Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 601: is not it

   Chapter 601 Isn't it

The woman nodded, "It doesn't count, I was sold to a big family as a maid by my parents since I was a child, and I don't know where my hometown is, maybe the person who bought me knows, but after so many years, who still remembers it! If you want to ask me about people, you are really wrong. I don't go out of the house very often at the end of the year, and I don't even know my neighbors! But tell my kid, maybe he knows something."

When Wen Youshan heard that the woman used to be a maid for others, he was certain that the person in front of him was his eldest sister, and immediately burst into tears, "Eldest sister, my miserable eldest sister! I didn't expect you to suffer so much after being sold! "

  Woman: "?????"

   The boy who came out with the water: "??????"

  Woman: "Did you admit the wrong person!"

   "Mother, do they have a problem here?" The boy pointed to his brain and whispered.

  Wen Youshan held back his tears and choked: "You have a problem with your brain, I'm your uncle, you have to call me uncle!"

   "No! Mother, are they trying to deceive us?" The young man looked defensive and didn't even give water.

  Wen Youshan didn't argue with him, turned to look at the woman, and asked solemnly, "I ask you, were you sold to the Ke family as a maid?"

   "How do you know?" The woman was startled, her eyes stared like copper bells, and her eyes on Wen Youshan also became vigilant.

  Wen Youshan went on to ask: "It was because of your disfigurement that you were released from the house by the Ke family, right or not?"

   The woman's brows were almost furrowed, "Who are you?"

"Eldest sister! I'm your own younger brother! When you were so young, your parents sold you. It took me many years to find this place. I've asked the Ke family, and they said you were disfigured. After that, I left the house, look at it, it's all right, who else could you be?" Wen Youshan had a determined face, and insisted that the woman admit it.

The woman was stunned for a long time before she realized it. She looked at Wen Youshan's face carefully and became confused, "This little brother, you are mistaken, I think the person you are looking for should be Green Screen, oh, she just entered the manor. Sometimes it seems that her name is Xiaoya."

  Wen Youshan's pupils shrank suddenly, "Yes, yes, my sister's name is Xiaoya, do you know her?"

The woman fell into memory, and involuntarily touched the half of her face that was covered by her hair, and sighed in a low voice, "How could she not know her! She was a few years younger than me at the time, and I was from the old lady's yard. The second-class maid, who specializes in passing snacks to the kitchen, is a fire maid, and I can see her as soon as I go there.

A thin, dry little girl, with big eyes, she always has a blank face, no expression, and she doesn't like to talk. The kitchen wouldn't be so busy all the time. If something was warm on the stove when it wasn't mealtime, she would be the only one left to watch the fire.

I often send her some snacks, bribe her with gadgets, and let her help me stare more, so that I can relax a lot, everything was normal at first, but the first-class maid in front of the old lady arrived At the age of going out, if you want to ask a second-class maid to come up, everyone is staring at that one or two positions. I am a second-class maid again, and I suddenly become a target for others.

That day, the young master was naughty and insisted that our maids take him to the kitchen to find something to eat. At that time, I didn’t know who took out a cup of hot bird’s nest and put it on the edge of the stove. The young master was naughty and fell over there. I At the same time as the green screen rushed over to protect, the soup was all sprinkled on us.

  I am better, but the face here is rotten, and the green screen is much worse than mine. Her back, neck and back of her head were all drenched, and she was seriously injured.

There were so many people there at that time, and this matter could not be concealed. The eldest master severely punished the young master, and he also asked a doctor to ask for medicine. We had a good rest for a few days, but the injury was healed, but we all had scars on our bodies. My scar is on my face, how can I continue to serve in front of the old lady? And because I was successful in saving the young master, it was impossible for the old lady to downgrade me, so she asked the housekeeper to come over to discuss with me and let me out of the house.

Talking about it is actually an order. Fortunately, I have a good heart. I think it’s not bad to just leave the house like this. How many sisters can only be released when they become old girls. Be the servants of others.

At that time, I took advantage of the situation to ask about the green screen, and I was very happy to know that the old lady let the green screen go out of the house. We went out together and rented a small yard outside for a temporary stay. She was still young, and she has a long life. Marrying a man is better than being a slave, but she is too seriously injured, and I don't know how to get married in this situation. I am very worried for her, but she is very open, saying that she can leave that kind of right and wrong. The land has been considered good fortune, and there is no need for anything else.

   In those few years, the two of us depended on each other for life, until I met the child’s father and was about to get married and have a child, and then we separated from her. On the day of my marriage, she sent me on the sedan chair as my maiden’s family and gave me half of my savings as makeup.

I only found out later, and when I went back, I found out that she was gone. At that time, I also asked many people around, but no one knew where she went. I have been thinking about it for a few years. She is no longer persistent, but she never thought that one day her relatives would come over! "

  The woman was also very sad when she saw Wen Youshan burst into tears, "If you want to find her, you don't have to go around the city anymore, she's not here."

   "How can I see it?" Chen Ningya asked.

The woman pointed to her neck and the back of her head, "She was injured in these places at the time, and there were scars on the back of her neck, the back of her head, and her lower jaw. Although it's not easy to spot if you don't look carefully, it's easy to hide it, but as long as you have contact with her, The person who is there must be able to find it at a glance, I have asked all over the city in the past few years, and there is no such person, if you want to look for it, just look for this characteristic."

   "Thank you!" Wen Youshan solemnly thanked, and Chen Ningya slowly walked out of the dilapidated yard, just stepping over the threshold.

The woman said behind her: "Look, you are also pitiful. I met Green Screen for a while, and I got half of her savings back then, but the family was really poor and couldn't get that much money. There are still 500 yuan here, you guys. Keep it, if you really can't find it, don't force it, Jiangnan is so big and there are so many people, you are too old, you can't afford it!"

   The woman asked the young man to go back to get the copper plate. The young man was obviously not very happy, but he didn't disagree with the woman, turned around and went back to the house, and gave Wen Youshan five hundred wen without saying a word.

   Seeing the pain on his face, Wen Youshan was a little stunned.

   (end of this chapter)

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