Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 45 - 45 Desghidorah and Keizer Ghidorah

Yucatan, Mexico 66 million B.C.

Three metallic black orbs covered in arcs of golden lightning are hovering a kilometer up in the air.

The first orb starts to descend slowly. The moment it touches the ground the lightning fades and a shape appears inside the black orb.

'It doesnt look like a Ghidorah at all. It looks humanoid.'

As it steps out of the orb I can finally get a good look at it.

It's a giant humanoid standing at 150 meters tall at least. It has a long tail that splits in two at the end. It doesn't appear to have any skin, it just looks like black muscle covered in bone-like armor in the vulnerable places.

It has an elongated skull with two spikes on top and two blood-red eyes. On its shoulders are two half-skulls both containing one eye each.

Let's call him... Keizer Ghidorah.


The moment it lets out a deafening roar, the other two orbs start descending as well.

As the shapes appear within the orbs, I notice these two actually look like Ghidorah.

The first one is entirely covered in pitch black scales and has red wings. It walks on four legs and has three heads.

I'll call him Desghidorah

The second one looks like King Ghidorah. Covered in golden scales all over its body. It has two legs and its front legs are fused to the wings like arms.

Since this one actually looks like him I'll call him King Ghidorah.

While all three focus their attention on me, Godzilla rises from the ocean and stares at me for a few seconds before diverting his attention to the three Ghidorahs.


Keizer Ghidorah, who is clearly in command, looks to King Ghidorah, he then points to Godzilla and roars.

He then immediately looks to Desghidorah while pointing at me.

Both Ghidorahs spring to action and pull their heads back like Cobras.

King Ghidorah's throats start glowing yellow while bolts of electricity start running up towards its mouths.

The same is happening with Desghidorah, except his throats glow bright red.

Both Ghidorahs launch their heads forward and launch their gravity beams at me and Godzilla.


Despite trying to avoid them, one of Desghidorah's red gravity beams manages to hit my left shoulder, gouging a hole deep enough to expose bone.

As I shake it off, I re-focus on Desghidorah but I notice something odd. Instead of fading away, the pain stays.

I look at my wound and notice that it's not healing.

'Huh, that's.. interesting.

Guess I should be more careful with this one.'

While Desghidorah and King Ghidorah are fighting me and Godzilla, Keizer Ghidorah appears to be preparing something.

He fires some kind of laser from his eyes into one of the spheres while the skulls on his shoulders fire at the other two spheres.

They all grow about ten times their former size and start raining lightning down on the earth while floating away in different directions.

'So this is how the dinosaurs go extinct in this world. But why? What's the endgame?

I suppose I'll know when I devour them.'

Reverting my attention back to Desghidorah, I see he's gearing up for another gravity beam.

This time I don't take a defensive approach, instead I run towards Desghidorah at full speed.

Its left and right heads stop preparing their gravity beams and instead they brace themselves for my attack. While the middle head continues gathering more energy in its mouth.

As I come close, the right head launches forward and tries to bite my side.

I avoid it, but in doing so, the left head manages to snap its mouth shut on my neck.

Physically I'm a lot stronger than one of its heads so it doesn't phase me much, despite the pain.

I manage to keep going and sink my teeth into the middle head's neck. I savagely rip and tear through its flesh.

Meanwhile the right head wraps around my body and sinks its teeth into my side.

I immediately feel my strength fading. I stop ripping and tearing through the middle head and look to my side where I see energy pulses being s.u.c.k.e.d out of me into Desghidorah.

I immediately shrink to about half my size and escape Desghidorah's grasp. I then take some distance and grow back to my full size, standing at 116 meters tall.

I decide to use Godzilla's atomic breath. As I fill my body with energy, every hair across my spine and along my stomach starts glowing blue.

I gather all the energy in my throat and as my eyes glow bright blue I open my mouth and shoot my atomic breath into Desghidorah's c.h.e.s.t.

As Desghidorah is pushed back I don't waste a second and immediately run toward him while keeping up my atomic breath.

As I get close I stop firing and jump at him, I dig the claws of my front paws in his left and right head while I snap my mouth shut on the middle head.

While keeping his right and left head at bay with my claws, I tear apart the middle head until it's completely lifeless.

I do the same to his right head, but when I get to the left head, Keizer Ghidorah fires a black gravity beam into my side.

The sheer force launches me off Desghidorah.

As I try to get up I notice gravity weighing me down more and more.

Keizer Ghidorah points his hand towards a large boulder and it starts to lift into the air. Keizer then moves his hand in my direction and the boulder launches toward me at incredible speed.

I b.a.r.e my fangs and run at Keizer as fast as I can. When I get close he raises his hand and makes a pushing motion.

Immediately I get hit with an invisible force that slows me down first but the closer I get to Keizer, the harder it pushes until I'm stopped.

Meanwhile, Keizer is charging another gravity beam.

Deciding to meet him head-on I charge my atomic breath.

I muster all the energy I can and focus it as much as I can, resulting in a smaller but far more powerful attack.

The two beams meet in the middle between us, causing a large explosion.

Using the dust as cover, combined with my senses, I run toward Keizer.

When I get close enough I jump at him and push him on his back.


I land a few hundred meters away. As I get to my feet and look to Keizer, he starts floating into the air.

As he floats a few dozen meters above the ground, suddenly two enormous blue and golden wings sprout from his back.

The half-skulls on his shoulders become whole, the bone armor becomes golden while the black muscle becomes dark blue.

His body morphs into the shape of a three-headed dragon.

As I look to the side I also notice Desghidorah's middle head has completely healed and is now breathing fire.

'Great! Why don't they just dip my balls in honey and STAKE ME TO AN ANT FARM!'

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