Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 59 - 59 KILL, KILL, KILL!

In anticipation of the fight against multiple Titans, I preemptively enter a partial burning mode and take a more battle oriented form that focuses on upper body strength and better maneuverability with a buff torso and long, muscular arms, combined with triple-jointed legs.

Once I'm done, it doesn't take long before the first two Titans arrive.

Titan-Rex appears from behind a mountain and immediately charges at me from the front.

Meanwhile Warbat appears from behind me and quickly but quietly glides down towards me.

Warbat is the first to reach me. I wait until it's too close to alter its course.

I turn around and stab my claws through its head with an uppercut. Or an upperclaw.

Meanwhile Titan-Rex's stomach starts glowing orange as he continues to charge at me.


Not sure what it is, I use Warbat's corpse as a shield.

The moment the orange sludge makes impact, Warbat's flesh starts sizzling as the sludge eats right through it, leaving a large, gaping hole.

'Damn, that's some potent acid right there. No wonder this little one doesn't back off from far larger opponents.'

I drop Warbat's corpse and start running at him.

*Poof! Poof!*

As Titan-Rex spits two more acid balls at me, I create a large aura construct in the shape of a lacrosse stick. I catch both acid balls and throw them back at him.

The impact puts him down on the ground, but the acid has no effect on him whatsoever.

I turn the lacrosse stick into a spear and throw it at him. The spear impales his stomach, which immediately loses its orange glow and starts to leak acid.

I walk up to Titan-Rex as he's bleeding out. He tries to raise his head and spit another acid ball at me, but nothing comes out.

At this point, almost all the Titans of Hollow Earth have arrived and watched me kill Titan-Rex.

While some of them are eager to fight, some of them seem to have come to watch.

The only ones who haven't arrived yet are Nemesis Prime, Nagoraiar and Yamata no Orochi.

The first one to approach me is Enslaver.

He doesn't waste time roaring or posturing, he just runs at me as electricity starts arcing all over his body, producing a loud crackling noise.

As he gets closer, he extends one of his extendable claws into a large whip and swings it towards me.

As his claw reaches me, I catch it with my arm. An incredibly strong current of electricity immediately runs through my arm, causing serious discomfort, bordering on pain.

I wrap Enslaver's elongated arm around mine as he tries to pull it back.

When I get so close to him I can almost reach him, I cut off his arm with my claws.

I then take the claw I cut off and jam it through Enslaver's c.h.e.s.t. At the same time he stabs me with his other claw in my shoulder, while he stabs me in the lower abdomen with his tail.

He then sends an insanely powerful current through his claw, into my body and out through his tail, creating a current that goes through my heart.



As I'm gritting my teeth, I stab one set of claws into his neck and the other into his c.h.e.s.t.

I wrap a hand around his spine and crush it while I wrap the other around his heart and rip it out.

As the life drains from his eyes, the electricity running through me weakens.

I grab his claw and tail, and take them out. I then lift my right leg and Spartan kick him in his c.h.e.s.t.

He lands about four hundred meters away, dead.

As I look around, I see that pretty much every Titan has kept their distance and has been watching me and Enslaver fight, except for Pulgasari.

Sizemosaurus gets into a boxing stance and delivers a clean jab to the nose, followed by a right hook but as Sizemosaurus goes for a powerful straight, Pulgasari leans back, grabs on to Sizemo's fist with both hands and kicks his left knee, destroying his balance.

Pulgasari then grapples Sizemosaurus to the ground and slams his head against a large rock repeatedly until he's unconscious.

He then rips off some of Sizemosaurus' armor and starts eating it.

While he's eating the metallic plates, his upper body becomes more buff, his own golden armor expands and his horns grow bigger.


Pulgasari stops eating, flexes his muscles and roars into the sky.

He then immediately focuses his attention on me. He gets down on all fours and charges in my direction like an actual bull.

I start running at him as well. As we are about to collide, I feint sidestep to my left and actually step to my right as Pulgasari falls for it.

I grab his horn and pull him to the ground.

I bite him in the neck and meet far more resistance than I expected. It's like there's a layer of solid metal under his skin.

It doesn't help him much as my fangs still tear through his flesh like it's nothing and rip out his throat.

Meanwhile Sizemosaurus has woken up and Yamata No Orochi has arrived.

Tyrantasaur starts charging at me, while Orochi breathes fire at me from six of his heads and lightning from the middle two, combining them all together in a powerful attack.

Wanting to see how powerful this thing is, I decide to take Orochi's assault head-on.

As it reaches me, the combined lightning and flame attack burns off my fur but only manages to scorch the top layer of my skin.

Meanwhile Tyrantasaur has gotten close. So close she's lowered her head to impale me on her horns.

But right when I prepare to take her on, Sizemosaurus' fist slams into the side of her face.

Letting them fight each other, I take on Orochi. Seeing as his breath attacks are clearly no threat to me, I just walk up to him.

