Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 29 - 29 Registration and sealing Arcanum

"So you're Lord Fenrir, God of Animals?"


"Alright, and has your arcanum already been sealed?"


"Can you do it yourself?"


"Alright, when we're done here you can go downstairs to Lord Ouranos. He can seal your Arcanum. For now," the receptionist lady bends down behind her desk and gets back up with a huge stack of papers. She drops them on the desk with a loud bang. "you should fill these out."

I keep staring between the stack of papers and the lady, back and forth. "You're kidding right? You couldn't, I don't know, maybe magic this up a bit? Maybe make a crystal ball I gotta pour some magic into, or a magic tablet I gotta drop some blood onto? Anything like that??"

The lady gets a very guilty expression and apologizes. "I'm sorry Lord Fenrir, I don't make the rules."

"Yeah, yeah. I understand." I take the stack of papers, and Alice and I walk to a guiet spot in the corner. "F.u.c.k.i.n.g blood s.u.c.k.i.n.g bureaucrats are in every world I guess."

"Honey, why did you introduce yourself as Fenrir instead of Fenris?"

"Because both are correct. It was originally Fenrisulfr, you can shorten it as both Fenris or Fenrir."

"So, should I call you Fenrir now?"

"You're my wife. You can call me whatever you want. Just don't call me late for dinner. Get it?"

Alice stares at me with a completely blank expression. "That's how I know you'll be a good dad. At least half of all the jokes you make are horrible dad jokes. And you're not even a father yet."

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" I look down to the wolves who all look at me in pity while nodding their heads.

We get to the last paper to fill out. And it reads, GOT YA!

Apparently my expression must've been hilarious because I immediately heard loud laughter coming from a corner in the guild. Specifically from this one octogenarian looking asshole who was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

"HAHAHA, YOU ACTUALLY DID IT! You did all the paperwork! No one has fallen for that prank in three hundred years. Word got around in heaven about this prank of mine and no one fell for it anymore, but when you came I saw my opportunity and you did not disappoint. You actually sat there for 2 hours, didn't you wonder why a god would ever be made to do paperwork?"

"Very... funny, Zeus. So how DO I actually register?"

"You release your divinity and pour some of it in this." He then hands me a crystal ball the size of a soccer ball.

I do as he tells me to and when I'm done words appear in the ball.

Name: Fenrisulfr, also known as Fenris or Fenrir. Titles: God of Animals, The Devouring Wolf, The White Wolf of Sparta.

'What the hell?! This ball knows everything I've ever been called just from my aura? That's a little creepy.'

"Okay, done. Now what?"

Zeus looks at me a little strangely. "Now you might want to take care of this." he then points to the counter where some of the guild receptionists are being restrained.

"What's going on?"

"When you just released your aura, they tried to jump on you."

"Why? Does that happen to every god?"

"No, it definitely doesn't. My best guess? It might be because of your divinity. They all just so happen to be beast humans and you're the God of Animals. That's probably not a coincidence."

"Yeah, probably not. But what do you expect me to do about it?"

"Seal your Arcanum. Now. It should at the very least partially take care of this... infatuation."

"Alright, where do I find Ouranos?"

"The bas.e.m.e.nt." Zeus then points to a door. "Behind that door, down the stairs."

Alice and I go down the stairs towards Ouranus and we come before a giant wooden door, my biggest wolf form could fit through.

"Lord Ouranos, My name is.."

"Fenrisulfr, Fenris or Fenrir. I know. Those crystal balls are mine. I always have access to the names and divinity. Everything else remains between you and the ball, unless you prove to be a threat to Orario.

I assume you came here to seal your Arcanum. So let's get on with it. Come to me."

I walk up the steps towards the throne until I stand before him.

He takes out a piece of paper.

"Take this, hold it with both hands and imagine a symbol, logo, crest or any kind of image you like."

I quickly imagine a simplistic image of a wolf's head and it appears on the paper. I change it around until I'm satisfied and the image looks like a black and a white wolf head, circling eachother like a yin and yang symbol.

I hand the paper back to Ouranos who glances over it for less than a second and grunts. "Hm, I've seen worse. Where do you want it?"

"What do you mean?"

"On your body, where do you want this? It will be the seal."

"Oh, on my c.h.e.s.t then. Left side please." I then take off my shirt and he places the paper on my c.h.e.s.t. The next moment I feel the image burning into my skin. It's absolutely no pleasant feeling but it's not the worst pain I've ever felt either.

After a few seconds the paper burns up and turns to ashes.

"Done, welcome to Orario Lord Fenrir. You can now make your own Familia. If you ever decide to undo the seal, just pour your divine aura into it."

"Thank you."

I walk back to Alice and while we walk back up to the guild she keeps staring at me.

"What is it?"

"Your hair it's... black."

"What?!" I reach for the back of my neck and grab all my hair, I then pull it over my shoulder to my front and it's really black.

"That's nostalgic."

"What do you mean?"

"I was born with black hair. It turned white when I became a wolf."

"Does that mean.."

"Yes, I cannot transform right now. My claws, my fangs, they're sealed. My senses are still enhanced but not like they were. It's like I've been reverted to what I was before I became 'The White Wolf of Sparta'."

"So, you're weak now. How are you going to train me?"

"Haaah?! Weak? What are you talking about? Before I became a wolf I was a Spartan warrior, and a powerful warlock. Either one of those things makes for a terrifying opponent, but put them together and you've got a lethal mix that can make the most badass warriors cry for mommy."

"Maybe, but you're not as fast or as strong as a vampire. As you are now, Aro could've handled you himself."

"I don't think so."

"Seriously? What gives you such confidence?"

"For starters everything I just mentioned, and you're forgetting one more thing. You can see the future, Edward reads minds, Jasper controls emotions. I was born gifted as well."

"Really? Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?"

"I haven't needed it since the day I became a wolf."

"Okay, so what is it?"



"Yes, I can temporarily enhance any aspect of myself. Speed, strength, stamina, regeneration, anything."

"Beyond a vampire's abilities?"

"Well, no. More like equal. And only one thing at a time, so it's either strength or speed but not both. Unless I'm angry, if I'm angry I can enhance my rage and then it all becomes enhanced." (Think Spartan Rage from GoW)

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