Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 499: Xiao Guang's ambition

   Chapter 499 Xiao Guang's ambition

"Shame?" Xiao Guang asked back with a sneer, Yingwu's body leaned forward, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression, half-closed his eyes, and said faintly, "You must also know where Lingnan is. At that time, he was unable to control Lingnan, but it was only to maintain the surface peace. In fact, Lingnan had left Daqi as early as the time of the previous emperor. What the Lingnan king lacked was only a clear face.

If I insist on going to Lingnan, I have to meet with the king of Lingnan. In a place like Lingnan, no matter how many troops I send in, there is not much chance of winning. Tibet! I think it's a good deal to exchange the Xiongnu and Tubo for a Lingnan one! "

   At this moment, he finally unabashedly expressed his ambitions!

   Du Shoufu was stunned by him, but he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, even the others were silent for a while.

   I thought it was a monarch who was still young and could control, but I didn't expect it to be a wolf king with a dormant head. Compared with the previous emperor, this person was obviously much more decisive in his actions and would not be easily shaken, lo and behold! Attacking the Xiongnu and Tubo, as well as such a big thing as the separatist Lingnan, he quietly did it, if it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't hide it, would they continue to be kept in the dark?

  The civil and military officials are frightened and cold-hearted, colder than the winter snow fluttering outside. Of course, what can they do? They don't even have the right to object! At this stage, war with the Xiongnu and Tubo is inevitable. If we want to start a war with the two countries, Lingnan will naturally not be able to send troops, otherwise there will be internal and external troubles, and the whole world will be in danger. If this is the case, why call them to the court?

  Everyone was in despair and looked at Xiao Guang cautiously with their heads lowered, not even daring to let go of a fart.

   Xiao Guang was staring at the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, and the deep meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

The Minister of Hu's face was so white that he couldn't even see a trace of blood, his mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, and after a long while, he shivered and said: "The emperor's treasury has so much silver and food! Really old sir"

   Before he could finish speaking, the Minister of Tobe fell to the ground with a bang while clutching his chest.

  The surrounding ministers were startled, some people were stunned, and some people rushed forward to pinch people, calling the imperial doctor, and the hall was in chaos.

Xiao Guang's face was ashen, he suppressed his anger and said, "Clear the accounts of the household department, report to me in the imperial study later, and then list the expenses for next year, I want the most detailed! Also, I remember that the previous emperor repaired it before. A summer resort, in my opinion, is too labor-intensive and wasteful, so from a few days, an announcement will be posted to sell the summer resort!"


  The civil and military officials seemed to hear something incredible, and looked around blankly, thinking they had hallucinations.

  Prince Li stood in the front row, frowned and looked at Zhuo Mingxuan.

  Going down to the court, Prince Li and Zhuo Mingxuan walked together, frowning, "It's really unheard of for the emperor to sell property, I have never seen it before, and I don't know who would dare to take action!"

Zhuo Mingxuan also looked dizzy, shook his head, and said, "Don't say that the lord has never seen it, it is the first time he has seen a lower official! Since ancient times, which one of the kings who lacked money was not from the common people, let us It’s better to sell the property directly, hehe. I don’t know how long these royal things will last him!”

   Fighting is not a petty fight, and you are fighting against the two countries all at once. If you don’t have enough wealth, you can’t do it!

Seeing that the two of them were not very optimistic about Xiao Guang, Cong Li, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "I think the emperor is very good, even if he is short of money, he has never thought about laboring the people and hurting the money and shaking the capital. From another perspective , doesn't it just mean that the emperor is a good emperor who loves his people like his son?"

Zhuo Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, hehe said with a smile: "Congge said it very well, the old man didn't say that the emperor was bad, but this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket in terms of fighting, and the most feared thing about fighting is that the successor is powerless. We are just worried."

   Congli was not panicking, "The emperor has already started planning, but we only know his plan today. It's too late to worry about it now. I believe the emperor will not make an unsure account."

   This blindly convinced look made Prince Li and Zhuo Mingxuan stunned. They never thought that someone like Cong Li would become Xiao Guang's brain-damaged fan, as if he had joined a cult.

   For a while, they didn't say a word and hurried out of the palace.

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing, who woke up faintly in the Taiyuan Hospital, learned of the emperor's will, he forgot to wear his official hat, and staggered back to the Ministry of Household with his boots turned upside down. The closest one asked, "What are you doing?"

The little official wiped the sweat from the cold weather and replied, "My lord, the emperor wants an account book, and he also needs a well-organized person who knows the state of the treasury well to report. Obviously, it's not like listening to nonsense. Now everyone doesn't want to take this risk. Let's all sweep the snow in front of the door, turn to stare at the piece that you are responsible for, and plan to go over with a group of people to report, you see"

  Hubu Shangshu looked at this group of subordinates who were dying, and wished he could faint again, he rushed in angrily and burst into flames.

   When Eunuch Liu came in, he was stunned by the situation inside. He was stunned for a moment. He looked up at the plaque on the door and made sure that he had not gone to the wrong place. Then he said loudly: "Lord Shang Shu, the emperor announced that you will go to the imperial study."

At this moment, the Minister of the Ministry of Household did not care about how disheveled he was, like a shrew. He asked several deputies to take the account book and left with Eunuch Liu. On the way, as long as the imperial army or the palace maid and **** passed by, they couldn't help but look at him more. At a glance, and he can no longer care about these messes, his mind is full of what to say for a while.

  When he entered the imperial study, Xiao Guang saw him like this, his eyes narrowed immediately, "Does the Minister of the Ministry have an opinion on me?"

Hu Bu Shangshu, who had recovered his senses, was startled, and seeing that everyone was looking at him in a wrong way, he realized that it was not good, and he knelt down with a plop, "Your Majesty, the old minister should be damned, it was the old minister who was in a hurry. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

   Xiao Guang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, waved his hand, and said, "Tell me, what's the situation in the treasury now?"

The Minister of Accounts gritted his teeth and presented the most important account book in his arms, "Your Majesty, the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts will be counted and sealed every year. This account is made by the minister himself in private and is mainly used for estimation. The minister can judge based on the actual revenue and expenditure of the national treasury this year, whether the revenue of the national treasury is too much or the expenditure is too high. Of course, this account book is usually useless after the inventory is completed, because the accounting has not yet started this year, and this account book is still kept by the minister. You can use it as a reference, and the places where the expenditure is too much will be marked with a red pen."

   (end of this chapter)

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