Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 559: say and

   Chapter 559 Saying and

"No way! Auntie, don't make fun of me! I came here today to discuss something important with you." Zhuo Qianyu sold out, Lin was always smart, and he guessed it at once, and his eyes suddenly lit up, " Any news? Whose?"

   Zhuo Qianyu nodded, leaned closer and said, "It's Liu Yueru, one of the four beauties in the capital who has been passed down for a long time."

"Liu Yueru?" Lin shi frowned, went through it carefully in her mind, and found that she had no impression, but she didn't deny it directly, but asked curiously, "What is so special about this girl? Did you catch your eye?"

   Zhuo Qianyu gave Lin Shi a strange look, "Auntie, the first condition that catches my eye is character, you know that!"

   Lin nodded. She knew what kind of temperament Zhuo Qianyu was. If the other party's character was not good, Zhuo Qianyu would be too lazy to take a second look, "Then what?"

Zhuo Qianyu continued, "In addition to his good character, his appearance is not bad. Otherwise, how could he be among the four beauties in the capital? But what made me look up to her was the fact that the selection of the queen was rumored to be true. Look at Zhang Xue Yao Biyu, the fact that they will enter the palace tomorrow with their nostrils facing the sky is ridiculous, but this Liu Yueru is rarely sober.

Not only is she not arrogant or impetuous, she even looks like she is staying out of the way, because she is helpless when she is targeted after the election. She hides if she can't be provoked, and suffers if she can't hide. She also knows how to look for a protective umbrella, so she looks smart and sensible. Yes, it's just an ordinary family. The Liu family is not an aristocratic family. It's just because there was a big Liu talent who jumped into the farm gate. If my aunt minds, I don't say it. "

Now it's Lin's turn to give Zhuo Qianyu a roll of eyes, "If I had cared about these things, I wouldn't have been staring at your sister-in-law, but it's a pity that someone took the lead, we can't provoke this person! Since you said this Miss Liu It's so good, I'm going to find a chance to meet you."

"How do I see you?" Zhuo Qianyu was curious. Now that the empress was chosen, Simei in the capital suddenly fell from the cloud to the mud pond, and no one cared about it. Given the family background of the Liu family, she really could not think of any occasion for the Lin family to meet Liu. Moon like.

   Lin Shi couldn't help but glance at Zhuo Qianyu, "It's not to look down on people! Although the Liu family's family background is not obvious, but there is a place where you don't need to choose your identity, anyone can go!"

   "Where?" Zhuo Qianyu became more and more curious.

   Lin pointed to the outskirts, with a natural look, "Scented! Stupid!"

   Zhuo Qianyu: "." You are smart.

   Returning from Zhuo Bufan's mansion, Zhuo Qianyu seemed to have relieved himself of a worry, and now he only needs to be busy with Wen Yuanjing's dowry.

   Thinking of this, she couldn't help but have a headache, and she never dreamed that her mother-in-law could have a queen, so what the old saying goes, thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi, it really suits the Wen family!

   At the end of the twelfth lunar month, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and there is no queen mother in the palace, and everything has to be handled directly by Xiao Guang.

  The chief **** of the Internal Affairs Office used to be Li De. Because the empress dowager stepped down, he was also unlucky and was arrested by Dali Temple. Now the **** brought up is Xiao Guang's confidant Zhang Xi.

Zhang Xi is very discerning. Knowing that Xiao Guang is busy with government affairs, he is impatient to deal with these matters, so he specially went to the imperial study and asked Xiao Guang for instructions: "Your Majesty, this servant knows that you have a lot of things to do, so you can't take care of the palace. These trivial matters, so the servant wondered if he could hand over some palace affairs to the Empress to decide?"

Xiao Guangzheng was busy reviewing the memorials, and when he heard this, he paused and gave Zhang Xi a look, "Yes, this is a good way, anyway, the queen will be entering the palace soon, so it is not unreasonable to let her familiarize herself with the palace affairs first. All right, I'll leave this to you!"

   "The servant obeys!" Zhang Xi smiled attentively and withdrew respectfully.

   Eunuch Liu watched in amazement, and in his heart he called Zhang Xi a talent! Just this flattering, maybe he will take his place in the future. Thinking of this, Eunuch Liu couldn't sit still, and he asked Xiao Guang carefully: "Your Majesty, what do you think about the New Year's Day? When it arrives, many local officials will come to Beijing this year, and people from Lingnan are expected to arrive soon, so the servants can start preparing?"

  Xiao Guang was silent for a moment, rubbed his chin and thought: "Don't worry about this, give them some instructions first, let them pick their heads in the morning, build a momentum, and then everything will fall into place."

   "Yes!" Eunuch Liu hurriedly responded.

   Within two days, news of the selection of a concubine came out in the capital, and it was really a few joys and sorrows.

  Wen Youshan came back from the outside with an angry look on his face, and said to Chen Ningya, "Pack up, let's move our family to Lingnan."

   "What's wrong?" Chen Ningya looked at Wen Youshan in surprise, "Who messed with you?"

   Wen Yuanliang also entered the door with a calm face.

  Chen Ningya's eyes wandered between their father and son.

  Wen Youshan angrily kicked Wen Yuanliang's leg, "It's all your fault! Back then, I didn't agree with your sister's entry into the palace, but you insisted on agreeing, now it's alright! She was tricked to death by you!"

  Wen Yuanliang frowned, rarely did not refute.

   Chen Ningya's heart sank, her face turned cold, and she asked, "What's going on?"

Wen Youshan saw that Chen Ningya was unhappy, and only then did she realize that she hadn't gone out, and she probably didn't know anything, and immediately said indignantly what she heard outside, "This morning, a bunch of people went up to the emperor to choose a concubine. , also said that this is the ancestor's rule, it can't be broken, the emperor didn't say a word, everyone said that the emperor had this idea, and they were thinking about sending his daughter into the palace!

   When I was walking on the street before, everyone looked at me with envy, but now it’s just mockery, I’m really annoyed! No, I can't swallow this breath, I'll go tell the second girl, our family moves to Lingnan, whoever likes this queen will do it! "

   Wen Youshan said that he was about to get up.

  Chen Ningya reprimanded with a stern face: "Sit down! I've been to Mobei, but I'm good at it! I don't know what the situation is, so I'm so impulsive, who can I do it for!"

  Wen Youshan was like being poured a basin of cold water, his eyes were red and stubborn, "I was against it from the beginning. If the second girl didn't enter the palace, there would not be so many messes!"

Chen Ningya had a headache as she held her forehead, and her tone softened, "Okay, I know what you mean, but this matter can't be changed, and acting with anger will only make everyone unable to come down from the stage. Fortunately, the emperor has not made a statement yet, let's see. Come on, second girl."

   "Mother, I heard everything!" Wen Yuanjing's voice came from outside the door.

   Only then did everyone realize that she didn't know when she was standing there, and they didn't know how much she had listened to.

Wen Youshan was a little flustered, "Girl, don't be sad, with your father here, you will definitely not be wronged. Besides, aren't you still the county master of Lingnan? No, let's go to Lingnan and live a happy life. Forget those nasty guys!"

   (end of this chapter)

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