I walk through a large wall of lightning and flame, completely unbothered.

I rip off one of the heads that's been stabbing me with its horn and use its horn to stab through the skull of another head.

'Four down, four to go.'

Deciding to get it over with I just slash my claws across the last four necks and cut them all off.

'So far they've been a little disappointing. The only ones left are Sizemosaurus, Tyrantasaur, Nagoraiar and Nemesis Prime, and from what I've seen so far, the first two aren't a threat.'

I look to them to see how the fight is going and I'm just in time to see Sizemo grab Tyrantasaur by her horns and slam his knee into her chin repeatedly, severely f.u.c.k.i.n.g up her face and breaking almost all her teeth.


I approach the fighting Titans and get between them, pushing them apart.

"Stop. Enough." I convey using Titan bioacoustics.

Sizemo, still in the throes of battle, tries to get one last punch in, but accidentally hits my face.

I look him straight in the eye as he slowly backs off and lowers his head nervously.

I tell them to stay back as both Nagoraiar and Nemesis Prime are about to arrive.

Nagoraiar doesn't waste a second. The moment he sees me the small creases between his scales start glowing green, starting from his stomach going up to his throat.


He fires a powerful plasma beam from his throat that actually manages to push me back a few steps and burns off a few layers of flesh on my shoulder.

'That's more like it.'

As I'm about to charge at Nagoraiar, Sizemosaurus pulls on my arm, holding me back.

I look at him with my eyes boring straight into his, demanding an explanation.

He points at Nemesis Prime who is now visible on the horizon.

Sizemosaurus communicates a feeling of fear through bioacoustics and then points at Nagoraiar while conveying a sort of friendliness.

I point to my shoulder which is almost done healing and immediately Sizemo conveyes a combination of feelings that is hard to place, but it quickly becomes clear what he means.

Nemesis Prime has been controlling the Titans the way Ghidorah did in Godzilla King of the Monsters.

I walk towards Nagoraiar and let out my own Alpha call to snap him out of it. When an Alpha Titan is being challenged it's a one on one battle to the death and other Titans temporarily can't be controlled.


I raise my head and let out an incredibly loud wolf's howl, as a challenge to Nemesis Prime.

Immediately Nagoraiar grasps his head in confusion and shakes out of it.

Meanwhile, even though Nemesis Prime is still very far away she starts charging up some kind of energy attack as the strange orange fluid sacks on her body deplete and turn grayish green like the rest of her body, the ones on her throat start glowing gold along with her eyes.

She opens her mouth and I see a quick flash of golden light before an incredible large beam of pure golden energy fires at me at an incredible speed.

I try to avoid it but it manages to hit me and immediately launches me backwards, into a mountain side that's reduced to rubble from the impact.

I push large boulders off me and stand up. I see Nemesis Prime in the distance as she tucks her large arms at her sides and tucks her tail between her legs. She leans forward and starts rolling towards me very fast.

'What the hell? This isn't Pokémon, you can't just do a rollout like you're a Donphan.'

As Nemesis comes at me, I wait until it's too close to alter course and jump to the side, causing her to crash into the rubble.

She stands up like nothing happened and grabs a large boulder and hurls it at me.

I punch straight through the large boulder as it cracks into pieces.

Nemesis got closer while I focused on the boulder and as it's smashed to bits she slashes her giant claws at my face.

I duck underneath and slash my own claws across her stomach, leaving four large cuts.

I step behind her and stab my claws in her back on either side along her spine as I slash them down.

*GRAAAH!!* Nemesis screams out in pain as she swings her tail into my side, actually managing to push me away.

'Her physical strength is insane.'

She turns around and starts charging another golden plasma beam.

I decide to meet it with my Thermonuclear Breath attack.

I gather all the atomic energy I can muster into my throat as my fur starts to glow blue, I then combine it with Mothra's light, causing my fur to shed as my skin turns charcoal black.


We both fire at the same time. Our breath attacks meet and cause an enormous explosion, bigger than Tsar Bomba that engulfs us both and sends the three onlooking Titans to the ground.

As the dust slowly settles, we both stand across from each other. I used all the thermonuclear energy I had in one powerful blast.

The explosion was caused by my attack blowing straight through hers, releasing all that energy in a large, violent explosion.

While my Thermonuclear beam kept going, causing the large, gaping hole through the c.h.e.s.t of Nemesis Prime.

I'm mostly unharmed except for half my face missing skin and flesh, revealing my skull. As well as the rest of my body missing large patches of skin and flesh here and there, revealing parts of my skeleton.

My flesh is already regenerating. I walk over to Nemesis' corpse as she remains standing upright, but is unequivocally dead.

By the time I reach her, my body is healed. I raise my claws and with one strong swipe, cut off her head.


I hold her severed head in the air as I roar loudly, proclaiming myself the Monster king of hollow earth.

Nagoraiar, Sizemosaurus and Tyrantasaur all bow to their new Alpha.

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