Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 51 - 51 Cutting heads and saving Lagertha

"Run" is all Lagertha hears before the giant wolf stands up, turns around and walks towards the three giant, golden dragon heads that come from three large black holes. Their necks are extremely long, almost like the dragons are actually snakes.

The little girl does as she's told and starts running away.

She keeps running until she can't run anymore, all the while tears stream down her cheeks as every loud sound and roar makes her think she's about to die.


As she stops for a second to catch her breath, out of nowhere the giant wolf crashes to the ground close to her, the shockwave launches her to the ground.

As she slowly gets up and her ears stop ringing, she looks at the wolf.

One of the dragon heads has its jaws shut on his neck, another holds his left arm.

The third head is distracted by her and starts to go in her direction.

The wolf seeing this, suddenly stops struggling.

As the dragon head comes closer, Lagertha watches on terrified.

Suddenly there's a bright blue flash of light and the head that was coming for her loses its bright golden glow, turning black.

It falls to the ground and skids along a little further before coming to a halt right in front of Lagertha.



After putting Lagertha on the ground, I get ready to fight the Ghidorah Overlord.

From three portals just beneath the cloud banks, three incredibly long necks descend with three large dragon heads attached.

They appear to be completely metallic, giving off a bright, golden glow.

Not wanting to waste time, to avoid putting the girl in danger, I immediately take out the big guns and gather an insane amount of nuclear energy and compress it into a small, focused atomic breath.

As the most powerful atomic breath I've ever fired flies at the middle head, I don't even think it will kill it, but what happens is something I definitely didn't expect. The beam curves away from Ghidorah's head, like he's bending space around him.

'Allllrighty then. Up close and personal it is.'

I ready my claws and approach the same head again. But it doesn't respond. It doesn't seem to be trying to defend itself.

When I'm close enough I swipe my claws straight at its throat.

'Ha! Suck on thi.. What the hell?!'

My claws go through Ghidorah without doing any damage whatsoever, like he's intangible.

Immediately the three heads retaliate, as the middle head bites my neck, the left head bites my shoulder and the right head tries to bite my right arm. I manage just in time to move my arm as the other two lift me up in the air and slam my body down to the ground.

As I try to get the two heads to let go, my attacks just phase right through them while they keep holding me down.

I then notice the right head doesn't pay attention to me anymore. I follow his line of sight and see Lagertha.

The head rears back, ready to lunge at the girl.

As the head launches forward, I fill my claws with aura and lop off the head with one clean cut.

Shocked at the sudden loss of a head, the other two let go of me and retreat quite a distance.

Immediately I go see if the girl is alright. I lift up Ghidorah's severed head and see the girl with her head between her knees, rocking back and forth mumbling, "I don't wanna die, I'm scared."

'Yeesh, with everything she's been through over the last 24 hours she's probably going to have some serious PTSD.'

I put my hand flat on the ground next to her. "Get on Lagertha, Quickly."

She looks up at my face and sees me smiling at her. She carefully approaches my hand and climbs on.

"Good girl. Now hold on tight."

The mountain that has my cave in it is not that far from here. I take one huge leap and I land in front of it.

I put the girl down on the ledge with the entrance to my cave and tell her to get inside.

I turn around and create enough distance between me and the mountain to keep Lagertha out of harm's way.

The two remaining heads start to gear up some kind of breath attack. Golden arcs of lightning start circling their heads. Suddenly they get s.u.c.k.e.d into their mouths as they launch their heads forward.

One problem. One of the heads isn't targetting me, but the mountain.

'Really? A Gravity beam for a little girl? Talk about overkill.'

Seeing as only my aura imbued claws seem to work, I fill them up as much as I can.

I swing them in their direction with all my strength, causing shockwaves to decimate half the forest, as five crescent aura beams launch at Ghidorah's necks.

Just before my aura beams decapitate them, they manage to fire their Gravity beams.

As I saw this coming I immediately used Quetzalcoatl's ability to reduce his own weight and manipulate air to make himself faster.

