Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 54: What to eat on New Year's Eve

   Chapter 54 What to Eat on New Year's Eve

   After hearing the words, several children looked at Chen Ningya with hope in their eyes.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. No matter how poor the Wen family used to be, the Zhang family would try their best to make a table of delicious food on this day. Although the meat was only five or six pieces, and the fish was only two or three palm-sized, it was enough for children. They are happy.

   Not only did the family build a new house this year, but there was also a pile of food in the cellar, which suddenly changed from the poorest in the village to the richest in the village. No matter what, they couldn’t eat worse than other families.

  Chen Ningya looked at the big and five small with a funny look, and said angrily: "This look is like how I usually treat you so harshly."

   Wen Youshan's head shook like a rattle.

Wen Yuanliang hurriedly said: "Mother, don't tease my father, that's not what my father meant, to be honest, what we have eaten this year is not bad, although it is also brown rice porridge, but the porridge is thicker than other people's, and the ingredients are sufficient. , we've never been hungry."

Wen Yuanliang is telling the truth. The conditions of the Sun family are not bad in the village. He used to find Sun Qingwan to see Grandma Sun cooking often, and the porridge was better than the ones they used to eat. It was still thin, but The Sun family has a kind of beans, and the porridge has beans in it. It looks like porridge and bean rice. It’s weird, but it can be filled, but it’s definitely not as good as theirs.

   "That's right, mother sees that I've grown half a head this year, and I can't wear my previous clothes. Fortunately, my mother made me new clothes, and I'll put them on tomorrow." Wen Yuanzhen echoed Wen Yuanliang.

   The other three little ones also boasted.

  Chen Ningya was almost blown away by what they said, looked at them and said, "It seems that you both decided to have a good meal tomorrow."

   Everyone nodded in unison.

   "It's done, then we'll have a good meal tomorrow, and don't drink porridge. Mother will give you pancakes."

   "Wow! Let's eat pancakes..." The children danced with excitement, jumping and jumping, as if they were about to lift the roof off.

   Even the quietest Wen Yuanjing cheered. Wen Yuanxing didn't even know what pancakes were, but seeing how happy his elder brothers and sisters were, he also followed along.

  Chen Ningya's mouth raised unconsciously, looking at the children's smiles greedily.

   Wen Youshan stared at her quietly, his eyes full of tenderness.

   The next day, just as the sky was bright, Chen Ningya got up. The new house was bright and warm. When she walked out of the room, she realized that there were small snowflakes in the sky.

Chen Ningya sighed and rubbed her hands and went to the next room to take a look. Wen Yuanzhen and Wen Yuanjing were sleeping sweetly, while the two boys in the other room were sleeping soundly. , One kicked the quilt and the other rolled the quilt. Chen Ningya quietly went in and covered them with the quilt. Fortunately, she didn't put the youngest in this room.

   After finishing these, she took the candles and went down to the cellar. Since she wants to eat delicious food, she can't be stingy. It is only once a year, and the children must be able to eat it.

Fortunately, she froze the fish and shrimp that she brought back from the last rush to the sea. Now they are still fresh. I kept two pheasants before. Together with the pork ribs and trotters that I cut yesterday, I can make braised chestnuts. Pig trotters, braised prawns, stir-fried octopus, steamed fish, roasted pheasant, pork ribs and taro soup, seafood noodles, including pork, kelp, shell meat, octopus, shrimp, as long as you have seafood at home. Put a little bit, it is guaranteed to be delicious, and the pancakes promised to the children are made with pure white noodles and pork stuffing, which is absolutely fragrant.

  It takes a lot of oil to make a table like this. Fortunately, she boiled a lot of lard before and bought some sesame oil yesterday.

When Chen Ningya walked out of the cellar, the sky became brighter again, and the snow seemed to be falling even more. Everyone said that the snow was a good year. Everyone said that it was a good omen when it snowed on the 30th of the Chinese New Year. Laughing, she trotted into the stove with her things. Although it was a cold pot, it was not too warm compared to the outside. She quickly lit the fire and boiled water, and washed the ingredients before the water boiled.

I still ate brown rice porridge in the morning, but because I bought a few kilograms of pork, Chen Ningya was not stingy, she put it down a little, plus eggs and shrimp, the breakfast is not bad, besides, the children are looking forward to the big dinner in the evening. They don't mind giving them water in the morning.

One by one, the children were like Shunfeng. They woke up when they heard movement in the kitchen. The older children helped Chen Ningya and washed things. Wen Yuanhong led his younger brothers and sisters to study calligraphy in the hall. It was cold. Can't get out, the three of them can play for most of the day holding the sand table.

Wen Youshan rarely slept in, and when he walked out of the room, he saw the busy lady and the cheerful child laughing unconsciously. Hand, turned around and entered the stove, "Miss, do you need me to do something?"

  Chen Ningya said without looking back: "Since you wake up, let's prepare, don't we have to worship our ancestors today?"

The custom of    ancestor worship has been handed down from the past, and the ancestors of the Chinese New Year should also eat something good.

  Wen Youshan nodded silently, "Then I'm going to invite out the ancestral tablet?"

Chen Ningya had nothing to do with it. When she finished her work and ran to the front yard, she saw black lines all over her head. She had wondered where the ancestral tablet of the Wen family was placed, but she never expected it to be stored in Zhang's closet. , Seriously, she has never touched Zhang's things. If she opened Zhang's wardrobe unknowingly, she would not be scared to death when she saw these tablets.

  Wen Youshan looked at Chen Ningya's indescribable expression, rubbed her head and smiled embarrassedly: "Before the family was small, there was nothing I could do. I couldn't offer the tablet to the main room, what kind of words were people coming and going."

Of course, the more important point is that he is afraid of Chen Ningya's anger. In the past, Chen Ningya was the most particular. She never participated in ancestor worship. With a face, Mrs. Zhang sneered a lot for this, Wen Youshan was not good at being a man, so he simply made an excuse to put away the memorial tablets of his ancestors and invited them out every year when he worshipped his ancestors.

   Mr. Zhang originally disagreed, but his family was like this. If he disagreed, there would be no place to place the ancestral tablet, so he just turned a blind eye and let Wen Youshan arrange it.

  Chen Ningya saw him like this and knew not only the reason, but she also knew what kind of virtue she was in the past, sighed in her heart, and felt more and more that she was nothing before.

  Perhaps because of guilt, Chen Ningya offered to propose: "Since we all live in the backyard now, let's clean up my mother's room and place the ancestral tablet. From now on, there will be three pillars of fragrance every day, what do you think?"

  Wen Youshan was stunned in surprise, and it took a while for him to regain his senses and nodded desperately.

  Looking at how excited he was, he was happier than making money.

   (end of this chapter)

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