Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 569: night detective

   Chapter 569 Night Detective

Chen Ningya knew it, but she smiled bitterly: "Don't make it difficult for the eldest daughter-in-law, we have prepared the dowry for Jing girl since she was a child, and we went to Lingnan to get more than a hundred boxes of treasures, plus we made up for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The list, in fact, did not add much, but there are so many things, and even if there is less, there is no way to reduce it! And”

   "And what?" Wen Youshan suddenly had a bad feeling.

  Chen Ningya raised her head to look directly at him, "You forgot, my parents haven't made a statement yet. If they knew that Girl Jing was going to be the queen, do you think they would come over again?"

  Wen Youshan was so shocked that his mouth opened wide, do you need to think about it? Certainly it will! As a result, I am afraid that four hundred lifts may not be enough!

  The husband and wife are very close, but Wen Yuanjing in the backyard has a sweet heart. She is ready to serve with other women together.

Seeing her silly smile, Weichun couldn't help joking: "Miss, don't laugh anymore, you don't look very smart, if you're okay, you might as well let Nixia and Erqiu give you a pulse. , Haosheng did some conditioning, trying to enter the palace and conceive a dragon heir, as long as you give birth to a prince before the emperor's forty, choosing a concubine will be a cloud!"

  "En" Wen Yuanjing replied softly and looked back at Nixia, "Nixia, you always check my pulse, is there something wrong with my body?"

Seeing her worried look, Nixia gave Weichun a fierce look, "Miss, don't listen to Weichun's nonsense, your body is very well-conditioned, and you practice martial arts, the physique of ordinary women can't match yours. Than, it's fine now, don't bother anymore."

  Wen Yuanjing breathed a sigh of relief, picked up her skirt, and said softly, "I'm going to say a new year to my parents, and by the way, I'll go see if my cousin is sleeping."

  Anyway, it's the New Year's Eve tonight, and most of the people in the family have to stay up until dawn, and she just can't sleep, so it's not bad to go out to be lively.

   As soon as the door opened, snowflakes drifted in from outside, Wen Yuanjing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst into the yard with a laugh, and the silver bell-like laughter spread far and wide.

   On the top of the wall, Pingshun held an umbrella and looked at Xiao Guang, and said, "Master, Miss Wen doesn't seem to be affected, now you should rest assured."

  Xiao Guang watched the silhouette in the dark fade away without blinking, and said nothing.

Ping Shun held it for a while, and couldn't help but speak again, "Master, my subordinates really didn't lie to you. Although Er Miss Wen stayed at home during this time, what she should do, she has never lost her composure, and her subordinates also I've never seen her cry, she's not as fragile as you think."

   "I know!" Xiao Guang gave Ping Shun a rare reward, retracted his gaze, and said coolly: "Also, you are very noisy!"

  Pingshun: "."

   This year, because of the will of the palace, the Wen family was rarely full of laughter and laughter, and everyone was lively and lively until the Shangyuan Festival.

At this time, Mrs. An Guo's case against Mrs. Liao's Pei's came to an end. Several members of the center headed by Pei were all recaptured and assigned to Mobei. The men in the mansion were either dismissed or demoted. There was no exception, especially those who The little official's wife who ran errands, the family was just prosperous, and she thought she was hugging her thighs, but who knew that she would be beaten back to its original shape all of a sudden.

  Some people can't accept it, for fear of affecting their husbands and children, and committing suicide. There are also men who are more ruthless and divorce their wives directly. These heart-breaking news can be heard every three or five times in the capital.

Chen Ningya has always ordered people to pay close attention to the movements of the capital, and naturally she will not miss the news. Of course, she doesn't care what kind of ending these people have. Everyone has to pay for what they do. She cares. What would the emperor do with the big fish? Chen Ningya's brows furrowed fiercely after listening to the servants talk about it without getting to the point.

   "What about the Queen Mother? How can I deal with the Queen Mother if there is no word in the palace?"

The steward was dumbfounded, shaking his head tremblingly, "Little has not heard any news about this yet, perhaps because the emperor is not good at doing things in the face of the royal family? Or maybe the emperor quietly punished us, don't we know? Go out and ask again."

Chen Ningya waved her hand, "Forget it, as the Queen Mother is the mastermind, she should be the first to deal with her, now it seems that it may be as you said, either don't deal with it, or deal with it in a low-key manner, since the royal family The matter is covered tightly, and no matter how much you inquire, it is impossible to find useful information, go on."

   When it was dark, Wen Yuanliang and the others came back, and Chen Ningya briefly explained the matter.

  Wen Yuanliang said, "Mother, do you want to know the fate of the Queen Mother?"

  Chen Ningya raised her head in surprise, "You know?"

  Wen Yuanliang nodded without hesitation, "My son really knows something, it was Hongyu who told me, as for how he knows, we know it well.

   I heard that the emperor killed all the servants serving the queen mother and replaced them with his confidants, and King Kang also dealt with many people. "

   "King Kang?" Chen Ningya's pupils trembled, and she asked in surprise: "Isn't King Kang disabled? What? Is he still thinking about that position?"

Wen Yuanliang shook his head, "Who knows! Maybe King Kang has other ideas, after all, that position was originally his, if he hadn't been framed by his brother, he wouldn't have fallen to this point. Distorted, none of the royal family members said a word, indicating that they also agreed with the emperor's treatment."

Chen Ningya was lost in thought, and she shook her head for a while and said, "It doesn't matter, since the emperor has dealt with it, we don't know, there is less than a month before the wedding of Jing girl, and we don't know if Yuan Hong and Yuan Xing will be able to catch up. return."

   Wen Youshan was silent when he mentioned these two sons.

   The two people who were remembered by the couple were on their way to the capital, and they were still “drag family and family”, like a big migration.

  At the end of the first month, before Wen Yuanhong and the others entered Beijing, Lingnan's makeup for Wen Yuanjing arrived first. The mighty motorcade seemed to have no end in sight.

   Mingshuo, who had one experience, immediately sent someone into the palace to report, and then went out of the city in person and stopped the convoy five miles away from the capital.

   When the imperial emissary in the palace left the palace, all the people in the capital knew about it, and they all went to Suzaku Street to watch the excitement.

   Only two hours later, the convoy entered the city. At first, everyone was leisurely and carefully counted, but when the count was dazzling, they realized that the convoy was not over yet, and immediately gave up and focused on watching the excitement.

  The things were escorted to the Wen Family Courtyard, which literally filled the three large courtyards that Chen Ningya had built.

  In the other courtyard, the people from Qianjiying Wujiying were inspected by boxes. This time, it was different from the last show. It was really the same as the past.

   (end of this chapter)

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