Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 4 - 4 Quileute Reserve and Forks, Washington

????Hands, touching hands...

Reachin out... Touching me, touching you...

Sweet Caroline????


????Good times never seemed so good????


????I've been inclined...????


????To believe they never would.????

Sweet Caroline, by Neil Diamond.

'Damn I'm actually starting to love that song. Although hearing it for the 50th time may be a little much.'

After the World Series, the city of Boston celebrated for days on end, which was actually a lot of fun. 'But now it' s time to head to the west coast'

Considering I'm not in any kind of hurry, I choose to take a road trip from coast to coast, in an electric muscle car I built myself while I was still a student at MIT. It was my graduation project. And I also made a lot of money from the engine designs, which I sold to the Volkswagen Group. The car was entirely modeled after the Equus Bass 770.

Along the way, I first stop in the Apalachians to let my inner wolf run free. I thoroughly enjoy myself hunting deer and other wild life. Then I continue to do the same in Yellowstone National park a few days later, before I head straight westbound towards my destination.

After a total of 12 days of travel, I finally arrive at a nice but modest mansion considering my wealth. It is located a few miles west of Forks, in the middle of the woods. 10 years ago I bought a sizeable chunk of forest and had my home built there, it is just outside the Quileute Reservation, but it is also not in Cullen territory. It is basically a smal piece of neutral ground, dead smack in the middle of these 2 territories.

After settling into my new home, I make my way to the reservation on foot, through the forest. I'm not even half way there before a 6 feet tall, pitch black wolf comes out from behind a tree.

Knowing who this is, I decide to communicate with him telepathically.

As the black wolf looks at me in surprise I recieve a response.

"Sam Uley, likewise. 2 questions for you. How are you talking like this and what do you mean 'descendants'?"

"We can communicate like this because like you, I too am a wolf."

Proving my words to be true, I turn into my wolf form. Except there is one little difference between Sam and I. My wolf towers above him with an almost 10 foot difference in height.

Sam quickly takes a few steps back as he gazes in amazement, fear and probably a few other emotions at the gigantic white wolf standing before him.

Having made a lasting impression on the young pup, I reduce my wolf's size to 7 feet. Standing just a little taller than Sam.

"You're really him."

"What? You know about me, still after 2500 years? How?"

"We don't know much about you, but one story has always been passed down throughout our history no matter what. The story of how you were created and how you came to an end after you were betrayed by the vampires."

"No, there are two others. Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron. We started phasing a few months ago after a vampire coven moved here. Our ancestors made a pact with them 100 years ago, because they do not drink human blood."

Acting surprised at this revelation, I ask..

" They don't drink human blood? Are you sure about that?"

" Yes, absolutely. One of them is a doctor at a local emergency room, he gets into contact with human blood on a daily basis and yet there have been no mysterious disappearances since they arrived."

"That's actually quite impressive, for a vampire to be able to muster that much self control. Alright then, could you take me to the leader of the Quileute tribal council?"

"Yes, of course. Follow me."

5 minutes later we appear in our human forms, in a big open clearing in the forest with one house in the middle.

Walking up to the front door, Sam knocks and seconds later the door is opened by a young boy looking to be 14 or 15 years old.

"Hey Jacob, is your father here?"

After a while Billy Black rolls towards us in his wheelchair, surprised by Sam's sudden visit and the strange guest by his side.

"Hello Sam, what can I do for you?"

"Hi Billy, this man right here wanted to meet you."

Taking a closer look at the man, Billy introduces himself, and holds his hand out.

"Hello, my name is Billy Black. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Fenris, nice to meet you too."

"As in THE Fenris?"

"Yes, I awoke 20 years ago and have been living in Boston, Massachusetts ever since. Unfortunately people started asking questions about why I don't seem to age so I decided to move to the only place where I knew I could find living descendants."

"In that case welcome to the Quileute reservation. Would you mind if I talk to the counsil and explain your situation to them? That will make it easier for them to accept a caucasian man moving into our territory."

"That solves that problem then. So what are your plans while you're here?"

"Well, the younger I start out somewhere. The longer I get to stay. So I'm planning to start as young as I can here, and go to highschool."

"If you want you can go to school here on the reservation."

"Thanks, but I think I'll go to Forks highschool."

"Alright, there is a council meeting tomorrow night. It's basically just a bonfire though. But we would be honored if you could be there."

"Thank you for the invitation Billy, I'll be there. It was very nice meeting you and I'll see you tomorrow night then."

"See you tomorrow Fenris."

After leaving Billy and Sam, I go back home to rest for the night. I feel like tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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