I get down on all fours and phase back to my wolf form quicker than I've ever done before and run towards the mountain.

Right as I'm nearly there, I no longer have time to use anything other than my own body to block the gravity beam.

I jump in between the gravity beam and my cave, taking on the full force with my body.

The power of the blast slams me into the mountain. Causing it to shake and rumble despite me only weighing about a third of my normal weight. 25.000 tons, instead of the 70.000 tons I weigh without using Quetzalcoatl's ability.

I immediately get inside my cave to get Lagertha out. I find her sitting in front of Odin's old palace, taking cover underneath one of the many solid gold statues he had of himself.

"Lagertha, it's alright. You'll be safe once we get out of this cave."

Lagertha popped her head from under the statue to see if it's really safe. The moment she does, a large boulder falls from the cave ceiling.

"Watch out!" Lagertha screams as I raise my arms to catch the boulder and then throw it out of the cave.

"Come on, we have to get you out of the cave." I say as I hold my arm over her to protect her from the rubble. I then look down and see her staring at me with wide eyes.

Barely five minutes later we're sitting outside in the forest, watching my cave collapse.

I look down at Lagertha who's sitting in the palm of my hand. "Let's get you home to Kattegat."

Immediately she looks up at me, scared. "No! Please, not there. I can't go there."

"Why not? It's where you're from isn't it? Don't you want to go back to your parents?" I ask a little confused at her fearful response.

"I don't have parents anymore, they died." She responds, with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

She wipes her eyes and looks up to me. "How do you know my name?"

"I looked at your memories." I answer truthfully.

"But then how come you don't know I can't go back to Kattegat?"

'Clever for an eight year old. I think.'

"Because I only wanted to know your name and where you're from so I could return you to where you belong. I didn't look at anything else.

But if you can't go back to Kattegat, where do you want me to take you? And how did you end up in the forest last night?"

Before she even begins to tell her story tears start rolling down her cheeks. "I can't go back because no one took care of me after my parents died. I got hungry and stole some bread.

I didn't know I was stealing from the Earl.

I got caught and as punishment I was sold as a slave.

Last night I escaped from the slavers and ran into the forest."

"I see. You've been through a lot." I say as I approach my cave and move some large boulders aside with one hand, slowly revealing Odin's palace still fully intact.

I clear out the boulders from the entrance and put Lagertha on the ground.

I then shrink down to about 2,20 meters while changing into my human form. Which still needs grooming. My hair is so ridiculously long, I'm like a male Rapunzel. Even my beard is well beyond Dumbledore levels, nearly reaching my knees.

"Hehe hihi." Apparently finding it funny, Lagertha tries with all her might to hold back but can't help but giggle.

I grab all my hair and cut it with a claw and then do the same with my beard.

"Tonight you can sleep here. Tomorrow we'll figure out the rest."

As she hasn't eaten anything since at least last night, I take some fruits out of my storage space, along with some bread.

While she eats, I go out to put the severed heads of Ghidorah in my storage space.

"Are those dragons dead?" Lagertha asks as she puts down her strawberry sandwich.

"That was one dragon with three heads, and no, it will be back one day." Seeing Lagertha being worried about it, I assure her. "And when it comes, I'll kill it."

"What's your name?" Lagertha asks curiously.


Immediately Lagertha puts 2 and 2 together. And looks afraid again.

"Relax, I didn't save your life just so I could kill you. That would be silly."

"Right, you saved me... I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize."

"But I thought you were bad just because of your name and the stories I've heard. Even though you saved me." Lagertha says dejectedly.

"Don't worry. Most of those stories are nonsense. But now is not the time to give you a history lesson.

How about we go find you a bedroom and we'll talk more tomorrow."

Lagertha takes the last bite from her sandwich, nods and jumps off her chair.

After finding her a comfy bed and tucking her in, I'm about to leave the room. "Fenrir?"

I turn around and look at her. "Yeah?"

"Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome Lagertha. Good night." I leave the door ajar and take the bed in the adjoining room.

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