Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 527: new first assistant

   Chapter 527 New First Auxiliary

  The truth is that Feng Gelao doesn't understand, it is because he understands that he becomes more and more aggrieved. With Chen Kun's lessons learned, he has no courage to make him rebel, and there is really no other way to vent his anger.

   Mr. Xu Ge saw that Mr. Feng was getting more and more angry, so he tentatively said: "Why don't we find someone to kill Dai Yuyang, so that the position of Mr. Ge will be vacated?"

Old Feng Ge paused and shook his head, "No! Without Dai Yuyang and Zhuo Mingxuan Congli, both of them have a more sacred heart than us, especially Congli, don't look at this guy like a stone in a kennel Smelly and hard, it's all fake, in front of the emperor, he is a licking dog, coaxing the emperor to the point where he can't find the North! Unless all three of them are eliminated, or I will be the first assistant Possibly almost insignificant."

   Although he was so angry that his head hurt, he was still awake and rational, and would not do such a stupid thing.

   When Elder Xu Ge heard that he was going to kill so many people, he shrank his neck and stopped talking.

  Since they can’t kill people and they don’t have the courage to rebel, they can only recognize it by pinching their noses.

   After a long while, Feng Ge said quietly: "I always want to capture Qian Quan. Now that the right is gone, the money can't be lost! You keep the word, and this year's filial piety will be doubled!"

   Old Xu Ge was stunned, "Brother, this year's tax is halved, but you have to double your filial piety. Where does the money come from?"

Feng Ge doesn't care, "Where does the love come from, I have honored them over the years and kept them safe, and they have also benefited from it themselves. Now I just want them to bleed more, if they can't show it, I will Make room as soon as possible, and there are people who can do things for us!"

  Xu Ge always saw that Feng Ge was always eating the scales, and he couldn't make sense, so he stopped persuading him and left uneasy.

  The turmoil in the capital has not affected the place yet.

  The scorching sun in the midsummer scorched the earth, but it didn't rain for a few days, and the land on the official road seemed to be cracked. The carriage passed by, the stones fell on the ground, and the dust was raised, and it took a long time to dissipate.

Wen Yuan lay quietly in the carriage, letting the five maids take turns to fan her, and closed her eyes in distress. They set out from Lingnan in the late spring and went all the way to play. She had already adapted to this rhythm. You can sleep peacefully in a rickety carriage.

   After hearing the even breathing, the five maids looked at each other and gestured for a long time.

   In the end, Weichun and Hongling stayed behind to fan Wen Yuanjing, and the other three maids walked out.

  The driver was trying his best to drive the car when he saw three girls and asked in a low voice, "Is the princess asleep?"

  Nixia nodded and asked in a low voice, "Where are we now?"

  The driver stared at the road and said, "I have already entered the territory of Dizhou. I will try my best to catch up. I will find a better inn before dark, and I will be able to enter the city tomorrow."

  Nixia nodded slowly, looked at the carriage ahead, and asked, "What does the old lady have to explain?"

  The coachman shook his head, "No, the old lady only said that when she entered the palace, she would go to another courtyard first, but the other side didn't say anything."

  Nixia and Erqiu looked at each other, thinking about how to answer Xiao Guang.

At noon the next day, a group of people finally entered the Dizhou City. He said that Xiao Guang's gifts for Wen Yuanjing alone were too many to fit in dozens of carriages, plus the gifts from Lingnan Emperor and the Xi family, as well as the congratulations that Wen Yuanjing and her received, scattered in pieces. Scattered, there were actually two hundred carriages.

   Even the prefect was alarmed by this battle.

   "Do you know what the other party is from? He came to Dizhou to do business?" The prefect asked the housekeeper calmly.

  The butler shook his head without thinking, "It doesn't look like a businessman, the guards who **** things look well-trained, like officers and soldiers, and wear like ordinary guards."

  The prefect put down the things in his hand and asked in doubt, "Then how do you know that they are officers and soldiers?"

The housekeeper sneered and said: "Master, Xiaoxiao has been by your side for so many years, and you still have such a little vision. Although those people have restrained a lot, the inadvertently revealing chills can still make people see some clues. , Usually those who have this kind of momentum are either officers or soldiers or bandits. How dare the bandits dare to sway the market? So I guess that those people are officers and soldiers in all likelihood."

  Tubo merged into Daqi and became a part of Daqi. The emperor's prestige reached a climax. How could the bandits not have a meeting to emerge at such a time?

The    prefect nodded with satisfaction and thought: "Such a big battle is escorted by officers and soldiers. The identity of the person who came here must be unusual, let's explore!"

   "Yes!" The butler left in a hurry, but he came back after half an hour, panting, his eyes widened in shock, and he stammered to report: "My lord is going to the Wen's house!"

   "It's the Wen family again?" The prefect suddenly stood up, his eyes rolling wildly, "But Wen Yuanhong?"

  The housekeeper shook his head, "It shouldn't be. The people below have been watching. Wen Tongjuan is still staying in the Zhizhai Village in Qing'an County and has not left."

The prefect's brows furrowed even tighter, "It's not Wen Yuanhong, it can't be Wen Yuanliang and Wen Youshan, the Wen family also has a young son, so it shouldn't be, so it's a female family member! Which female family member came to Dizhou with such a big fanfare? ? Could it be?”

   The prefect thought of that possibility, and immediately asked the housekeeper to call his wife over.

  Chen Ningya had just entered the Wen Family Courtyard, and all the dignitaries in Dizhou were moving.

   At this time, she was so hot that she was fanning her handkerchief. Seeing Wen Yuanjing just woke up, she was so full of admiration, "It's so hot today, how did you sleep so soundly in the car?"

  Wen Yuanjing blinked her eyes and muttered innocently, "A calm mind is naturally cool! I have always been at peace with everything, and I can support myself very well!"

  Chen Ningya's mouth twitched fiercely, and she found that she couldn't talk anymore, so she turned to Lan Shu and asked, "Are those things escorted here?"

"Ma'am, everyone has followed into the city, but there are too many things, and I don't know how to arrange them." Lan Shu was a little worried, so many things couldn't be loaded on the carriage all the time. It would be a tossing person to unload them and then load them away, as if how to arrange them. Neither is right.

  Chen Ningya also knew that this was a big problem, she was silent for a moment, then looked at Wen Yuanjing, "What do you want to bring back to the capital?"

   Wen Yuanjing was stunned for a moment, and after knowing what Chen Ningya was asking, she said with a guilty conscience, "The gifts that I and Ji received are probably going to be put back."

   "Of course, those will be your dowry when the time comes." Chen Ningya was noncommittal and didn't think deeply at all.

   Blue Silk on the side heard this, and was relieved immediately. Most of those things belonged to Wen Yuanjing. As long as her things are settled, the rest will be arranged.

   (end of this chapter)

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