Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 599: progress

   Chapter 599 Progress

   "Madam is right, but the slaves are narrow-minded!" Lan Silk served Chen Ningya to wash.

   Wen Youshan did not come back under the **** of the guards until it was late at night.

   As soon as he entered the door, Chen Ningya smelled a strong smell of alcohol, so he hurriedly leaned over and took a closer look before turning around.

  Wen Youshan's eyes blurred, looking at Chen Ningya's back and muttering aggrievedly: "Miss, why are you ignoring me!"

   "Who asked you to drink like this?" Chen Ningya sat down angrily, and then said, "But you are sensible, and you didn't mess with those Yingyingyanyan outside."

Wen Youshan was so frightened that he woke up from the alcohol, he hurriedly came over to sit aside, and explained very honestly: "The villains Jia Anlan originally said they wanted to invite me to Hualou, but I was not happy and didn't say a word, but Ke Guangji was quite good at it. Looking at the wink, I kicked the ball to Lu Liu. Lu Liu's family opened a restaurant, so we went there to eat. Not to mention, the tea and food in the Lu's restaurant is quite distinctive and well done. I will bring it someday. You go try it."

   "Just taste it, I don't like this one, but tell me if I have any harvest tonight?" Chen Ningya took the hangover tea from Lan Shu and fed Wen Youshan to drink it herself.

Wen Youshan was obviously much more comfortable after drinking the understanding wine tea, and his mind was much clearer, "I really asked, that Ke Guangji's drinking capacity is average, but after drinking a little, he was confused, I took the opportunity to ask them if they have been to Dizhou. , Some of them said yes, some said no, I mentioned Mr. He from He's Clothing Village, and also said that their family was in the fabric business. I asked Ke Guangji if he knew him. Can't remember, in general, this person has little value in cross-examination, at least that seems to be the case for now."

  Chen Ningya was silent. Although it was expected, she was a little disappointed.

   The next day, the Ke family really sent an invitation to Gao Min and the others, inviting them to come and play.

  Chen Ningya arranged a number of maids and servants for them, so she was relieved to let them go.

When Ke Qinghua received the news, she specially brought her sisters out to greet her. Seeing the battle between Gao Min and sisters, her smile deepened, and she went up to please and said, "The two young ladies can come over, our family is really flourishing! It happens to be my family. Grandma is fine today, do you want to meet the two young ladies?"

   Gao Min did not refuse, and followed Ke Qinghua into the main courtyard of the backyard.

   Mrs. Ke was well prepared. After meeting Gao Min Gaoya, she gave two very important greetings. While praising him, she asked without a trace, "I don't know what the two young ladies are doing at home?"

Being able to be friends with Duke Anguo’s family, the family should be good. Mrs. Ke thought about many possibilities, thinking of the background of Duke Anguo, and concluded that Gao’s family should be a business or scholarly family. Just have a relationship.

   Gao Min was calm. Facing the curiosity of the crowd, he said quietly: "At home, I practice martial arts, and my grandfather fought."

"Hey!" The women in the room all gasped, looking at Gao Min with different eyes, Mrs. Ke immediately praised: "I didn't expect the two young ladies to be behind the door, no wonder they have extraordinary bearing! Hua'er, not yet. Take the two young ladies to the garden for a good stroll, but don't neglect the two distinguished guests."

   After Gao Min and Gao Ya left, Mrs. Ke immediately turned her head and said in a low voice, "Mother, these two are the guards! It's different from what we guessed!"

Mrs. Ke was annoyed, "I heard the three girls come back yesterday and thought that this Gao family was an old acquaintance from the An Guogong's mansion. At that time, An Guogong was in business and his son was taking the exam, so I didn't think about the family of military generals. , so it seems that this Gao family should be a subordinate of Duke An Guogong, but I don't know what position it is."

   "Mother, no matter what position he is, the person who can make Gonggong Ang look down on him is the one with a low position!" Mrs. Ke reminded.

Only then did Mrs. Ke react, and she nodded her head, "You are right, the family affairs of the Gao family are not important, the important thing is the Anguo Gongfu, but today, these two girls came to the door, it is not easy for us to do something. If it is too obvious and offends Duke An Guogong, it will not be worth the loss!"

Mrs. Ke frowned as well, then gritted her teeth and said, "Look at Hua'er and their abilities first, if they can make a good relationship, it's best, if not, then think of other ways. I heard that these two girls have a good relationship with Miss Yu's family. , we can't let the Yu family take the lead!"

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law spent a long time together, completely forgetting that Gao Min and elegant are not stupid, how can they be at their mercy.

Here, the Gao Min sisters have followed Ke Qinghua to the back garden, and the servants brought some exquisite snacks unique to Jiangnan, tasted a few elegantly, and mentioned the food in Dizhou's hometown, and couldn't help asking: " Qinghua's sister's family is doing such a big business, isn't there any servants who come from Qing'an County, Dizhou? If there is, it would be great. I want to taste the taste of my hometown, it doesn't matter if it is not done well. ."

Gao Min hurriedly coaxed: "Good sister, don't worry about it, Mrs. Anguo said that if there is enough time, she will take us back for a walk, if it doesn't work, you should leave a regret, and I will let the family give it to you later. Find a cook from Qing'an County, Dizhou, so you can eat enough!"

Ke Qingjin saw Gao Ya's languid look, and immediately became nervous, and then persuaded: "It's human nature for Miss Ya to think about the taste of her hometown, but there are a lot of people in our family, I really don't know if anyone came over there, no. If I ask the butler to ask, can you wait a while?"

   Gao Ya's eyes lit up, and she was instantly refreshed. She showed a sweet smile at Ke Qingjin, "Then I will trouble Sister Jin."

   Ke Qingjin was flattered. For this sister Jin, she had to get Gao Ya a servant from Qing'an County even if she turned Ke's house upside down.

After Ke Qingjin left, Gao Ya also became interested in playing with everyone. Ke Qinghua and Ke Qingfeng were busy making their sisters happy, but they didn't notice how long Ke Qingjin had been away. He asked strangely, "Why did the second sister go for so long?"

   Gao Ya also looked worried, "Will it be difficult for me to be strong, why don't we go find Sister Jin?"

  Ke Qinghua hurriedly stopped, "The two young ladies are our distinguished guests, where do you need to go to find them in person, I'll send someone over to ask."

   Soon Ke Qingjin came back with the maid painted by Ke Qing. Seeing her sweating appearance, she obviously ran a lot on the ground.

   Gao Ya hurriedly handed over the tea.

Ke Qingjin was flattered again, and said cautiously, "Miss Ya, I asked the housekeeper to check and ask, but unfortunately there is really no servant from Qing'an County, but there was one before, the old cook thought. When she got up, she said that in the early years, her great-grandfather bought a fire girl from there and worked in the kitchen for a period of time. Later, because of her injury and disfigurement, she allowed her to redeem herself and leave the house, but it is unknown where she went."

   (end of this chapter)

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