Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 553: Liao Shijun's thoughts

   Chapter 553 Liao Shijun's Mind

Compared with the various disappointments and dissatisfaction of the four beauties, Xu Tang and the others seemed to gloat over the misfortune. The candidates for the queen were rumored to have noses and eyes, and they almost believed it to be true and never thought about themselves, so when the results came out, they only looked at it for fun. By the way, let's joke about Yao Biyu and others.

In the past, for the sake of being able to have a queen among the four, there is no banquet that the four of them can't be left behind. Now it's alright, everyone will go to each other in the future, and they won't have to see those women who make them upset in the future. After all, they don't have enough identities and their knowledge is shallow. They have to be polite to them when they come, not to mention too much.

"It's good now, you don't have to condescend to see those pretentious things in the future! Humph! I said before, unless the emperor is blind, how can he see such things!" Xu Tang Smiling proudly, while throwing fish food into the pond, he looked at Liao Shijun from the corner of his eye, with that complacent look as if she was the one who was crowned the queen.

Liao Shijun followed with a smile, but his brows were always wrinkled, and he sighed: "If I want to say that this queen is better than one of the four women, now there is a dark horse, we even know what she looks like. I don't know my temperament, and I don't know what to do to prevent it in the future.

Moreover, the emperor is both a prince and a prince. The Wen family's favor is too much. If it is not flattering, then it is really love. With such a queen who has won the emperor's heart and has a deep background, we will It is because she is fortunate to enter the palace in the future and wants to make a living under her hands, I am afraid it will be even more difficult. "

Upon hearing this, Xu Tang threw all the fish food into the pond and hummed, "I think you are just arrogant to others and destroy your own prestige! No matter how much the emperor praises the Wen family, it can't change the fact that the Wen family has a weak foundation! Besides, Everything the Wen family has now is promoted by the emperor, if the queen falls out of favor in the future, will everything in the Wen family survive? It's just a matter of the emperor's words!"

Saying that, Xu Tang lowered her eyes and lowered her voice a lot, "Also, I'll tell you quietly, don't make a fuss, of course, all of this may just be guesswork, my father said that the national treasury's expenditures for next year have been drawn up, originally The cabinet also included the budget for the selection of concubine, but the emperor crossed it out without saying a word, and said that it is better to support the construction of Mobei if you have the spare money. Listening to my father, the emperor has no plans. Choosing a concubine, at least next year is impossible!"

  Liao Shijun's complexion changed greatly when he heard this, and his hands under his sleeves were inexplicably clenched, "Are you sure?"

Xu Tang shook his head, "I don't know! My father and the others have heard from several adults in the cabinet. You also know that the cabinet has gone to two, and now there are only three left. One is slippery and one is slippery. It's as hard as the sky, but my father said to prepare for the worst. He said that he would let me delay for one more year at most, and he would show me his family next year. If there is no news in the year after that, he will take my marriage at the end of next year. given."

   "How can this be!" Liao Shijun thumped the table angrily and stood up abruptly.

   Xu Tang was taken aback by her, "Sister Liao, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did Liao Shijun realize that he was a little rude. He twitched the corners of his mouth. He wanted to show a smile, but he couldn't. He continued to sit back and said in a distraught: "Aren't you disappointed? What? Could it be that he still wants to spoil himself alone? It's just a joke!"

   said so, but the jealousy in her eyes could no longer be hidden.

Xu Tang didn't pay attention, and replied subconsciously: "How do we know about this matter, which of the things the emperor has done since he ascended the throne has not caught everyone's eyes! What is even more surprising is that he has become every time! Even if you want to make a fuss about those things, you can't make a fuss! Seriously, these things the emperor has done are enough for him to be famous in history. Even if he is absurd in women's sex, he can't hide his faults, so I don't think much of the emperor's maverick. strangeness.

   I'm just curious, what kind of woman can be so favored by the emperor? I heard that this second Miss Wen is also the niece of the Queen of Lingnan. When she went to Lingnan, she was liked by the Queen of Lingnan and her husband. The experienced county masters don't have this kind of treatment! "

Speaking of Lingnan, Liao Shijun's face turned pale again. Before, she had been persuading herself that the queen came from a humble background, but the Wen family sealed the Duke and the Hou Ye, and this background is not comparable to the Liao family, but she ignored the Wen family. relationship with Lingnan.

   Now that Second Miss Wen has been conferred, at a lighter level, it is said that there is a queen from the Duke’s mansion, and at a more serious level, it is a marriage between the two countries. How can she be compared with the Lingnan County Master when she is just a young lady of the Taifu family?

   The more he thought about Liao Shijun's face, the more ugly his face became, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

   "Sister Liao, what's wrong with you?" Xu Tang asked suspiciously when she noticed Liao Shijun's strangeness.

  Liao Shijun just wanted to say nothing but couldn't open his mouth, tears of resentment suddenly fell unsatisfactorily.

  Xu Tang was startled, and hurriedly leaned over and handed over the handkerchief, "What's wrong? What's there to cry about?"

   Xu Tang's eyes suddenly widened, "Could it be that you like the emperor?"

Liao Shijun was startled by her words, his head shook like a rattle, and his eyes flickered: "It's nothing, it's just that when I was young, my grandfather always said that our girls are going to the palace, and I have always thought so myself. , I suddenly heard what you said, and I couldn't accept it."

Xu Tang then smiled relievedly, "What am I going to do! In my opinion, Sister Liao's mind is too heavy. As long as this girl in the capital has a qualified family background, who wouldn't tell the woman like this? My father also said that, but he didn't mention it for the past two years. You have to learn from me, and you want to open up a little bit. It is best to enter the palace. of.

   Although she is not as noble as the empresses in the palace, she is the master of the house and she is also the first wife. No one else can compare to this! "

  Liao Shijun nodded insincerely, "Sister said very well, it's getting late, I should go back too."

   Xu Tang didn't stop her, and sent the person out of the house in person. Seeing Liao Shijun getting into the carriage, her face immediately turned cold.

   Huang Ying, the personal maid, stood obediently behind Xu Tang and said, "Miss, it's getting dark, we should go in."

  Xu Tang stood for a while before moving, and said with a cold face to Huang Ying, "Later, Miss Liao will find an excuse to push when she sends a post to the door."

   "Miss?" Huang Ying was shocked, obviously the two young ladies had a good relationship, why did they break up all of a sudden?

   (end of this chapter)

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