Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 539: Confrontation at Qianqing Palace

   Chapter 539 Confrontation at the Qianqing Palace

Xiao Guang hooked the corners of his mouth thoughtfully, and smiled casually: "Didn't the queen mother already see it? These people claim to be incompetent and can't serve the court. I was just thinking about it, counting down what they have done, yes It's not really just taking salaries and not doing things, if it's really useless, you can really consider letting them go to work and return to the field, after all, the court doesn't raise incompetent people, doesn't it?"

   "Nonsense!" The Empress Dowager sternly scolded: "This place is full of pillars of the court, which one is the one who eats leisurely? It's too chilling for the emperor to say that!"

These words came to everyone's heart, and Feng Ge cried and cried: "The empress dowager, the old minister is useless! From the emperor's accession to the present, no matter the big or small matter, our cabinet has not done anything, and the old minister really feels deeply. Powerless, it’s okay to separate Lingnan and attack Tubo before. After all, it has already happened, and it will be hard to recover, but this is not only a family matter, but also a state matter. The emperor has not discussed it with the cabinet for half a sentence. What do you mean by the existence of our cabinet?"

When Dai Yuyang heard the words, he was immediately dissatisfied, and frowned: "Feng Ge's words are not good, this official has been very busy since he took office until now, no matter the big or small matters in the local area, the emperor will discuss with the ministers and others, that is Mobei. The military has all been mentioned, why is the cabinet now so useless?"

   Mr. Xu Ge retorted: "The cabinet did not participate in such a big thing after the establishment!"

Cong Li sneered and said, "I've been doing it for a long time, but it's not because I didn't ask you what you mean? Hmph! It's as if you participated in the emperor and will listen to you, and I don't care if your daughter is so lucky. !"

   "Lord Cong, what do you mean by this?" Feng Ge was so angry that his face was red and his neck was thick.

  The Queen Mother was angry, "Enough! This is the courtroom, not your backyard! Let's fight back!"

After finishing speaking, the queen mother looked directly at Xiao Guang and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, it seems that today's affairs have a great relationship with the Empress Li. Since the Ai family is already here, let's just ask the emperor. This candidate has never disclosed a word, does the emperor plan to announce it to the world on the wedding day?"

   "Not right?" Xiao Guang asked rhetorically.

The queen mother said with a straight face, "Of course it's not right! The selection of the queen must be based on the eight characters of the emperor's birthday, which is calculated by Qin Tianjian. The mother of the country, you must be born high enough to be able to intimidate the three palaces and six courtyards, if you have a low background, how can you take charge of the phoenix seal and make the other concubines in the harem convinced?"

   "Haha." Xiao Guang suddenly laughed.

  The people in the hall are all inexplicable, and they look at each other without knowing why.

  The Queen Mother frowned slightly, thinking of the royal family, she became confident again.

Xiao Guang slowly stood up from the dragon chair, went down the steps slowly, and muttered: "Original! What a background! If I remember correctly, the Queen Mother's family was only a small tribe in the southwest. Is it a small tribe or a good one, strictly speaking, it should be a mountain bandit."

   "You're presumptuous!" The Queen Mother glared angrily, her hands under her long sleeves clenched tightly.

  Manchu civil and military officials did not expect that Xiao Guang would say such a thing, and they were all so frightened that they did not dare to breathe.

Xiao Guang laughed arrogantly and said with his hands behind his back: "The Empress Dowager, don't forget that although I became the emperor, I never adopted it, and it has nothing to do with the royal family! I respect you as the empress dowager just to see. In terms of the royal uncle's face, of course, there is also the empress dowager's current affairs, the empress dowager has been doing very well before, and I am quite satisfied, but now it seems that the empress dowager is a bit out of line!"

   "Your Majesty! What are you talking nonsense about?" The Empress Dowager stared at Xiao Guang, wishing to eat him.

However, Xiao Guang continued: "The Queen Mother, this time is different from the past! Daqi is no longer the former Daqi, and Mobei is not the former Mobei. You have been in the Millennium Hall for a long time, and your brain has degenerated? Don't you? Delusional finger pointing at me, or else.”

   "Otherwise what?" The Empress Dowager confronted Xiao Guang angrily.

   The two of them pointed to Maimang, and neither would let the other.

Xiao Guang put away his smiling face, his expression changed, and he commanded with dignity: "Pass my will, the queen mother is worried about the late emperor, and wants to go to the imperial mausoleum to guard the tomb, I am sure! If anyone has a difference, you can go together! Absolutely not!"

   "Xiao Guang!" The Empress Dowager roared hoarsely, her fierce eyes turning into knives and falling on Xiao Guang.

  Xiao Guang sneered: "I really can't guess what the Queen Mother's head is holding? Shit? Just a reminder, when you are thinking about your parents' family, don't forget that you have a son!"

   This is a blatant threat.

  The Queen Mother was dizzy with anger, but Xiao Guang was cold-hearted and cold-hearted, watching the Queen Mother being held down embarrassedly.

  The whole room was silent.

Feng Gelao and others were stunned by Xiao Guang's handwriting. They thought that they were numerous and powerful, and the emperor had some scruples. In addition, the queen mother came forward to put pressure on them. Because of filial piety and the face of the royal family, the emperor was unwilling and had to Giving in, who knows that this is an unreasonable play, and actually sent the queen mother in front of them, so how can they continue?

  What's more troublesome is that the words of Zhishi have already been said, and it will be hard to get over the water. Unless the emperor gives them the steps, it is really possible for them to all go to the office. How could this happen?

  Some ministers who were fooled by Feng Ge were shocked and angry at this time. If they were not still in the hall, they would have gathered around and asked Feng Ge to explain.

The grand master who was fooled by Feng Ge was in a hurry. He saw Prince Li in a panic, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and cried: "Prince Li, you can't watch the emperor play like this! Even if the empress dowager is not the emperor's biological mother and adoptive mother, That is also the empress dowager who is serious! How can you say that if you go to guard the mausoleum, you should go to guard the mausoleum? If even the empress dowager is gone, this harem will be."

   Taifu's voice stopped abruptly, he suddenly came to his senses, and looked at the emperor in shock.

The emperor stared at him incredulously, and smiled evilly, "I guessed it! What if I guessed it? Now I give you a choice, go back to the field or stay in the court, I count to three, and you will give me an answer immediately. One, two"

   "I am willing to continue to serve the court!" Taifu's old face turned red, and he had to surrender.

  Others also expressed their willingness to continue to serve the imperial court when they heard Taifu's answer, but Xiao Guang remained silent.

   Congli looked at it in a fog, not knowing why, and anxiously asked Zhuo Mingxuan in a low voice, "Why did the emperor accept it when he didn't see it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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