Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 25 - 25 Rob's past and... a God?

"Hello kid, you've passed."

"Passed? I'm dead again?! For f.u.c.k's sake, how did I even die?!"

"Wait, no no no. I didn't say you passed away, I meant you've passed a test."

Scrunching my eyebrows at this revelation I immediately ask the big DumbleRock.. "What kind of test? Why was I taking a test? And why did I not know I was taking a test?"

Rob then conjures 2 comfortable looking chairs out of thin air and offers me a seat. When we both sit down he starts explaining.

"I did not just pop into existence out of nowhere one day and instantly became omnipotent. I was once an average kid, quite a lot like you. I died, and was then offered reincarnation by the creator of all that existed, just like you. Eventually after many, many years, I became almost as powerful as he was, and then he started teaching and training me personally. Until one day he told me why he was doing it.

He had lived long enough, and felt he'd experienced everything there was to experience, seen everything that could be seen and learned everything that could be learned. He was ready to stop existing.

He told me that he'd been preparing me to take over for him and explained that the moment he ceased to exist, everything he'd ever created would cease to exist along with him. So I had to be more powerful than him before he could do that. He asked me to create new things when he was gone, and I did. Everything that currently exists was created by me.

But for the last few million years I've felt like I was getting close to being ready myself. So I started preparing for a successor, you. But I had to be sure."

"Sure of what?"

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is a universal truth. However, it does not apply to me and it did not apply to my late teacher. So I had to find someone like us. And the only way to test if you'd be corrupted by absolute power was to send you to a world where your power would be absolute, and then basically just sit back and see what happens. And you passed with flying colors."

"So, what happens now?"

".... That's it?! I tell you you can become my successor and you're still so calm?"

"Well, I wasn't expecting this exactly but I always thought your story about my death was bullshit. The O in your name stands for Omnipotent, through omnipotence you can gain omnipresence and through omnipresence you can gain omniscience. Someone like you does not just make a mistake like that. So I always thought you had some sort of agenda with me."

"Well, actually I started with omniscience and learned how to gain omnipotence, through which I became omnipresent. But well done figuring that one out. Any more things you've been wondering about?"

"Yes, actually. What did you do to my first wish? I asked for Muzaka's abilities with a Fenris wolf transformation, but it feels like you've given me more."

"Correct, young padawan. Remember how I extracted one extra wish for that because it was 'too powerful'? Well that was nonsense, you spent your third wish to basically gain the power of creation and I said nothing about that, did I?

I extracted the extra wish to give you the powers, abilities and divinity of the actual Fenris wolf from Marvel. Not the MCU version though, the earth-616 version. It has the potential for infinite growth through either time or intense battle.

Oh and his divinity was misunderstood. He's not just the god of wolves. He's the god of all animals, normal as well as mythological. Hence your ability to talk to animals and control them."

"Ok, not gonna lie. That's amazing. So what happens now?"

"Well, it's up to you kid. If you want to become my successor you should probably adjust your plans for the next world. I suggest jumping in the deep end, and go to the DCU. Particularly a mixed universe with some DCEU, some Arrowverse and some comics all mixed together.

Or you can choose not to become my successor and just live your life hopping from world to world having adventures."


"No, what?"

"No. I want to do both. Let me be selfish for once, I'd like you to take away the restrictions on world traveling."

This conjures a big, bright, toothy smile on Rob's face. "Alright, done."

"Thank you. What about my third wish by the way? You said I'd get it in Fairy Tail."

"Ah, you're right. Almost forgot." He then brings his index finger to my forehead and I get the worst headache in the history of headaches. "AAARG!! MOTHER*BLEEP*"

"I just gave you my own power of creation. You're going to have to learn how to control this ability. I suggest you start turning materials into different materials. Once you've mastered that, you create a material out of nothing. Then you create something living, but not sentient, and eventually you can create sentient life. After that you'll have to figure it out yourself."

"So you're giving me an upgrade there too. Thank you."

"Well, I must be going now. Great godly stuff to do. When you want to leave this world, infuse your claws with every ounce of your aura and compress it. Then take a big swing and imagine where and when you want to go to. It'll create a tear in space and time, that will take you to your d.e.s.i.r.ed location and time."

"Can I use it without world traveling? Like to just go to the past or future?"

"Yes, you can. This time you'll really not see me for a while so goodbye and good luck."

"Goodbye Rob. And thank you, I won't waste these gifts."

Rob gives me a satisfied nod and dissipates into thin air.

Before I even realize, I'm tackled from behind and have a pair of arms around my waste.

"Thank god you're okay. I know they can't really hurt you but that didn't stop my worrying."

I take one of Alice's hands in my own and turn around. I embrace her closer to my c.h.e.s.t.

"There really was no reason to worry honey. They couldn't even touch me. Let's go home."

"Un, okay."

A few days after dealing with the Volturi, I go to the Quileute Reservation. Walking towards Jacob's place I see him training some younger wolves who just phased for the first time.

"Hey pop-pop, what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

We move inside his cabin and sit down across from eachother.

"For almost two and a half millennia, werewolves have been mostly hiding. Or at least they kept to themselves. We know there are some secluded societies out there where there are some werewolves but I think that needs to change. I want you to go find them, all of them, and educate them on everything I've taught you. I want you to lead all werewolves into a brighter future.

Now, to help you on this quest, I'm going to give you a gift. Give me your arm."

Jacob gives me his arm and I bite. Focusing on what I want to give him, I grant him increased strength, speed, agility and a better healing factor. I also give him the ability to alter his size to become as big as 12 meters tall or as small as a normal wolf. I then focus on my knowledge, and grant him insights in my Spartan training, all the battle techniques I know, mastery of weapons and battle tactics.

"With this you'll also have a much longer lifespan, you'll probably have a few centuries now. Prepare for your journey over the next few days, your first destination is in Greenland. There should be a small pack there. And then go to South Africa. There's also a pack in the Black Forest in Germany. Other than those three, I'm not sure where the rest are hiding."

"I feel amazing, so much stronger. This is awesome. I won't let you down. I'll find all of them."

"I know you won't let me down. There's a reason I'm giving you this gift. You may not have been raised or trained as a Spartan, but if you'd been born in ancient Sparta, I would have been proud to fight by your side."

"Thank you." Jacob tears up just a little, walks up to me and hugs me.

"You know what? I take it back. Spartans don't hug other Spartans."

"Nope, no take-backsies. I'm an honorary Spartan now."

I break the hug and start walking away. "Na ah, too late. I'm gonna go see if Sam is up for this mission instead."

"Waaait nooo! I'll never hug you again, I'm sorry!" Jacob yells running after me.

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