Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 562: the arrival of the envoy

   Chapter 562 The Envoy Arrives

   "Mother, you called us over in such a hurry, could it be that your old clam is pregnant with a pearl?" Zhuo Qianxun said incoherent words as soon as he entered the door.

Dong's excited face suddenly froze, and he picked up the small objects around him and greeted him directly, "Stinky boy, don't talk to me if the dog can't spit out ivory, what kind of sin have I done? You are mad at me!"

   Zhuo Qianxun exaggeratedly hid and shouted, "Mother, you are murdering your own son!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped heavily on the back of his head, and Zhuo Mingxuan said faintly like a ghost: "It's not that your mother wants to murder her own son, it's that your father didn't plan to let you go!"

   Zhuo Qianxun's face changed greatly, and he hid behind Zhuo Qianyi in fright.

   Zhuo Qianyu took him out "gently", "What kind of words! Sit well."

   Zhuo Qianxun wanted to cry but had no tears, but he couldn't hide, so he could only bite the bullet and lowered his head, hoping that his mother would hurry up and get down to business, or he would really be murdered by his father's eyes.

   Dong shi couldn't help rolling his eyes when he looked so cowardly, and muttered, "I don't know if the Xu family is blind, but they are willing to marry their daughter to you!"

   "What?" Everyone looked at Dong Shi in astonishment, and then their eyes fell on Zhuo Qianxun with a suspicious look on their faces.

   Zhuo Qianxun was innocent and pitiful, shaking his head frantically, "I don't know! It has nothing to do with me!"

   "Mother, what's going on?" Zhuo Qianzhao looked directly at Mr. Dong, too lazy to answer Zhuo Qianxun.

Mr. Dong put away his joking thoughts, and told about the matchmaker's visit, "I just don't understand. Now the whole capital is rumored to choose a concubine. According to the Xu family's conditions, Xu Shang Shuguan worships the second rank, if he sends his daughter Entering the palace, nine out of ten you can seal a concubine or something, why did you marry us right here?"

   Zhuo Qianyi reminded at the right time: "Mother, Xu Shangshu is the Minister of the Household, and people may know some inside stories that others don't."

   Dong Shi and others all looked surprised, "You mean that the matter of choosing a concubine has no effect?"

Zhuo Qianyi shook his head, "It's not that there is no shadow, it's just catching the shadow. I guess the emperor didn't mean this at all. It is estimated that it was spread by someone with a heart. The purpose is to put pressure on the emperor and force the emperor to submit. To be honest, if the emperor had said it, In all likelihood, it can be done, and it's hard to say if it's ours!"

Dong shi is not a woman in a deep house who doesn't understand anything. After listening to what Zhuo Qianyi said, she immediately understood, and after thinking for a while, she slowly said: "Whether there is any impact on the matter of choosing a concubine, it has nothing to do with our family. Big, I mean to ask you, can this marriage be done?"

Zhuo Qianzhao pondered: "The Xu family made their fortune in the generation of Grandpa Xu, Grandpa Xu is a famous Confucian businessman in Shangzhou, and he has done good deeds and done a lot of good deeds. He has a certain reputation and prestige in the local area. In this generation, there are many scholars from the Xu family. It is estimated that there are seven or eight people who have entered the office. The highest official position is Xu Shangshu. However, the younger generation of the Xu family is also full of talents. Occupying a certain position in the imperial court, in general, the Xu family is quite worth seeing."

Zhuo Qianyi also nodded, "The important thing is that the Xu family has not sent a girl to the palace at present, just like our family, but we still need to inquire. If the Xu family's head is eager for quick success, then this marriage will be fine. Steady and steady, but you can get married."

Zhuo Mingxuan nodded slightly, and said faintly, "The current head of the Xu family is Xu Shangshu, and I have had contact with him several times. He is indeed eager for quick success, but he is better than rational and smart, knowing how to act according to chance, not going his own way, and listening to him. Jin persuades him to be cautious again, so he won't cause any big trouble.

   Generally speaking, it is quite satisfactory. If there is no better candidate, the Xu family is also fine. "

   "Hey hey hey, you never asked me if I would like it?" Zhuo Qianxun pointed at himself, his eyes widened with anger.

Dong shi rolled his eyes at him and sneered: "I want to respect your intentions and let you wander around for so many years, but the result? You didn't even hold back your fart, and I want to respect your opinion, dreaming too!

  Tell you, give you one month, if you are not satisfied with the Miss Xu family, find me a girl who suits your heart in this month, after a month, you can't let this happen! "

   "Mother! You can't do this!" Zhuo Qianxun was so anxious that he almost jumped.

But Mrs. Dong didn't bother him, she turned around and said to Mrs. Jiang's Yang: "Mother knows that you have some ways, try to find out what kind of temperament this girl from the Xu family is. If there is no major problem, this matter will be settled, if it is not right. , let's draw it slowly."

   Zhuo Qianxun Dameng, "Mother, didn't you agree to give me a month? How can you turn your face and deny the account!"

   Dong shi didn't even hesitate to give it to him this time, and mocked: "I will block you for a month and I won't be able to bring back a decent girl!"

   Zhuo Qianxun: "." Is he despised by his own mother?

  Two days before the palace banquet, all the famous ladies were preparing to go to the palace with their parents to go to the banquet, to compete in front of the emperor, and show their faces.

  The mighty group stopped ten kilometers away from the capital, and Ming Shuo, who received the news, rushed into the palace. At this time, the morning hadn't dispersed. Xiao Guang frowned when he saw him so anxious, and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "Report to the emperor, the envoys sent by the Lingnan emperor have arrived ten miles outside the city, please decide."

   These words caused a thousand waves, and everyone was stunned, and they gathered together and whispered.

   "Why don't we know when Emperor Lingnan sent his envoys here?"

   "Could it be."

   All the civil and military officials looked at Xiao Guang on the dragon chair, but saw his brows furrowed, obviously ignorant of it in advance.

  Dai Yuyang came back to his senses and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, should we send someone out to meet you first?"

Xiao Guang pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Then according to Aiqing's intention, you will take someone out to meet you, and then by the way ask the envoy what it means to enter the capital at this time? In addition, I don't know about such a big thing in the palace. Even if it doesn't matter, no one in the local area has noticed it, and I will check it after the incident, and I want to see what kind of wine bags and rice bags the court keeps!"

The civil and military officials froze, knowing that the emperor was really angry, and Da Qi did not dare to take a breath. Some courtiers were still wondering if they should mention the matter of the palace banquet and the selection of concubine, and now they did not dare to speak. , one by one, shrugging their heads, for fear of being named by the emperor.

  Dai Yuyang hurried to the city gate with all the ministers of the cabinet, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and some Shuji Shi from the Hanlin Academy. When they got there, they could already see the Lingnan envoys from a distance.

   Seeing this dark crowd, Dai Yuyang and the others all grimaced.

   Congli angrily rebuked: "There are so many people, such a big battle, from Lingnan to the capital, no one really noticed, those people really don't have their heads?"

   (end of this chapter)

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