Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Silent Victim

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Maybe this President Wu is truly a sensible man?” Chen Jingjing looked at her. “Two experienced staff members recently left the sales department, and many of the company’s resources and customers went with them. Currently, the company needs talented workers… Tang Tang, this could really be an opportunity!”

Hua Tang pursed her lips. She remembered something Mu Chi had taught her; if you can’t figure out something or someone, you might as well consider it from the other party’s point of view.

“Jingjing,” Hua Tang said softly, “if you were a major shareholder of the company and your niece was beaten up by a new employee, would you forgive and forget and promote that new employee? If that new employee signed a contract even your niece couldn’t, would you regard said employee as your niece’s friend or her enemy?”

Chen Jingjing’s expression changed. She had indeed not thought of this!

She might think of eliminating the ‘obstacle’ blocking her niece’s path if she were in President Wu’s shoes. After all, she wasn’t a saint; she had her own selfish motives. The more of her people she had in the company, the easier it was to control it, especially if the crony wasn’t that smart…

“You don’t usually speak up, but when you do, your opinions are quite valid!” Chen Jingjing laughed.

“My judgment might not be correct. It’s just that Mu Chi told me I must be vigilant.” Hua Tang chuckled. “He also said that those in high positions went through many difficulties and trials to get where they are today, so they are far from being as simple as they looked. None are truly altruistic; those who seem amiable and approachable merely disguise themselves better than most.”

“So your husband is now your life coach, huh?” Chen Jingjing’s words were meant as a tease.

However, once Hua Tang began boasting about her husband, she couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t hide her pride as she sang his praises, “Jingjing, don’t underestimate him. He truly knows a lot. I often see him looking at foreign websites. He can read several languages and is also concerned about current politics and the economy!”

Chen Jingjing also found it incredible. Thinking back to when she met Mu Chi just earlier and the oppressive and powerful aura he exuded, if she didn’t know his background, she would have thought that he was someone of great importance.

“How much do you know about your husband?” she frowned.

“Why do you ask?” Hua Tang was surprised at her friend’s sudden interest.

“Just trying to make chitchat! You make him sound so amazing; I’m curious about him!”

Hua Tang smiled innocently, but she realized that she didn’t know much about Mu Chi; besides the fact that he had no family relatives and his ‘criminal history,’ there seemed to be nothing else.

The next day, as soon as Hua Tang arrived at work, she was called into the office by Wu Zhanqiang.

Hua Tang was a little nervous, while Wu Zhanqiang smiled kindly and even politely asked the secretary to bring her coffee.

Wu Zhanqiang chuckled, “I’ve long heard that a capable person in the sales department secured a big deal with Mr. Wang in their second month in the company. I’ve always wanted to find an opportunity to meet you, and I finally got my wish today!”

“President Wu, you’re too kind.” Hua Tang’s attitude was neither overbearing nor self-effacing as she continued, “President Wu, you can see me whenever you want. However, you’re usually busy, and my performance in the sales department isn’t very outstanding.”

When Wu Zhanqiang heard this, he studied her once again. This woman, Hua Tang, wasn’t a stunning beauty at first sight, but she was easy on the eye and had a sustainable beauty. The more he looked at her, the more beautiful he found her.

She was also a good conversationalist. She responded flawlessly; with a few words, she avoided any offense to him and didn’t take credit for her work.

She was indeed a capable person.

It was no wonder his niece felt threatened by her. However, the company was in need of skilled talent. It would be a loss for the company to lose such a competent worker.

It would be easy for him to give Hua Tang a hard time, but he couldn’t do so openly. He aimed to make things difficult for her under the guise of company projects and work.

Everyone would think the company and its leaders thought highly of her when they assigned a big project to her, but in truth, she would struggle to complete the demanding task.

Others would admire and even be envious of her opportunity. He was sure that when that time came, Hua Tang’s life would be hard, and she would have to suffer in silence. She might even be grateful to the company for the opportunity, not seeing it for the trap it was.

Wu Zhanqiang rubbed the gold ring on his hand in thought and smiled. “Actually, I called you here today because I have a mission for you.”

Hua Tang looked up at him at the statement.

“The company has always wanted to enter Haicheng City’s market. We’ve been planning this for a few years.” Wu Zhanqiang said plainly, “But it’s not easy to enter the market there. Everyone has their eye on that market, hungry for a piece of the pie, as we are, but our company has no particular advantage. We can only watch others profit.”

“Furthermore, the sales department had lost two backbone members who’d taken many customers and resources with them. The market situation is currently quite grim. Therefore, we shareholders had a discussion and have decided to promote young members with ability and performance and give Haicheng City’s market a try…”

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