Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 485: Be responsible for

   Chapter 485 Responsible

The Ma family, Wei family and Hou family are on the territory of King Dingbei. It stands to reason that even if the court wants to liquidate, it should be dealt with by King Dingbei, but the little-known Wen Youshan came to the fore. When did the emperor and Wen Youshan meet? of?

Qiongzhu couldn't understand, because she couldn't understand, and she felt more and more uneasy. She was ordered to take a team to station on the sand plain earlier, but did not return to the barracks. Inside, there was a soldier patrolling in front of her, so she didn't have to guard it all the time, so she often went to Jili County to find Feng Hongyu.

   Today, she just entered the county seat as usual, and she was stunned by the news. Since the incident happened in Ganzhou, the people of Jili County were also hearsay, so she didn't know whether to believe it or not. And she may not see Wen Youshan. Wen Yuanliang is at the headquarters of the military camp. She can't go there if she wants to. Now Feng Hongyu is the only one who can solve her confusion.

   Feng Hongyu knew what Qiongzhu wanted to ask as soon as she saw the look on her face, and directly pulled her into the study, "Auntie, keep your voice down, I'll tell you everything you want to know, whether it's what happened last night or the capital!"

   After Feng Hongyu finished speaking, Qiongzhu's tears rolled down without warning, crying very sad.

Feng Hongyu panicked, "Why are you still crying? I asked Uncle Wen last night, and he said that it was Prince Xian who rebelled, and that your father and Wang escorted him well, nothing happened, your family is fine, you should be happy It is!"

"But the royal uncle is gone!" Qiongzhu was really sad, "You don't understand, although the royal uncle is the emperor, he has always been very kind to me and my eldest brother, and the princesses in the palace may not be as favored as me! I never thought that someone as powerful as him would leave so suddenly."

  You Qi was still **** off, how could she accept it!

   The more I think about Qiongzhu, the more sad I feel.

  Feng Hongyu, one head and two big ones, coaxed Qiongzhu for a long time to calm down.

   Just when someone came to report that Wen Youshan was over, he took Qiongzhu out to meet people.

  Wen Youshan was busy for a while, and he breathed a sigh of relief just now. He was not surprised to see Qiongzhu there, but was surprised by her red eyes, "Have you been crying?"

   Qiongzhu nodded sadly.

   Feng Hongyu explained in a low voice.

Wen Youshan sighed: "The world is impermanent, and the county master girl should also look away, so you like to toss, otherwise wouldn't it be more comfortable to be your county master in the capital? Why do you need to suffer with Mobei? The family can't go back for a while!"

   "I know" Joon-joo's interest doesn't seem high.

   Feng Hongyu asked, "Godfather, are all the things done over there?"

"It's done!" Wen Youshan took a sip of tea and said faintly, "This time, Young Master Shen Wei came alone as an imperial envoy. I didn't think about it carefully yesterday, but thinking about it today, the emperor should have made a plan earlier. The family and others are destined to be unable to escape! You see, I sent people to the barracks on the front foot, and he sent people on the back foot to receive them.

   I thought that copying these three houses would cause some turmoil, but I was ready to arrest people, but the situation was calm, and there was not even a single splash! Tsk tsk tsk, I always thought that King Dingbei was very powerful, and it was not a loss to do things under his hands. Now, it seems that this son is better than the blue, far better than his father! Anyway, I'm on it now! Nothing to say! "

When Wen Youcheng first came to Mobei, he always wanted him to do a great job and honor his ancestors. He only felt that Wen Youcheng was talking nonsense. He was born with mud legs and had such ability and ability. He started the layout a long time ago and counted him among them. Now he can really shine!

   Feng Hongyu was also amazed.

   Qiongzhu, on the other hand, asked after feeling uncomfortable, "Uncle, you said that Concubine, Chen Kun and others rebelled. Now they have all been taken down. It stands to reason that rebelling is the death penalty of punishing the Nine Clan. What about the rest of the Chen family?"

  Feng Hongyu's eyes widened suddenly, and a cold sweat broke out from behind him, and he was terrified.

Even Wen Youshan came back to it, took a deep look at Feng Hongyu, and hugged him, "Fortunately, fortunately! Fortunately, my in-laws are kind-hearted and can help you talk to convince the Chen family and their daughter to reconcile, otherwise the Feng family will probably be Drag them into the water!"

   Even if you don't die, you have to peel off the skin!

   Feng Hongyu nodded heavily, "Godfather, I'm going to write a letter to my parents and ask them to prepare a generous gift to send to Zhuo's house. When I return to Beijing, I will come to thank you in person!"

   "It should be!" Wen Youshan said, looking at Qiongzhu, "Girl, have you ever thought about going back now? Mobei is absolutely peaceful at this time, and you don't have to worry about robbers and robbers even if you go far away."

   How ironic this is.

   Qiongzhu thought for a while, then bit her lip and shook her head, "No! I've been insisting on it for a year, and I'm used to it. I'll go with you when you guys go back."

   Seeing her like this, Wen Youshan wondered if he should write a letter to the capital to tell about the two children, now Feng Hongyu and Qiongzhu are about to pierce that layer of window paper.

   Thinking of this, Wen Youshan made a random excuse to take Qiongzhu away, dragged Feng Hongyu to the study and asked, "What are your plans for Qiongzhu?"

   "What?" Feng Hongyu was still immersed in the matter that he was almost implicated by the Chen family, when he heard the question suddenly, he couldn't react for a while, "What does godfather mean?"

Wen Youshan said directly: "When are you going to marry the county master! Don't tell me about your family opinion! Now the two of you are a well-recognized couple, and Qiongzhu's reputation has also been affected by you. If you don't marry her, who would dare to marry her in the future! Although the county owner doesn't care about it, we can't be that kind of heartless man, you know?"

   "I know." Feng Hongyu was taken aback by Wen Youshan's words, "Then what the godfather means is what should I do?"

Hearing this, Wen Youshan finally relaxed his tense jaw, and said, "I mean to write a letter to your parents and talk about this first, so that they can be prepared, and also to Prince Li. Write a letter with more sincere words, and also, my in-laws will also speak to see if they can draw a line for you.

  Also, let’s talk to Yuanliang and Mr. Zhuo about this first to see what they mean, and then send news to the capital together. "

   Feng Hongyu answered all.

   Two days later, Feng Hongyu specially went to Wen Youshan when he was resting. The two went to the barracks together. The guard at the gate recognized Wen Youshan and went in to report after just asking a question.

  Wen Yuanliang personally came out to pick up the person, and asked as he walked, "Hong Yu, this is your first time coming to my side!"

   Feng Hongyu nodded with a wry smile, looking a little absent-minded.

  Wen Youshan blinked at Wen Yuanliang and whispered in his ear.

  I saw Wen Yuanliang's expression changed from calm to shocked, he paused, and said, "I think we should go to see Mr. directly! It's better for the elders to come forward for this kind of thing."

   (end of this chapter)

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