Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 54 - 54 A bedtime story and a sacrifice

After leaving one of my bears in charge of the newly named Fenrikshavn and my new territories, I sail north to pick up Lagertha.

As the ship approaches the fjord where we left, I already see Lagertha and the wolves waiting on the beach.

Lagertha jumps into the ship and takes a seat next to me.

Immediately she fires a barrage of questions. "How was the trip? What happened to the slaver and Earl Hogun? What's in those c.h.e.s.ts and.."

"Stop, stop. It was great. They're both dead. Gold and silver and from now on one question at a time."

"Alright. Can you tell me EVERYTHING that happened?"

"Haha, clever. Still asking all your questions at once. Alright, fine.

So after we left Kattegat and had set up our backstory, we first went after the slaver. After setting sail we spent almost a full day at sea before we saw his ship on the horizon...

And then the whales SLAMMED the ship to pieces!"

"Whoa! And then? What happened then?" Lagertha asks excitedly.

"We went after Earl Hogun of course. With the former slaves and the slaver's treasure on board, we went to Denmark. When we saw the beach on the horizon I conjured a thick fog to conceal the ship...

So I dove under his sword and with my full weight I slammed my body against his shield, knocking him to the ground.

He tried to reach for his sword but I put one foot on his sword and slammed the other down on his stomach, killing him."

"Amazing! Then what happened?"

"The people couldn't believe what they saw. They all got down on one knee and made me their new Earl."

"Whooaa. You're an earl now. That's amazing. Then what happened?"

"What do you mean then what happened? I came to pick you up and here we are."

"Aww, story's over. Do you have more? Maybe one that rhymes?"

"A story in rhyme? Alright, give me some time.

I'll spin you a tale that will surely regale.

Then tonight before bed, a story you'll get."

After a short voyage we arrive in Kattegat where I meet with Earl Haraldson.

I walk into the earl's longhouse with Lagertha and a few bear and wolf people by my side.

"Fenrik, good to see you. How did it go?" Earl Haraldson asks nervously.

"I accomplished everything I set out to do and more. After I defeated Hogun in single combat I became the new earl."

"It seems congratulations are in order then. Tonight we shall have a feast to celebrate your success and we will make a sacrifice to the gods."

'F.u.c.k it, when in Rome...'

"Alright, but first we have business to discuss."

A few minutes later Earl Haraldson had ordered some of his people to prepare the feast and shelter for the night for my people.

Meanwhile we moved to a private room along with a handful of his people and two of mine.

We start discussing our business in all seriousness while Lagertha is sitting on my l.a.p, braiding my hair for some reason.

I just let her do what she wants, while Haraldson's people look at the strange sight in confusion.

"I know you made a deal with Hogun to go raiding together in the summer.

However, I cannot agree with the previous terms. So we must renegotiate."

Immediately Earl Haraldson starts to frown. "But the terms were already heavily favorable to your side. What more could you want?"

"I make the rules during the raids.

No ****, no killing unarmed people, no stealing from people's homes. We will only target monasteries. And finally, I decide where we go.

In return for all this, instead of 80 to 20 in my favor, we'll make it 70 to 30 when we distribute the treasure."

Haraldson seems to at least seriously consider my proposal for a while before he responds.

"Where do you want to go?"

"West, to a land called England." I answer honestly.

"West? No one goes west. All who have tried are dead."

"I know how to get there. Don't worry about that. Do you agree or not?"

"Alright. It's not like I ever had much choice. You do know the other part of the agreement, yes?"

"Yes, you need help defending against another Danish earl named Roric who wants your land. I will help with that."

"Forgive me but how do you plan on doing that? Earl Hogun had an amicable relationship with Roric that was fostered since childhood. You just killed and usurped him. I'm quite certain any peaceful resolution is off the table." Earl Haraldson says, clearly worried.

"A peaceful solution was never on the table. Hogun and Roric were conspiring against you.

Hogun was going to lead your people into a trap when you finished raiding. Roric's men, combined with Hogun's forces were going to overwhelm yours after a tiring raiding season.

Hogun would be paid handsomely for his troubles on top of all the treasure from the raids and Roric would get what he wants. Your land."


Haraldson slams his fist on the table. "THOSE BASTARDS! May they never reach Valhalla!" He screams maliciously.

After hashing out the terms a bit further, we were told the sacrifice was prepared.

Not wanting Lagertha to be there for that and seeing as it's pretty late anyways, I put her to bed. Just as I'm about to walk out her room she calls me back.

"Fenrir, you promised a story."

"Ah, yes I almost forgot." I walk back to her bed and sit next to her.

"There was once in a town called Far Far Away, an evil witch who used magic for getting her way.

But the people did not know, so they proclaimed oh, so loud "We owe everything to the witch, of her we are proud."

Until one day a wolf who came into town, took a whiff of the air *sniff sniff* and said with a frown. "This magic smells bad, *sniff* evil *sniff* and sour. Whoever has cast it, I shall devour."

The wolf so easily hunted the witch down, and then ensued a battle that shook the whole town.

The wolf emerged victorious and expected much praise, but the people did not know of the witch's foul ways.

So they yelled "You are evil! A monster! A beast!" and this angered the wolf so he had himself a feast.

No one survived and to this very day, the wolf regrets visiting Far Far Away."

"That's terrible! Is it a true story?" Lagertha asks.

"Yes. I'm the wolf and the town was called Atlantis.

Now go to sleep little lamb."

"Goodnight Fenrir."

After putting Lagertha to bed, I join the rest of the town in front of the longhouse.

On a stage, a man is standing with a large Dane axe.

"We offer a sacrifice to Odin. The mighty one. To thank him for Earl Fenrik's victory over Earl Hogun and that we may all benefit from the friendship between our people going forward."

A goat is then tied and the man raises the axe while some people wearing robes are chanting in unison.

""In the presence of the gods, and in their honor, we offer this sacrifice.""

When they are finished the man lowers his axe on the goat's neck, decapitating it.

Immediately the people all start cheering.

Meanwhile I noticed something odd happening the moment the goat died.

It was like its soul dissipated and was then absorbed using magic.

I easily locate the source of the magic in a lodge halfway up a nearby mountain.

I walk over to Earl Haraldson.

"Haraldson. Who lives on the side of that mountain?" I ask pointing towards it.

"The seer lives there in seclusion. He is hundreds of years old and has a connection to the gods. He shares with us his visions and wisdom, granted to him by the gods."

"Hundreds of years, huh? Interesting. I'd like to meet him."

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