Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 48 - 48 Delusional deity and newfound power


"Kill me?! You've been eating me! You wanted to keep me chained up so you could keep eating me, you self-righteous hypocrite!" I scream while barely holding my anger in check. I feel my control slipping every second.

I wrap Gleipnir, the chain, around my torso, from my left shoulder down to my right hip and back up my shoulder. I then start walking towards Odin, who orders his soldiers to attack me.

One of his soldiers runs at me from the side.

He raises his sword but before he can hit me, I wrap my hand around his wrist and with a little pressure, I snap his hand off.

As the sword falls to the ground, I catch it and impale the man on his own sword.

I shove his body off the sword and throw it through the skull of another soldier.

Two more of them run at me, I sidestep and grab the first one from behind. I grab his chin with my right hand and the back of his head with my left. With one strong twist I snap his neck.

The second one thrusts his sword toward my c.h.e.s.t. I lean to the left and grab his wrist. With a strong jab to his elbow, I break his arm. His broken Radius is sticking out, I grab the back of his head and push the broken bone through his eye socket, into his brain.

Odin, feeling somewhat perturbed at the sight, grabs a horn that was dangling from his belt and blows on it.

Suddenly about two dozen women on the backs of winged horses come flying into the cave.

Noticing the wings, I feel my anger reaching its tipping point. "You fed my flesh to animals?!"

Odin puts two fingers to his mouth and whistles loudly. Immediately a large, white, eight-legged mare appears next to him from a bright blue light.

Her hooves and eyes shine with the same blue light. There's also a shining blue mark on her forehead running down to the nose.

The moment Sleipnir appeared, I noticed something odd. She can use aura. Something similar to my own.

As Odin gets on her back, I can feel Sleipnir trying to talk to me using telepathy.

"You think this will save you? Using animals?" I say mockingly as I stall while telepathically communicating with Sleipnir.

'So he has my ability to command animals.'

I immediately use my aura to keep the animals calm and speak to them all telepathically. My eyes turn blue and every animal lowers their head.

{Forget every order you've ever been given by Odin. You are free.}

Immediately the winged horses and Sleipnir all start rearing and bucking, causing most of the valkyries to fall off their backs.

Odin jumps off Sleipnir's back and immediately she takes off towards me and gets behind me, followed by the winged horses. Odin's ravens, Huginn and Muninn and his wolves, Geri and Freki joined as well.

"NO, STOP! Obey me!' Odin screams as he watches his pets abandon him. He looks at me with even more hatred than before. 'YOU! What did you do?!"

As I ignore the delusional cyclops, I tell the animals to stay behind me and not to interfere but then Sleipnir tells me something unexpected. {The Valkyries and most of the Aesir and Vanir were brainwashed as well. Please help them as well your holiness.}

'He can command people as well? How can he do something I can't when he got his powers from me? Unless...

If everything about me becomes more powerful over time, strength, speed, even the amount and quality of all the energies my body possess, it stands to reason that certain abilities might develop over time as well.

In that case..'

I close my eyes and release my aura as far as I can, spreading it very thin but I can feel it spanning the entire world.

I feel my senses expanding along with my aura.


I scream out in pain as I feel incredible amounts of information flooding my brain.

Every time my aura washes over a new animal species, one single specimen disintegrates into particles and fuses with my aura like I've devoured it. Immediately, I not only learn everything there is to know about it, I also gain the ability to turn into one.

'Now I no longer have to eat animals. I can just envelop them in my aura.'

As the pain fades and I regain focus, I can now sense everything my aura touches. Every animal, human and even plants. It's like I'm everywhere at once.

I can feel how every animal that can feel my aura lowers its head in my direction. Every withering plant regains vitality and every flower blooms. I can feel humans looking to the sky in wonder as my aura looks like a blue aurora, while injured and sick people and animals are healed.

Reminding myself of my purpose in doing this, I send out an order to every single mind on the planet just to be safe.

{Forget every order you've ever been given by Odin. You are free.}

"Ha, ha, ha..."

Doing this puts a real strain on me, the moment I pull my aura back in, I start panting and have to take a knee to catch my breath.

