Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 607: Calculate

   Chapter 607 Planning

   The housekeeper hurriedly withdrew. Just when the Ke family inquired about the festival between the Anguo Gongfu and the Jia family, Ruan Yuzhu and Lu Liu already knew the whole story.

   Ruan Yuzhu called Yu Linghui over and asked, "Have you met Miss Min Ya in the past two days?"

  Yu Linghui didn't know why, so she nodded honestly, "Yesterday we also made an appointment to go out to the tea shop to taste tea, and went to visit the rouge gouache and cloth village."

   "What did they say? Or what did they ask you?" Ruan Yuzhu asked.

  Yu Linghui shook her head, "Mother, is there anything wrong with them?"

Ruan Yuzhu was lost in thought, and shook her head absently, "It's nothing wrong, but I received some news today, guessing that Duke Ang's going to Jiangnan is not easy, the Jia family offended Duke Ang, and I don't know what will happen next time. If we see Miss Min again, forget it, now that the matter has not been involved with us, it would be inappropriate to ask so many questions!"

   Ruan Yuzhu looked at Yu Linghui and asked seriously, "What do you think of Miss Min and Miss Ya?"

   "Mother?" Yu Linghui was very surprised.

Ruan Yuzhu smiled and said: "Guo Gong and his wife let the two young ladies make friends with you for no reason. The government is already so rich, and they will never miss our merchants, and the two young ladies have never been with you. I mentioned something, so the reason I can guess is the marriage of the two young ladies.

This is to build momentum for the two young ladies and let them find their own husbands. At present, it seems that Duke and Mrs. Ang are interested in our family or the two young ladies are optimistic about your brother, but I think it should be the country. What is the meaning of the father-in-law and his wife, so I want to ask how you feel about these two young ladies? If there is no problem, this marriage is very good. "

   "My mother didn't even know the background of the two young ladies, so why did she decide? What if these two young ladies were not of high rank?" Yu Linghui was a little confused.

Ruan Yuzhu sneered disdainfully, "What's the use of the door! Ability is the main thing! I'm not young anymore, so I can hold on for a few more years? Your brother will stand up for our door in the future. If the married wife can't support it, everything we managed to manage will collapse quickly, if these two young ladies are capable, they can really get married."

  Yu Linghui suddenly realized, pursed her lips, thought about it for a long time before gritting her teeth and said, "If you follow the standard of mother, Miss Min can be."

   "Why did you see it?" Ruan Yuzhu became interested.

Yu Linghui said slowly: "Ms. Min is a few months older than Miss Ya. The two are similar in age, but their temperaments are really different. Miss Min is bright and intelligent, and her personality is also transparent. Dividing the style of mother, you should feel it when you travel on that day.

Although Miss   Ya was able to control the situation, she was a little softer and more inclined to keep things calm, not as decisive as Miss Min. The two sisters were soft and firm, and they cooperated quite well. "

   Speaking of this, Yu Linghui couldn't help but laugh.

   Ruan Yuzhu nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that this Miss Min is really good! In this way, you can get in touch with them more deeply. If you are sure that there is no problem, I will go to Anguo Gongfu to propose a marriage!"

   "Yeah!" Yu Linghui nodded straight, she would be happy if Gao Min became her sister-in-law.

  Different from what the Yu family thought, Lu Liuzheng had a business war storm in his head, thinking about how to annex the Jia family's businesses as quickly as possible.

   The housekeeper was in a cold sweat, and couldn't help but say, "Master, there are still no eight characters! What if the Jia family has a way to escape?"

Lu Liu was stunned, shook his head and said, "Even if the Jia family has the ability to escape, everyone knows that the Jia family has offended An Guogong, and besides, the Jia family relies on the Xiong family, and the Xiong family is 100% dead. Now, without the Xiong family, the Jia family will be like a cat without claws, how long can it hop around? Even if we don't take action, will Ke Guangji be able to sit still? And the Yu family and other small families!"

   The butler was stunned for a moment, but did not refute any further.

   A carriage slowly drove into the yard where Xie's house was.

   It’s still the same yard, but the mother and son of the Xie family have different moods.

  Jiang Dayi parked the carriage outside the door and said, "If the madam and the two young masters have anything to get, hurry up and get it, the butler will sell it tomorrow!"

  Xie Nianbo was originally quite sad, but his eyes widened instantly when he heard this, "So soon! Can't you stay for a while?"

  Jiang Dayi frowned deeply, "Master Xie, this house is already broken, and it has to be repaired before it can be sold at a good price. When we leave, who will the housekeeper ask for advice?"

   Xie Nianbo just shut up, jumped out of the carriage and opened the courtyard door.

   The mother and son were just tumbling in the room when they heard a noisy voice from outside and the roar of Jiang Dayi's rough mine.

   "What's the matter?" Xie Nianbo came out to take a look.

An old woman grabbed the door frame, cried and shouted, and immediately knelt down, "Nianbo! I beg you to spare my family's second photon, he was just blinded by lard and was confused for a while, he really didn't mean to harm you. !"

  Xie Nianbo understood after being stunned for a while, and asked loudly, "It was Erguang who went to tip off Mr. Xiong, right?"

The old woman stopped crying abruptly, her eyes flickered, and she said lightly: "It was all forced by Xiong Laosan's group. My family's Erguang lost money in the casino and can't make it. They said that they would do things for the casino to pay off the debt. He really didn't do it on purpose! Nianbo, you see that my aunt is also very old. Wasn't that old master very powerful that day? You plead for Erguang and let the prefect forgive him, he will never dare! "

Wen Shi, who came out of the room, laughed angrily, pointed at the old woman and scolded: "How dare you ask my son to intercede for Erguang? It would be good if we didn't ask him to settle the account! It's our own sins. Take it! You deserve it!"

"How can you say that!" The old woman was furious and scolded, "Sangmenxing, Kefuming! If it wasn't for your family, my son would not have been arrested. If I don't return my son today, I will Fight with you!"

   Said that the old woman was about to rush in, Jiang Dayi stopped the person with only one hand, and said coolly, "Do you think I am dead, old goddess!"

  The old woman was pushed and staggered, frightened and frightened, and she simply sat on the ground and splashed, "I don't live anymore! The Xie family is going to bully the dead! Woohoo, I don't live anymore!"

   "You don't have to live if you hit him directly." Xie Nianzhong suddenly said this.

  The people watching the lively around all widened their eyes in astonishment.

   Someone frowned dissatisfiedly and said: "How did you talk about this child? He is also an elder after all!"

   "Bah! It's none of my family's business!" Wen Shi scolded with akimbo, pointing at the onlookers, and shouted angrily, "We have no relatives in the Xie family! Even if Erguang is dead, he deserves it!"

   (end of this chapter)

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