Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 510: Wen Yuanxing returns

   Chapter 510 Wen Yuanxing Returns

   This generous gesture caused all the guests to take a deep breath, and Bailiqing's eyes became more hostile.

   Xiao Yuyan was amused by him, and hummed proudly: "You know how to get money out!"

   "Cousin, this is a 100,000 tael silver note for you. You must accept it from me, and then buy it hard, buy whatever you like! I'll take you out to spend!" Xiao Yuyan acted like an uncle.

   Seeing that other men could not wait to beat her up, a good girl must not be misled by this unreliable princess.

   Wen Yuanjing pursed his lips and snickered, and nodded again and again, "Then I will thank my cousin and Mr. Baili."

   "It's easy to talk about it!" Bailiqing breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this level was passed safely, and even gave Xiao Yuyan a face, and her heart was bubbling with beauty.

   Xiao Yuyan asked: "By the way, who are you running errands for?"

Bailiqing woke up, looked at Wen Yuanjing, and the few bosses who seemed to be gentle and kind, but in fact smiled and hid their knives, suddenly felt a lot of pressure, swallowed saliva, and said with difficulty: "That's right. The person who claimed to be a cousin friend asked me to send some gifts and said, "I hope to return."

   "Huh?" Xiao Yuyan frowned fiercely, "What friend is so ignorant! Don't you know that my cousin is going to stay in Lingnan?"

   "What?" Bailiqing was stunned.

   "When am I going to stay in Lingnan?" Wen Yuanjing was equally stunned.

   Xiao Yuyan looked at Mrs. Lai, "Grandmother said that she will find you a marriage in Lingnan, so if you don't, you will stay in Lingnan."

  Chen Ningya looked at Mrs. Li in surprise.

Li Shi was suddenly exposed, he coughed awkwardly, and covered up with a dry smile: "I planned to come this way before, but later I found out that the candidate was not very reliable, so I stopped thinking and planned to quiet the girl and her husband. I'll discuss it with you later, it's nothing to worry about!"

  Chen Ningya breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Wen Yuanjing subconsciously, but she was scared when she saw her face, it seemed that this girl never thought of marrying in Lingnan.

  Since she didn't have this intention, the mother couldn't force it, so she showed her a soothing chuckle.

   Xiao yuyan is still pestering Bailiqing, wanting him to tell the name of that person.

   Bailiqing shook his head under the pressure, "It's just my cousin, an old friend. She claims to be anonymous and has no name taboo, so don't make it difficult for me!"

Wen Yuanjing calmed down, and when he heard Bailiqing's words, his heart moved, he had some guesses, he forced himself to calm down, and asked slowly, "Then what gift did the other party give me? If it's not as good as yours. I don't accept the 100,000 taels."

   She was just joking.

Unexpectedly, Bailiqing gave her a thumbs up, "Cousin, you really dare to speak! But I like it! We must have this kind of courage from the big family! But I don't know what the other party gave you, I'll have someone send it to the yard later, you can take your time."

   "Huh?" Wen Yuanjing raised her eyebrows in confusion.

Bailiqing thought of those things that ten fingers couldn't break, and muttered dejectedly, "It took me three cargo ships to get you Lingnan. I think if you don't stay in Lingnan, these things How do I get it back!"

  Wen Yuanjing was stunned.

   Even Xiao Yuyan was taken aback, too shocked, "Such a big deal! Even a rich man like you can't come up with it!"

   "Who said that? You want me to get you thirty ships!" Bailiqing confessed excitedly.

Xiao Yuyan seemed to be missing a tendon. She didn't have any shyness as a child. Instead, she looked suspicious and disbelieving. Not missing any accessories!

   When they were bickering, Wen Yuanxing turned back again, and deliberately squeezed Bailiqing when he passed by, Bailiqing staggered and fell towards Xiao Yuyan.

   Xiao yuyan was not fortified, so she fell to the ground and kissed her face to face.

   This change made the guests dumbfounded, but even Wen Yuanxing didn't expect that if he bumped into it, he would cause such a mess, and he was stunned for a while.

   Xiao Yuyan, who had recovered, was furious, slapped her, and ran away angrily with her mouth covered.

   "Cousin!" Wen Yuanjing wanted to chase, but Bailiqing was faster than her and disappeared in a flash.

  Wen Yuanjing was so anxious that something would happen.

Xi Wanqin held her forehead with a headache, "they will take care of this on their own, girl Jing, leave it alone! Today is your wedding ceremony, and as a result, there are so many troubles! Now let's continue! As for the wedding ceremony, today, this palace has one more thing to announce. From today, this palace's niece Wen Yuanjing is the goddaughter recognized by the emperor and this palace, and she will be named Chaoyun County Lord, and will enjoy the fief of Luyi."

   "Big sister!" Chen Ningya exclaimed, she didn't know about this in advance.

Xi Wanqin smiled and said: "This is the emperor's intention, no matter if Jing girl wants to marry in Lingnan in the future, her fief will always be there, if her husband's family is not going well, she will return to her own fief, and you don't need to look at others. Act with a face."

   Chen Ningya's eyes were red and she murmured: "Eldest sister, you and your brother-in-law are so well-intentioned, even my biological mother is ashamed."

  Xi Wanqin laughed, "The emperor and I have a son and a daughter, and this girl has our eyesight, it should be! Now we have the ability to take care of it, if we can't do anything, we can't take care of it even if we want to!"

   These words are sincere. Since this is all said, Chen Ningya can only take advantage of the situation, and Wen Yuanjing immediately knelt down and thanked him.

  From today onwards, she is the Lord of Chaoyun County in Lingnan.

   All the guests bowed to her and thanked her. The unmarried sons looked at her with fiery eyes, but Wen Yuanjing was always calm, and her mind had already flown back to her small courtyard.

   and after the ceremony.

  Chen Ningya took Wen Yuanxing to Wen Yuanjing's small courtyard.

   Before I even got to the door, I was blocked by stacks of boxes.

   "What are these things?" Chen Ningya ducked from left to right, looking here and there, dazzled.

  Wen Yuanxing lowered his head and replied gloomily, "It's just a sugar-coated cannonball prepared by a sinister who covets my sister. Don't even look at it."

  Chen Ningya: "."

  The mother and son entered the yard with "hardships", and seeing Wen Yuanjing vigorously instructing the five girls to unpack the box in the yard, the excitement was something Chen Ningya had never seen before.

  Wen Yuanxing's expression became more and more ugly! She stepped forward and asked aggrievedly, "Second sister is so eager to get married?"

  Wen Yuanjing: "?????"

  Chen Ningya: "?????"

   Facing the suspicious and inquiring eyes of the two, Wen Yuanxing realized that Wen Yuanjing might not know what the other party was thinking, and he felt relieved, hehe smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm just talking nonsense."

   (end of this chapter)

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