Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 567: palace banquet

   Chapter 567 Palace Banquet

   Zhuo Qianxun was extremely tired, but no matter how much he opposed it, it was useless.

   On the day of the palace banquet, officials above the fourth rank all brought their family members into the palace, but everyone obviously lost their previous interest, even if they were dressed as low-key and luxurious as possible, they did not dare to be too outrageous.

   When the ladies arrived at the gate of the palace, they kept reminding their girls to be cautious in their words and deeds. The matter that Mrs. Anguo made is still undecided. If there is another trouble, it will be a gift!

   Just as everyone was muttering, the carriage of Duke Anguo's mansion also arrived at the gate of the palace, and the ladies and ladies who were about to get off the carriage all shrank back when they received the news, avoiding them like snakes and scorpions.

   Zhuo Qianyu was still a little confused when he helped Chen Ningya down, there were many carriages parked around, but he didn't even see a single person.

   "Mother, are we too late?"

  Chen Ningya swept her beautiful eyes without a trace, and said lazily with the corners of her mouth hooked: "Why? It's not too soon or too late, just right!"

   Zhuo Qianyu was stunned for a moment, thinking of Chen Ningya's attitude, and guessing something, he was suddenly speechless.

   Before she could think deeply, there was the sound of a carriage coming from behind her. When she turned around, she suddenly looked surprised.

   I saw a graceful young woman quickly get out of the carriage behind, shouting to them brightly, "Auntie!"

  Chen Ningya just turned around, and when she saw Xiao Yuyan was coming, she was surprised, "Yo! Come over here and see, it's been a long time since I've seen her, our swallows are getting better and better!"

   Xiao Yuyan rubbed up to Chen Ningya's side and said coquettishly: "My aunt and cousin are gone, I'm so bored, Baili is just a lump of wood, it's not fun at all!"

Bailiqing, who was lying on the gun inexplicably, smiled and came forward to say hello, and said very aggrieved: "Aunt, I really don't blame me, the princess is twelve hours a day, she is bored except sleeping, and I have nothing else to do but toss me. When things are done, if I don't cooperate, I will be stuck in the woods with her!"

   "You still said it!" Xiao Yuyan raised her fist.

   Bailiqing was so frightened that he hurried to hide on the other side of Chen Ningya.

Chen Ningya was amused by these two happy friends, and seeing that Bailiqing was really pitiful, she quickly changed the subject, "You didn't tell me in advance when you came here this time, otherwise I'll have someone pick you up. "

Xiao Yuyan shook her head indifferently, "Don't be so troublesome, Baili is a foreign trader, and there is no place he is not familiar with in Daqi. With him leading the way, there is no need for my aunt to send someone to pick it up. Besides, we are so low-key. When you travel, you can not only travel in the mountains and waters, but also taste delicious food everywhere, not to mention being more at ease.”

   "Then why don't you come to the mansion as soon as you arrive in the capital? It's also so that your aunt can enjoy the friendship of the landlord." Chen Ningya tapped Xiao Yuyan's forehead strangely.

Xiao Yuyan immediately hit Hala, "Isn't this just trying to take a nasty breath for my cousin! If I come out of the palace and go directly to Duke Anguo's mansion, what will others think? I didn't expect that I just said two words in the courtroom. I mean, those people can't sit still, huh! They're all tired and crooked, and they need to be cleaned up!"

  Bai Liqing's face changed greatly in fright, and he persuaded again and again: "Princess, this is not Lingnan, and even those people who have committed crimes will be dealt with by Emperor Qi, don't really irritate people."

   "Humph! Let's see what Emperor Qi does! If I'm not satisfied, I'll definitely take action!"

   Bailiqing has one head and two big ones, and repeatedly asks Chen Ningya for help.

  Chen Ningya smiled and said: "Your aunt has taken the child's heart, but don't interfere in this matter. Your cousin was born to me, and I will never let her suffer any grievances."

   Xiao Yuyan was relieved then, looked at Zhuo Qianyu, and asked suspiciously, "Where's my cousin? Why didn't you enter the palace today?"

  Chen Ningya's smile narrowed, and she lowered her eyes and said, "I let her rest at home. After all, she is only the second young lady of the Anguo Gong's mansion. It doesn't matter if she doesn't come."

  Listen to this tone, it is clearly willful.

   Xiao Yuyan took a peek at Zhuo Qianyu.

   Zhuo Qianyu shrugged at her and shook his head, as if I had no choice.

   Xiao Yuyan gave Chen Ningya a thumbs up and whispered, "Nice job!"

  Chen Ningya is proud, Zhuo Qianyu and Bailiqing are a little helpless, these two are really a family, no one will take them at all when they are self-willed.

   When the group of people walked away, the people in the carriages appeared, and everyone looked at each other, somewhat embarrassed, but it was only temporary, and soon they returned to normal.

Xu Tang and her mother talked about what happened just now as they walked, and couldn't help muttering: "Mother, do you really think it's okay for our family to marry the Zhuo family? I heard that the Zhuo family and the Duke of Anguo are not only in-laws, but also related. It's still very good, I'm worried that Mrs. Anguo's temperament is easy to offend people, and if something happens, will our family be affected?"

  Mother Xu was also thinking about what happened just now, with a calm face, she reminded in a low voice, "There are a lot of people here. If we have anything to say, we will go back and discuss it later. If this marriage fails, there will always be other marriages to choose from!"

   Xu Tang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and his steps became a lot lighter.

  The mother and daughter entered the Chengqing Palace, only to realize that it was a little too quiet inside. In the past, as long as the emperor and the queen of the harem hadn't appeared, everyone was talking and laughing, it was so lively, what's going on today?

   When the two of them entered the room, they noticed that everyone was secretly looking at Chen Ningya's group of people sitting in front, and it became clear.

  Because of the prestige of Mrs. Anguo, the mother and daughter did not move forward, but made a half circle from both sides to sit in their seats.

  Chen Ningya didn't pay attention to Xu's mother and daughter, or she didn't care at all.

   It didn't take long for Dong's Lin's and others to arrive. When they came, they sat down beside Chen Ningya generously and talked and laughed with her. Compared with everyone, they seemed out of place.

   Mrs. Xu saw Dong's attitude and thought of what Xu Tang had just said, and she was also a little dissatisfied with this marriage.

  The Xu family was dissatisfied, and the Dong family was also paying attention to the reactions of the Xu family and the Cong family. After knowing that the Xu family and their daughters entered the temple and made a special detour, she frowned slightly, but she remained calm.

   During the conversation, Prince Li brought his family and Qiongzhu and his wife in, and the women went straight to Chen Ningya and the others.

Originally, there were only a few people on Chen Ningya's side, and it looked like she was isolated by everyone. With the addition of the Zhuo family's daughter-in-law, Princess Li and others, it suddenly became lively, forming a circle that was difficult for others to approach. .

Princess Tuochuan, who was aware of this situation, was very unhappy, but she couldn't do anything about it. Today is different from the past. She is no longer the big princess who is loved by thousands of people. Even her sister-in-law, who is the queen mother, is in prison. If she doesn't know how to say something to offend people, I'm afraid that there will be no one to intercede for her.

   (end of this chapter)

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