Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 519: Go to Zhangjiagou

   Chapter 519 Go to Zhangjiagou

After leaving Sun's house, the sky has completely darkened. Fortunately, the current Fushan Village is not the old Fushan Village. The surrounding beasts have been cleaned up quickly, and there are still a few red lanterns hanging on the road leading to the Wen family's old house halfway up the mountain. Don't worry about walking at night.

   Wen Yuanhong was in a good mood after reminiscing about the old days with the villagers. Taking advantage of the wine, he even carried Hu Yiyun around laughing and circling all the way to get home.

   The next day, Wen Yuanhong, who woke up from a hangover, found that the sun had reached three poles, and the village chief, Boss Wu, was already waiting in the main room in the front yard. When Wen Yuanhong entered the door, he got up and saluted, but it seemed a bit nondescript.

  Wen Yuanhong waved his hand approachably, "The village chief doesn't need to be too polite. It stands to reason that you are still my elder, your own family, so you don't need to be so rude."

Boss Wu suddenly laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, but he didn't dare to recognize the relative, he sat down and laughed and said, "Yuanhong, you came back in time this time, I was worried that the villagers would bring up old things after the new year. , Seriously, I really don’t feel relieved about digging a pond in the mountains, but fortunately you talked to them carefully last night, and they all listened to it, this is really a big deal for me!”

Wen Yuanhong smiled humbly and said, "Don't say that, the village chief, you are all for the sake of the village, everyone knows that, but you can't turn around for a while, and no one will mention it again in the future, by the way, since the village chief Come here, just in time for me to ask you something.

When I came back this time, in addition to the outside, I still have some things to do. By the way, I also want to add some more clan fields and land to the family. I know that the village chief knows all about these ten miles and eight townships. I would like to ask you for help. Even tracts of mountains and fields or forests will do, I have to buy some of them all.

   In addition, the family also prepared some things for the villagers, as well as money. You can see what needs to be repaired in the village, or which people are having a hard time and need relief. You can arrange it yourself, I will not interfere. "

   Mr. Wu was overjoyed, patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter clearly for you."

  After leaving Wen's house, Boss Wu walked like the wind was blowing under his feet, his face was full of joy, and he couldn't even hide it.

   In just half a day, the whole village knew that Wen Yuanhong brought them something when he returned from the capital. When everyone was eagerly looking forward to it, Boss Wu had already taken a few villagers to deliver things from house to house.

   The person who received the package opened it and found a large package of delicate snacks, a large piece of bacon, some mixed preserved fruits, and a small bag of japonica rice.

"Yo! These things are not cheap!" After Zheng Cui sent Boss Wu and his party away, he was amazed at what he saw. Seeing his little grandson staring at the cakes, he swallowed and took a piece and put it in his hand, whispering with Tao Deren: " How much money does it cost to send this door to door! The Wen family has really become a big family now!"

  Tao Deren's voice was calm, with a bit of laughter and emotion, "Isn't this something you guessed long ago?"

"That's what I said! I just didn't expect it to be so fast!" Zheng Cui sighed with a long breath, thinking of her deceased mother-in-law, she joked: "Your mother was still trying to please Aning with me, and let me help our son. I plan to say that Jing girl is the same age as our son, so it is suitable!

   Where does it seem appropriate now? Even if we can't reach the Wen family with a single finger, we still think of Xiao Xiang's little girl, and we don't know where your mother's confidence comes from! "

When it comes to the deceased old lady, Tao Deren also looks like a big head, "Okay! How long have people been dead! Don't mention these things about Chen Zhi's rotten millet, I heard that Yuan Hong came back with his wife and daughter, If you have nothing to do, bring something and ask Madam Fu to come over to sit and talk."

Zheng Cui did not refuse, so she went to Sun's house with some eggs and two old hens that she had saved at home. She planned to go to Wen's house with Ye's family, but she didn't expect to hear about Chen Ningya at Sun's house. It's not good. Other village women's reactions were similar to Zheng Cui's, and some people kept thinking about whether they had offended Chen Ningya.

  So, in less than half a day, the whole Fushan Village knew that the wife of the Wen family was unusual, and the rumors became more and more exaggerated, but Wen Yuanhong and Hu Yiyun knew nothing.

   At this time, Wen Yuanhong had already got into the carriage and took a team to Zhangjiagou. According to the prior agreement, Lao Jitou should have entered Zhangjiagou at this time and temporarily lived in the village as a medicine dealer.

   When Wen Yuanhong arrived in Zhangjiagou, he did not go to Lao Jitou directly, but went to Zhang Jin's house first.

   Relying on the Wen family all these years, Zhangjiagou has long since been lifted out of poverty. Although it is not wealthy, it is definitely not the kind of backcountry that beggars would despise when they saw it.

After the Zhang family got money, they split up. Zhang Jin and his wife lived with the eldest family. The arrival of Wen Yuanhong made the whole Zhang family flourish. With "Okay", the joy and satisfaction in his eyes seemed to overflow.

   He was still too excited until he sat down, and shivered as he spoke, "Son, your father and they are all alright!"

Wen Yuanhong nodded respectfully, "Don't worry, my uncle, my parents are all right! I just came back from the outside world, and I just came to have a look, thinking that I used to come here with my father to catch the wild geese before, and just happened to revisit the old place, this time I will also If you want to go into the mountains, maybe you can give your uncle a game to taste!"

"You also want to go into the mountain?" Zhang Jinhu shook his head with this face, "No way, now that the mountain is covered by heavy snow, it is impossible to enter. A medicine dealer came to the village a while ago, and he also said that he wanted to go into the mountain to find medicine, but he was arrested. We stopped it. At this time, we don’t know what’s going on in the mountains. If it is buried by the falling snow on the tree, we just can’t find anyone! Children, listen to your uncle, you must not go in now!”

Wen Yuanhong turned his head to the side, looked at the vast mountains through the window, turned back, and smiled quietly, "Uncle said it very well, if that's the case, I won't go now until the snow melts, right, that Is the pharmacist still in the village?"

  Zhang Jin nodded, "Here! I live in the village chief's house. If you are curious, you can go and see it. You are a jinshi, and the village chief knows that you have been there, so there must be big fish and meat to entertain you!"

  Wen Yuanhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He shook his head repeatedly, got up and said, "Then I'll go and have a look first, and come back later. Uncle doesn't need to talk about it, I can just eat something at will."

  After Wen Yuanhong went out, the servants brought in the gift prepared for the Zhang family.

   Mrs. Fang, Mrs. Zhang Jin, opened the box immediately after the person left, and found that there were not only food but also supplements in it.

   Zhang Jin couldn't see it, and couldn't help but complain: "It's like I've never seen anything good!"

Mr. Fang rolled his eyes at him, "I've never seen so many good things! Ouch! This is a bird's nest! I've seen it a few times in the town, and I'm not willing to spend this money, the boss, your grand-nephew. Really good!"

   (end of this chapter)

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