Taking this as a moment of weakness, Odin raises his spear and tries to throw it towards me.

Of course I saw it coming, so I lean to the side. But the the moment I do, Gungnir changes course and continues to fly straight at me.

At the last moment I jump and while Gungnir tries to alter its course I grab it. The moment I land I can feel the spear being called back to Odin but like I did with Mjolnir, I hold it firmly in place.

This time however, I don't destroy the weapon. I inspect the beautiful craftsmanship. The moment I held it I noticed how incredibly well-balanced it is.

I focus my attention to the tip of the spear, where I notice an insane amount of runes all carved with incredible skill.

It doesn't take me long to decipher the functions of these runes, but the moment I do I'm certain of one thing. Whoever made this spear is the most brilliant runes master I've ever come across.

The runes being used aren't particularly complicated but therein lies the brilliance.

It can also be filled with any kind of energy its owner possesses, it then condenses the energy and fires it from the tip in a concentrated blast.

I look to Odin and make a decision. "This is now mine."

Deciding not to waste another second on this delusional moron, I walk over to him faster than he can react and shove Gungnir into his c.h.e.s.t.

I then channel as much energy into the spear as it can take.

As the spear condenses the energy, I feel it vibrating and heating up.

A bright pulse travels along the spear from the base to the tip, into Odin.


An incredibly powerful blast leaves a gaping hole in Odin's c.h.e.s.t as he starts to disintegrate from the inside-out. The blast keeps going and also leaves a large hole in the back of the cave, then travels through the mountain and completely devastates the forest outside.

As I look at the damage and then at Gungnir I'm actually quite baffled. 'This thing could've killed Ghidorah.'

Everyone has dropped their weapons and is kneeling to me. The so-called 'gods', the Valkyries and everyone who lived inside the palace, probably Aesir.

"ALL HAIL LORD... uuh,' At the front, just a few meters before my feet, a woman looks up at me in confusion. 'What was your name again?"

"I am Fenrir, God of animals."



It's now around 2000 B.C.

It's been 1500 years since I've killed Odin. I've spent most of this time trying to control the constant anger I feel due to Ghidorah but for some reason it won't go. Of course I also trained to control my powers as they had all grown over the last 270 million years.

Like Sleipnir said, almost all those who served Odin only did so because they were brainwashed.

Apparently he started doing that when the Vanir wanted everyone to stop eating my flesh and instead only use my blood to grow crops.

There was a war and Odin brainwashed all those who opposed him. Seeing how effective it was, he never stopped. Eventually he grew paranoid whenever he was around people he hadn't brainwashed so he even did it to his own family.

After Odin's demise at my hands everyone obviously stopped eating my flesh. I also wouldn't allow them to take my blood for their crops, but I did offer to give them all a prolonged lifespan to make up for the years they lost to Odin.

Most humans who worshipped him, passed their beliefs on through generations. Eventually some would come to know of what had happened. The love they held for Odin didn't allow them to see the monster he was, instead they regarded me as the monster, giving birth to the myth of Ragnarok.

After many generations, even the descendants of the people who hailed me as their savior stopped worshipping me. Not that I cared.

The ravens Huginn and Muninn and the wolves Geri and Freki had asked to be allowed to serve me as they had Odin.

I granted them their wish and imbued them with the power that would allow them to do so.

Sleipnir was another story.

After I killed Odin, she begged me to undo what Odin had done to her. Apparently he used her as a Guinea pig for magical experiments, using my flesh as a catalyst.

This is what granted her the ability to use aura, which allowed her to teleport. But it also gave her four extra legs, which according to her hurts whenever she runs.

I took her extra legs, granted her immortality and gave her Rodan's abilities.

She's now a beautiful, large black mare. When she uses her abilities, her hooves, mane, tail and eyes emanate fire.

After it was done, I sent the animals through a portal to Danmachi.

When I expanded my aura during the altercation with Odin, I noticed Skull Island had a band of about twelve giant Gorillas living on it.

That's where I'm going right now, as I'm flying through the sky.

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