Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 488: Back to Lingnan

   Chapter 488 Return to Lingnan

   Xiao Ding: "????? Father, now is not the time to sigh about this, but how should we act?"

"What are you panicking about!" King Lingnan calmly leaned back, closed his eyes lazily, and said casually: "Is it possible that Xiao Guang can still handle me? A Mo Bei is not enough for him, he can still deal with me. Can't I use troops in Lingnan?"

   "Father, what do you mean?" Xiao Ding flashed that thought in his heart, but he didn't dare to think about it.

  The King of Lingnan gave him a deep look, "A Ding! A Guang has already become an emperor. Naturally, you can't be too weak as a cousin, right?"

   Xiao Ding's eyes suddenly widened, "Father King wants to proclaim himself emperor?"

  The King of Lingnan did not refute, but acquiesced.

   Xiao Ding was inexplicably excited, his fists clenched, and he asked: "If this is equivalent to breaking with the imperial court, I'm afraid that a fight must be launched, and my son will go down and prepare immediately."

"No hurry!" The King of Lingnan waved his hand and said calmly: "Even if I become the emperor now, Xiao Guang will not send troops to us! He doesn't look down on Lingnan! Besides, a Mobei is enough for him to toss, think To deal with my Lingnan, let’s get past the miasma virus first!”

  Lingnan King's confident appearance immediately made Xiao Ding feel at ease.

  The father and son spent a while together before talking about home.

   "Didn't you bring your uncle and sister to pick up your little aunt's family, but you picked it up?" The King of Lingnan asked lazily.

Xiao Ding shook his head, "I haven't come back yet! The incident happened so suddenly that we were caught off guard, for fear that we would not be able to leave if we left later. As soon as we left the palace, we went straight to Lingnan without bringing anything, even our little aunt. I didn't have time to inform you."

   Xiao Ding cocked his head, feeling annoyed every time he thought about it, but the situation at the time was that he really couldn't stay any longer, and his identity was sensitive, and he was afraid that it would affect the Wen family, so he had to walk away.

  Lingnan King glanced at him and said coolly, "Then you can figure out how to deal with your mother and concubine in a while!"

   These words made Xiao Ding even more depressed, and said with a bitter face: "Father, please remember to untie the mother and concubine Jie more. According to the current situation, the little aunt's family is not suitable for coming here."

   In particular, they were planning to proclaim themselves emperors. The Wen family was in Daqi, and it was unclear what they were involved in. I was afraid that they would be treated as a chaotic party.

  The King of Lingnan laughed unhurriedly and said: "The matter has not yet reached such a serious level, maybe we can complete the great cause without bloodshed!"

  Xiao Ding didn't understand what the King of Lingnan meant for a while. He didn't have any guesses until he left, but he didn't return to ask.

   He met Xiao Yuyan and Xi Hongjun who came after the bath when he arrived at Lihuayuan, where Princess Lingnan lived.

   The three looked at each other, Xiao Yuyan pulled Xiao Ding weakly and asked, "Brother, how will you explain to the mother and concubine later?"

   Seeing her guilty conscience, Xiao Ding squinted his eyes, and said with hindsight, "So you dragged over here with me because you didn't know how to deal with the concubine?"

   Xiao Yuyan did not refute, it was a default.

   Xiao Ding sneered,

   is in front, striding straight towards the hall.

   Everyone who had already received the news of their return was waiting inside. When they saw Xiao Ding, everyone in the room stood up, "My son is back! It's been hard work this time!"

   Xiao Guang and others salute.

   "Mother concubine, my son is not working hard." After saying that, Xiao Guang helped Lingnan princess to sit down.

   Concubine Shizi looked at him affectionately, Xiao Ding seemed to feel it, looked back at her, and smiled at her.

   Concubine Shi's heart was as sweet as honey.

Chen Xiaodie was on the other side, eagerly waiting for Xiao Ding to look at her, but Xiao Ding didn't even give her a look, and seeing the couple's expressions, she just felt like a mouse in the gutter, unable to see the light, No one would pay attention, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and he continued to sit back with a low eyebrow.

  Princess Lingnan didn't care about this, she pulled Xiao Ding and Xi Hongjun and asked eagerly, "Where's the people? Didn't you go to see people? Why didn't you bring them back?"

   Hearing this, Chen Xiaodie finally got some energy and looked over.

  Xi Hongjun frowned, exhaled a long breath from his nose, and said, "It happened suddenly, and it was too late to bring them, so I can only think about it later."

   Seeing that Princess Lingnan was puzzled, Xiao Ding simply told what happened in the capital.

   The women in the room were stunned for a moment, only to hear a bang, and Chen Xiaodie was so frightened that she fainted.

   The people in the room were shocked, and the Lingnan Princess immediately shouted: "Please doctor!"

After a busy work, when Chen Xiaodie woke up again, she found that she had returned from Lihuayuan to the side courtyard where she lived. At this time, it was already dark, a faint candle was lit in the room, and Tao'er was lying on the table. Make even breathing sounds.

   She struggled to sit up.

   Tao'er also woke up when she heard the movement. She ran over and asked eagerly, "Miss, what's wrong with you? Would you like the servant to invite the doctor over now?"

  Chen Xiaodie grabbed her and shook her head, "No, give me a glass of water, where's my father?"

   "The servant girl is going to invite the master over here!" After saying that, Tao'er quickly poured a glass of water for Chen Xiao's and ran out quickly.

   When Chen Yangqiu came over, Chen Xiaodie was still holding a tea cup in her hand, her eyes were empty.

  Chen Yangqiu stepped forward, touched her forehead, and let out a long sigh of relief, "Why did you faint for no reason, you almost scared me to death! How do you feel now?"

   Chen Xiaodie, who fainted once, looked a lot weaker, her face was pale, her lips were dry, and she said, "Father, my cousin came back today and said that my grandfather and aunt rebelled!"

  Chen Yangqiu's face trembled. She had obviously heard of this. She hurriedly asked: "What's going on? Are they bold? The fifth prince is gone, so what benefits can they gain by rebelling!"

   At that time, she fainted after listening to the beginning of Lihua Garden, but she didn't know the inside story.

Chen Yangqiu didn't want her to know, but seeing her stubbornness, she could only sigh and tell the story, "Before the eldest son left the city, your grandfather, aunt, and Prince Xian were all killed, and the result was obvious, they were defeated. Rebellion is the big crime of punishing the nine clans. It stands to reason that we are among them. Fortunately, we are in Lingnan, and we are protected by the King of Lingnan. We are temporarily safe, but I don’t know if the court will think of us and settle accounts in the autumn!

  Father is already a bunch of old bones, and it's nothing to die, but you are still young and have a lot of time to enjoy life, so you shouldn't have died long ago, so I begged the prince to let him save your life.

  The prince said that depending on the situation, he will secretly transfer you to the Xi's house. The Xi's house is on a small island, and the court's hand can't reach there yet. When you go to the Xi's house, your grandfather and grandmother will protect you, and Dad has nothing to worry about! "


   (end of this chapter)

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