Unfortunately, Yuanliang's identity is sensitive now, and the situation in Lingnan is special. I can say that if you and your children all go, the emperor must ask One or two suspicions will make the emperor feel at ease, and the courtiers will not feel at ease, if Yuan Liang is impeached on this ground, it is not worth it."

Zhuo Qianyu is a smart person, he naturally understands these principles, he immediately nodded obediently and responded obediently, "Don't worry, mother, I understand everything you said, now that our family is prosperous, and my father has joined the cabinet again, it can be said that he is in full swing. , how many pairs of eyes are staring at me, I won't leave anyone a clue, but my mother and little sister should bring more silver taels on their bodies.

The mountains and rivers are far away, and there are many places to spend money. In addition, my daughter-in-law has prepared a lot of things from our family. When the time comes, I will bring them to my grandfather and grandmother. . "

Chen Ningya liked Zhuo Qianyu's general knowledge and generosity, she immediately responded with a smile, and turned to another matter, "After we leave, the house in the middle of the city will almost be completed, just let it go. It's not a problem to move in before winter, you can handle these things as you see fit, and the movement between relatives is also up to you, don't forget it."

   "Don't worry, mother!" Zhuo Qianyu called the ticket.

   Chen Ningya rambled on and explained a lot of things before letting her go back.

   Within two days, Wen Youcheng set off, and their mother and daughter also followed. In addition to the maid and old lady who often served by their side, they also brought twenty skilled guards.

After leaving the city gate, Wen Yuanjing received four maids from Xiao Guang. One was calm and calm, the other was respectful and not flattering. It made Chen Ningya curious and asked casually, "Your uncle. The maid for you?"

   Wen Yuanjing replied vaguely: "I came here with my uncle, saying that he served me."

Chen Ningya didn't say anything more, Wen Yuanjing finally breathed a sigh of relief, there were four more girls, and a carriage obviously couldn't sit in a carriage, Wen Yuanjing felt guilty, afraid that Chen Ningya would ask questions on the road, so she found an excuse to sit alone A carriage called all four girls, leaving Hong Ling and Lan Silk and Lan Ling alone.

   Hongling was about to cry, and she asked aggrievedly: "Old Madam, is the second lady like the new and hate the old, don't Hongling! Woohoo"

  Chen Ningya: "." Who did this girl learn from!

  Lan Silk hurriedly handed her the handkerchief and coaxed, "Maybe Second Young Lady wants to ask about the four girls, plus the five of them, if you go over there, I'm afraid you won't be able to sit down."

Hong Ling held back her tears, looked around, and found that there were exactly five people in the carriage, including her, she suddenly realized that she held back her tears, but after a while, she talked and laughed with Lan Ling, heartless and heartless. Jin'er is a bit like her master!

  Chen Ningya silently closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  After the carriage set off, Wen Yuanjing looked at the four flower-like girls in front of him, and asked hesitantly, "Who asked you to come? My uncle is still."

The blue-clothed maid who was sitting on the right side of Wen Yuanjing replied respectfully: "Miss, the servants are the emperor's people, the emperor ordered the servants to take good care of the young lady, protect the young lady comprehensively, and the four servants and servants will be the young lady's people in the future! "

   Although she had already guessed the answer, she heard from the other party that her heart was broken, causing ripples.

   After a while, Wen Yuanjing calmed down, looked at the four maids again, and asked, "What's your name?"

   (end of this chapter)

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