Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 586: A trip to Gaofu

   Chapter 586 The trip to the high mansion

"This capital is more prosperous than I imagined. When I go back, I can brag about it with Changxin and the others!" Jiang Dayi's eyes turned around in the hall, and he became more and more aware of the prosperity of the main house and thought of himself. Back then, when I met Wen Youshan like an idiot, I sold myself, I couldn't help laughing and laughing, who would have thought that the little-known mud-legged man in the past would have this day!

  Wen Youshan laughed for a while, "You can go anywhere you want, just do business first, where is the letter?"

Seeing Wen You's stubborn appearance, Jiang Dayi hurriedly took off the burden that had been protecting him all the way, unwrapped it, took out a bamboo tube, and dug out a curled letter from the bamboo tube, "I've been thinking about how to pack it all the way. This letter is not afraid of fire and water, and after thinking about it, it seems that only the bamboo tube is the most convenient, the grandfather of the country will make do with it."

  Wen Youshan and his wife, "."

   Chen Ningya asked for a long time, "Jiang Dayi, have you never brought a letter to anyone?"

Jiang Dayi nodded honestly, "I always deliver goods when I go out, and I will never put something like this on me. When I came here, Changxin was afraid that my rambunctious temperament would lose the letter, so he insisted. Wan asked, I thought about it for a long time before I came up with such a note, look, things are intact!"

  Chen Ningya took a closer look. The letter was indeed intact, but it was wrinkled and not pleasing to the eye.

Wen Youshan didn't care so much, and read the letter carefully from beginning to end, frowning slightly, "A Ning, Chang Xin said that he had carefully asked the shopkeeper of He's House and Master He, and both of them thought about it for a while. Three days ago, it was said that a businessman named Ke really went from Jiangnan to Qing'an County to sell cloth at that time, but this man died long ago. It seems that he met a bandit on the way of doing business. After that, the He family changed partners. , and no longer cooperate with people surnamed Ke."

   "Dead?" This answer was beyond Chen Ningya's expectations. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Then Master He, can you tell me about the general situation of that businessman Ke?"

  Wen Youshan looked at the letter again and nodded, "Yes, Jiangnan Ke Shiming."

The goal of    is directly at Jiangnan. It seems that they are going to go to Jiangnan immediately.

   Jiang Dayi waited for Wen Youshan to receive the letter before muttering embarrassedly: "Master Guo, you said that you are so powerful now, can you do me a favor?"

  Wen Youshan raised his eyebrows, "It's really strange, it's the first time in so many years that I hear you ask me for help, tell me, what's the matter?"

"That's right." Jiang Dayi was a little embarrassed, "You also know that I used to fight in Mobei. Our marshal was General Gao Huai Gao. At that time, he treated us like brothers. This time I came to the capital, I think I went to see his old man, but I also know that there are many rules and regulations in the capital, and as I am, I am afraid that I will be beaten out just after I come to the door, so I can only ask the grandfather for help. With your ability, can you Let me see Marshal Gao?"

Wen Youshan didn't think that Jiang Dayi actually asked him to help him, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional, "Don't worry, it's just a trivial matter, just wait, I'll send my servants to General Gao's mansion to send the greetings. , But in recent years, General Gao has been honored. These embarrassing questions."

   Jiang Dayi nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

  The pilgrimage message was sent, but there was news in one day. Wen Youshan brought Jiang Dayi and prepared a lot of tonic snacks before coming to the door.

  The carriage stopped outside the gate of Gao Mansion. It was the first time that Wen Youshan had come here. Seeing the mottled traces of time on the majestic mansion gate, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The housekeeper of Gao Mansion was already waiting outside the door, and after picking up someone, he led them inside, and as they walked, he said, "Several masters in the mansion have gone out to order, only the master, the old lady and a few young ladies. Raised here, few people come to the door on weekdays, so it looks a little deserted."

  Wen Youshan nodded, and his heart was clear.

   Jiang Dayi asked curiously: "The old men of the marshal didn't come and walk around on weekdays? Or are they not in the capital?"

   The butler's footsteps paused, and the corners of his mouth twitched reluctantly, but he didn't say much.

  Wen Youshan pulled Jiang Dayi's clothes and told him to shut up.

  Jiang Dayi was obedient and stopped talking despite being full of question marks.

   The group entered the hall, Wen Youshan finally saw the legendary God of War, and greeted nervously and excitedly: "I have seen Marshal Gao!"

   Gao Huai stood up with a cane, and stepped forward to support Wen Youshan, "Master Guo, please don't salute me. In terms of identity, it should be me, the immortal, who salutes you."

  Wen Youshan shook his head again and again, and said solemnly: "You are always the **** of war in Daqi, defending the family and the country, you deserve this gift, my identity is a cloud, not worth mentioning!"

   Gao Huai's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Really?"

Wen Youshan nodded fiercely, "If it wasn't for my eldest brother who wanted me to shine on the lintel, the children in the family needed me to support them, and I wanted to give my wife a noble identity and a rich life, I wouldn't be happy to be the prince of the country. !"

   "You're being honest!" Gao Huai laughed and said a few words to Wen Youshan to know that this person had an appetite for him.

   After the two exchanged their greetings, Gao Huai looked at Jiang Dayi and called out his name at once, "Xiao Jiang! It's been so many years, and you were the first to leave. I didn't expect you to remember me!"

   Jiang Dayi said excitedly with red eyes: "I can't forget you even if I forget anyone! I didn't have a chance before, but this time I took the opportunity to go to Beijing to send a letter to the grandfather of the country, so I'll come and see you!"

   Seeing Gao Huai's puzzled face, Jiang Dayi didn't hide it from him, and told him what happened when he returned home after being discharged from the army.

   Gao Huai was furious when he heard this, and slammed the table, "No reason! It's just too deceiving!"

Jiang Dayi hurriedly reassured: "Marshal, I don't care anymore, you don't have to be angry for me, I sold myself because I was disheartened, but I'm lucky, I'm with the right person, the grandfather treats me Just like a friend, he never asked me a lot. I also taught me the kung fu of the young master of Fuzhong, and they treated me as a half-master.

I also got married and had children in the Guo Gongye’s mansion. I lived a more decent life than anyone else. The people in my hometown came after me after they knew about me, but I said that I had already sold myself and had nothing to do with the Jiang family. They just weren’t happy anymore. , it's useless to make a fuss. "

   Gao Huai gradually calmed down and sighed: "I'm not good at it. If I were tougher at the time, maybe you guys wouldn't have to leave!"

Jiang Dayi shook his head, "I don't understand the big truth, but I also know that the emperor has to die if he wants a minister to die. The first emperor was obviously afraid of you. If you are really tough, not only will you not be able to help us, but even yourself. They can't protect themselves."

   (end of this chapter)

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