Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 589: Four sons of the Gao family

   Chapter 589

Wen Youshan was very excited when he heard it, and his head was desperately pointed, "Don't worry, to keep your mouth shut for certainty, the Empress will trouble you, if there is any matter, go to the Duke's Mansion, if we no longer go to the Anbei Hou Mansion to find you Sir and Madam."

   "The servant knows." Weichun respectfully sent the person to the corridor of Yongxi Palace before turning around.

  Xiao Guang knew that Wen Youshan laughed like a fool and left Yongxi Palace, but he was stunned for a while, but this was a matter of his father and daughter, and because Wen Yuanjing was happy, he didn't take it too seriously.

   Wen Youshan, who had left the palace, hurried back to Duke Anguo's mansion, dragged Chen Ningya back to the room and whispered for a long time, only to see that the couple came out with a radiant complexion, as if the second spring had begun.

   Jiang Dayi didn't understand anything when he saw Yunshan's fog cover, but he didn't forget Wen Youshan's purpose of entering the palace, and immediately asked: "Master Guo, didn't you enter the palace to plead for General Gao? What did the emperor say?"

Wen Youshan's expression softened a lot when he mentioned this, but he had no choice but to tell Jiang Dayi about the Gao family, "Everyone has secrets, and the emperor also has good intentions. We will visit the old general tomorrow and tell him the matter euphemistically. First of all, although I can't go back home, General Gao can go out for a walk if he wants, just as we are going to Jiangnan, then ask the old general if he wants to go there together, or go to Jiangnan to retire."

   "Didn't you say that the emperor would not allow it?" Jiang Dayi was a little confused.

  Wen Youshan tapped him on the head, "Stupid! The emperor said that the old general could not return to his hometown, but he did not say that he could not go to Jiangnan. Besides, he could not go to Beijing to retire, so it would be alright to go out for a short stay for a while!"

   "Yes!" Jiang Dayi suddenly realized, and followed Wen Youshan away.

  The next day, the two went to Gaofu again.

   This time, I even saw Gao Huai's four sons.

The four of them obviously did not expect that Duke Anguo, who had been here yesterday, will come again today, and their eyes gleamed like hungry wolves. Those greedy eyes made Wen Youshan frown and his face darkened. down.

  Unfortunately, the four of them didn't seem to notice at all. As soon as they saw Wen Youshan, they rushed over to salute to please him. The warm greeting made Wen Youshan even more unhappy.

   "Where is General Gao?" Wen Youshan turned around and asked the housekeeper.

   Boss Gao immediately grinned and said, "My father is a little uneasy today. He is resting in the room. The grandfather of the country hastily sat down, come and serve tea!"

  Wen Youshan stretched out his palm to stop him, "No need, if it's not appropriate for the old general to see guests today, I'll leave first."

   "Ehhh, it's rare for the grandfather to come here, so he should have a cup of tea before leaving! It just so happened that there was a truckload of good wine in the house, and someone came." The second son of Gao was eager to keep it.

   However, Wen Youshan scolded him with a sullen face: "The old general is not in good health. You are not busy serving in front of the bed, but you are thinking of entertaining guests and drinking. This is the first time I have seen you!"

  Second Gao was stunned for a moment, then said with a sly smile: "My father is sick, so it's not a day or two, we can't stop drinking!"

   "Faulty!" Wen Youshan angrily scolded: "Hundreds of good filial piety come first, you are also the sons of generals, but you don't even understand the most basic filial piety, so you are not worthy of being the sons of General Gao!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Boss Gao and the four of them were all sullen. Because of Wen Youshan's identity, he didn't dare to attack, Boss Gao said: "The grandfather of the country looks down on us, so naturally we can't continue to entertain you, come."

   "Who is coming!" Jiang Dayi said angrily: "The Gao family has long since split up. The master of the Gao family is General Gao, not the four unfilial sons of you. Why do you decide for General Gao!"

"What are you, you dare to teach us a lesson!" Gao Laosan rolled up his sleeves and glared at Jiang Dayi. They had inquired about it yesterday. The one who followed An Guogong to the door was just a small guard from the An Guogong's mansion. People, really think they can go to heaven!

Jiang Dayi ran away from home rationally by these four people, and scolded: "Your grandfather, I can't be better than you! When you scold others for something, you first pee and take a picture of yourself. The general is in control, and you are nothing but four destitute civilians!"

   "Bitch! Dare to curse us!" Gao Lao Si drew out a short dagger around his waist and greeted Jiang Dayi.

  Jiang Dayi came down from the battlefield, how could the fourth senior Gao be injured, but after playing for a while, he became impatient, kicked the fourth senior Gao hard, and the fourth senior Gao fell a dog and eat shit.

   Mr. Gao and the others made a move together, but Jiang Dayi made the three of them fall to the ground without even making a move.

   Boss Gao groaned and shouted: "Someone! Are they all dead? Why don't you report to the officials and ask for a doctor!"

The butler only appeared like a ghost at this moment, and said with a serious face: "Master, second master, third master, fourth master, master told you to go back, master said that it's enough to be fooling around, if you don't know how to see it, don't blame him. You are welcome."

"What?" Senior Gao and the others seemed to have heard some unbelievable words, and said angrily: "We have all been bullied by others, but my father told us to accept it as soon as we saw it! Okay! He really has him! I'll leave now, Don't expect me to come to the door even if he dies in the future! Bah!"

   Fourth Gao was furious and limped away.

   Boss Gao and the three of them also looked resentful and walked away cursing.

  Wen Youshan murmured dissatisfiedly, "What are these things!"

   The housekeeper lowered his eyes and felt extremely apologetic, "I've surprised the grandfather of the country and the guard Jiang, the master is a little uncomfortable today, but it's all right now, please come in."

   Thinking of the four irritating **** just now, Wen Youshan probably guessed why General Gao was not in good shape.

The two entered the hall, Gao Huai was looking tired, but he still insisted and said: "I'll let you guys laugh, unfortunately, there are so many **** in the family, and now they are all grown up, I can't discipline them anymore, let's do it. Let them toss themselves! The path is chosen by themselves, and they have to walk on their own no matter what!"

   seems to have said this to himself.

Wen Youshan declined to comment, and directly told Gao Huai what the emperor meant, "General, I mean that since the southwest is not suitable for going back, we might as well not go back, if you are bored in the capital, why don't you go with us? Jiangnan stayed for a while."

   "Grandpa is going to Jiangnan?" Gao Huai looked surprised.

Wen Youshan didn't hide it from him, and gave a general overview of the situation at home, "Now we know that Ke Shiming is a big brocade family in the south of the Yangtze River, and there is no news about him. Ke Shiming has also passed away for many years. Yes, but no matter what, you have to look for it, you want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death."

   Wen Youshan sighed and looked up, only to see Gao Huai frowning in thought.

   It took him a long time before he said uncertainly: "If I remember correctly, I have met Ke Shiming."

   (end of this chapter)

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