Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 591: father and son

   Chapter 591 Father and Son

Jing pondered for a moment and said, "Since we want to avoid it, why don't we bring the two youngest grandsons with us! One of them is two years old and the other is just over a year old, and they haven't been taught by their parents yet. The Gao family is in despair, but I'm not reconciled!"

Gao Huai also knew the old wife's knot, so he agreed after hesitating, "After all, it's a son, I'm afraid they won't agree so happily, fortunately, there is more than one son in the two families, so they should still be able to get some benefits. It can be done, but I still need the emperor to help, so I will pull down my old face and go to the palace to beg!"

After the couple finished the count, the Gao Min sisters also returned to their yard. The five girls could live in it, and it was convenient to visit. Because Gao Min and Gao Ya were the oldest, all the three children ran to their room and asked pitifully. Said: "Second sister, third sister, what should we pack? Also, when are we leaving?"

   "You just want to leave!" Gao Ya was in a good mood, and teased while pinching her sister's cheek.

   Fourth Miss Gao Xian, who was only eight years old, nodded vigorously, "If you stay here, I will be sold by my parents, you can't stay!"

   Speaking of this, Gao Min couldn't help thinking of his own sister who took a hard life, and his face changed.

   Gao Ya seemed to feel it, caressed her hand and comforted: "Grandfather and grandmother said to take us away, you will not follow in the footsteps of eldest sister."

   Gao Min's body trembled uncontrollably, and nodded straight in horror, "Yes, I must not be like the eldest sister, even if I marry an ordinary person outside, I must not be a concubine!"

Saying that, Gao Min looked at several younger sisters and warned sternly: "You can't have such thoughts either, we are the daughters of the Gao family, we can't embarrass our grandfather and grandmother, the eldest sister was tricked by my parents, we must quote For the sake of warning, marry far away and stay away from these blood-sucking worm parents!"

   All four nodded.

Wen Youshan had just returned to Duke Anguo's mansion. Seeing that Chen Ningya was checking her luggage, she couldn't help but talk to her. Chen Ningya was surprised by the situation of the Gao family, and her brows furrowed, "General Gao, these four The son is too bad! What are you doing with them? This kind of person will not realize their own problems even if they die. Fortunately, General Gao and his wife can handle it clearly. After all, they are the founding marshals. The situation is bleak, and we can help if we can.”

   The couple was talking, Gao Huai had already entered the palace and explained his intentions to Xiao Guang.

In the imperial study, Xiao Guangwang looked at the old man with white hair at the bottom of the temple, sighing in his heart, and said quietly, "General Gao served the country and the people, and he was a soldier all his life, but he was wounded and retired. It stands to reason that I should give you a title after I ascend the throne. A deserved title, but I didn't do anything, do you know why?"

   Gao Huai raised his head abruptly. He had never thought about these things before entering the palace. Hearing this suddenly, he was a little sluggish.

Xiao Guang shook his head, but unfortunately said: "Because the Gao family has no successor, I don't want to give you a title, and after you a hundred years, those **** of the Gao family will rely on the shadow of their ancestors to make a fortune, but now I listen to you say this, The Gao family is not completely helpless, you have to leave with your grandchildren, I can help, I hope you will not let me down!"

   Gao Huai came back to his senses and knelt down excitedly, "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, rest assured, the old ministers must teach their grandsons well, if they are as unworthy as the ministers' unfilial sons, the ministers will have no face to enter the capital again!"

  Xiao Guang's complexion softened for a long time, nodded slightly, and said, "Go back."

The next day, Gao Huai suddenly said to Mrs Jing: "In order to avoid those unfilial sons, you and your granddaughter will go out of Beijing first, and you will go through Shangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River. You will wait for us at the Yunlai Inn in Shangzhou Fucheng, and I will follow you later. Convergence."

Jing Shi was shocked and deeply realized that Gao Huai was determined to abandon his four sons this time, so he couldn't help but feel sad, and then thought of a few granddaughters who were like flowers and jade, he held back his tears and nodded heavily: "Okay, I'll listen to you, let's go now!"

   Gao Huai opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but when he thought about it later, it was useless to say it, it is better to see the situation in the future, lest the Jing family be overjoyed.

   After sending off his old wife and several granddaughters, Gao Huai heaved a sigh of relief, and sent the housekeeper to the Duke Anguo's mansion to tell the situation, and he honestly waited for the two little grandsons to come to the door.

   At noon the next day, the four brothers of the Gao family brought their mother-in-law and son to the door aggressively, and they shouted loudly as soon as they entered the house.

   Gao Huai asked people to set up a chair in the yard, and the old **** was sitting on the ground drinking tea. It looked like he was ready.

   Everyone was stunned when they saw this posture, and they took it back with all the foul language.

   Senior Gao was dissatisfied and asked, "Father, why did the palace suddenly spread a message that we should hand over our youngest son to you? We gave birth to the child, and his parents are there, why!"

  The fourth wife of Gao nodded vigorously, protecting the child, "Father! We only have two sons, Chang Ying is just one year old, how can you have the heart to break up our mother and son! Woohoo."

"That's right! Dad, it would be too unkind for me to say that you have to support them all. How can you only support the fourth family and the second family? What do your other grandchildren think?" Boss Gao's mother-in-law held back With a breath, the speech is also yin and yang strange.

The mother-in-law of the third child of Gao echoed: "That is, they are all grandchildren, and my father is too partial. Besides, when the child is still young, it would be too unkind to let the family leave the mother! It would be better to give us some more money. , we can take care of ourselves!"

   Gao Huai raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "Take care of yourself? You don't know how to raise it, you like leisure and don't work hard, and you don't want to make progress?"

   When he said this, Gao Huai looked at several older grandsons, and the meaning was self-evident.

   A few and a half young men were all indignant, and they dared not refute due to Gao Huai's majesty.

The eldest lady was unhappy, and refuted them: "Father, do you say that about your grandson? Why is my son so lazy? You don't live with them, how do you know how hard they are! Usually they are lighting lights. Reading at night makes my eyes go blind!"

Gao Huai sneered, "I'm walking around the kiln until my eyes are almost blind! Don't think that I don't know what kind of qualities they have on weekdays, so that they can't bear the hardship of practicing martial arts, and they can't sit still when they study, causing trouble all day long. Now, I'm afraid I can't even memorize the Analects!"

   Several boys were exposed by Gao Huai in public, but he couldn't refute them, so he turned around and walked away in anger.

   Gao Huai was unforgiving and scolded loudly: "This is the good son you raised, he has no respect, he is not disciplined, trash is trash!"

   Boss Gao and the others all changed their faces.

In the past, no matter how angry Gao Huai was, he would never scold him so badly. The word "waste" pierced into the hearts of several teenagers like a needle. The young man in the lead suddenly turned around and walked back, pointing at Gao Huai's nose and cursing. "What the **** are you, immortal! You're a complete waste now!"

   (end of this chapter)

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