Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 78: diligent and jealous

  Chapter 78 Diligence and Jealousy

   "What your mother means." Wen Youshan grinned proudly.

   The two brothers were so shocked that they were almost numb. They looked at each other with no expression on their faces. It was the uncle who could make money, and they only had to be notified.

   Wen Yuanhong touched his little heart and said happily: "Fortunately, there is still an autumn harvest holiday, otherwise I don't know where my family is going during Chinese New Year."

   "Hahaha" Wen Youshan's music is broken, and his heart is very happy.

The father and son rushed forward to the village after dark. The autumn harvest had already started in the village. Every household would go to the ground before dawn. When they came home before dark, they were as tired as a dog. no.

   They walked all the way to the courtyard halfway up the mountain and they didn't meet anyone. Wen Youshan was very fortunate and urged the two boys to knock on the door. When the courtyard door opened, the group quickly got in.

  Chen Ningya immediately closed the door, put on autumn clothes and touched the heads of the two children, looking distressed, "I've lost weight! Is studying hard?"

   Both brothers shook their heads. They were sitting in the school, where there was no wind, no rain, and no effort needed.

Chen Ningya smiled and didn't refute them. She went directly to the kitchen to cook. Wen Yuanzhen and Wen Yuanjing, who heard the movement, quickly came to help. The youngest, Wen Yuanxing, was playing with ants at the door of the main room. , excitedly strode with short legs, rushed over like a cannonball, "Father, big brother, second brother"

  Chen Ningya heard the sound in the kitchen, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, she quickly put oil and sauteed it, and made seafood noodles and pancakes for the whole family.

  Wen Youshan took the children to take a bath and changed into clean clothes, and dinner would be ready when they finished bathing.

  The autumn wind was blowing from the top of the mountain, and people shivered from the cold. The family sat down in the main room. Wen Youshan immediately closed the door, and then said comfortably, "Let's have dinner."

   "Hee hee, Dad, I want to eat noodles." Wen Yuanxing swayed from side to side with joy, his eyes narrowed.

   "Sure! Dad, will you serve noodles for you?" Wen Youshan picked up his little son and rubbed his chin against his face.

  Wen Youshan took out another jar of wine after teasing his younger son, and asked Chen Ningya's opinion angrily, "Can you drink some?"

  The five little radishes were silent, Chen Ningya glared at him, laughed and scolded angrily: "Drink if you want, and I can grab it for you."

"Hehe." Wen Youshan was satisfied, poured himself a bowl, took a big sip, sighed comfortably, and winked at Chen Ningya, "Miss, I will put all the money I earned today in the cabinet on your dresser. Here, go back and keep an account, from tomorrow onwards, the eldest and the second will go out with me for morning exercises every day, come back to help dye the cloth, and try to dye the rest of the cloth before the autumn harvest, so that we can build a house with peace of mind."

   "No problem." The brothers looked at each other and shouted in unison.

  Wen Youshan nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, very morale!"

   With the addition of these two boys, at least someone has to carry water and chop wood. He can also help Chen Ningya wholeheartedly. Maybe he can get an extra stove to degumming, which can save half the time.

Wen Youshan is considered to be very beautiful. Even if it was dark the next day after drinking, he dug up his two sons. First, he took them to run the mountain, and then checked the traps on the nearby mountain. When they came back, the two boys had to go out to pick up water and firewood after breakfast, and they were busy until the sun was about to go down.

   The brothers were stunned after only a day. How about helping dye the cloth? They didn't even catch a piece of cloth, but in just one day, they really saw the ability of their parents. Before going out tomorrow morning, the yard was still empty. Seeing their eyes fascinated and amazed, they completely believed Wen Youshan's words, such a cloth is really worth a few taels of silver.

  The curious Wen Yuanhong still counted from the beginning to the end, and then exclaimed: "Eight pieces of cloth! Mom and Dad, you two dyed eight pieces of cloth today?"

  Chen Ningya nodded with a smile, "Because you guys came back to help, it's a lot faster."

   "But we didn't help much either." Wen Yuanhong scratched his head embarrassedly, thinking that his mother was just comforting him.

Chen Ningya looked a little more serious, "Mother is telling the truth, when you are not at home, your father will spend most of the day just fetching water and chopping firewood, and the rest will only take half a day to help me with the work, the speed is natural It's a lot slower, now that you share your father's work, he can't help me with the work wholeheartedly."

   Wen Yuanhong was refreshed and nodded desperately, "Then I will pick up more firewood tomorrow, and I will also help my brother fetch water."

  Wen Yuanliang supported his forehead, "You better pick up the firewood and then talk about it."

   With just the strength of Wen Yuanhong, he asked him to fetch water. He didn't pick much water, but his clothes got wet several times. Everyone didn't have the spare time to help him do the laundry.

In the next few days, the family seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood. When they were working, they were very energetic. Li nodded straight when he saw this, and turned around and said to Sun Laifu and his wife, "Look at how diligent this kid is. Envy, when will our children be able to say sour words like others."

  Sun Qing and Sun He lay their guns innocently, the two brothers looked at each other and tacitly remained silent.

Li's words are not aimed at the Wen family's children, but their grandsons really can't compare with others. Although the Sun family is poor, they are much stronger than the previous Wen family. In addition, they have a lot of fields, and they have never let their two children go hungry. After the stomach, Sun Laifu and Xiao Li have two sons in total, and they are pampered like eyeballs. Although the children are sensible, they really can't keep up with others when it comes to enduring hardships.

Xiao Li refused to accept it, and retorted with his neck stuck: "Mother, how can you say that with two children, the eldest and second of our family go to the ground to help every day. This year, the eldest has collected food by himself, and he doesn't need his father's help, right? "

   Xiao Li glared at Sun Laifu and kicked him.

Sun Laifu was tired all day, and didn't want to talk at all. He was kicked by Xiao Li, and his heart was inexplicably angry, "Li! What are you trying to do? If you are too busy, go down to the ground, you will be fine all day. Just thinking about it, if you are not tired, I am still tired!"

Xiao Li originally wanted to take Sun Laifu as an ally, but he didn't expect Sun Laifu's reaction to be so big, and even scolded her, Xiao Li was immediately aggrieved, and shouted loudly with red eyes: "Are you tired, am I tired? When you go to the ground, I can't clean up at home? I can't cook for you! Having said so much, I'm not planning for my son, so why are you fierce?"

It's good that Mrs. Li didn't refute, but when she refuted Sun Laifu, she became even more angry, and her voice became much louder, "You are ashamed to say that you clean and cook at home, breakfast is made by your mother, and chickens and ducks are also raised by her mother. The chickens are flying and dogs are jumping, you can go to the river to wash your clothes, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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