Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 67 - 67 The devastation and the Oxygen Destroyer

"What the hell is that?!!" Mark Russell says as he looks up in the air, at three enormous golden dragon heads extending from a large black sphere.

"Sir, all our sensory equipment is going haywire. It's all showing readings that make no sense." One of the support staff says as she's watching several monitors showing her data. "Gravitational spikes, extreme drops and rises in barometric pressure. Sir, it all seems to be coming from either that sphere or the heads." She continues.

As Serizawa and Mark are both looking at the heads, one of the larger screens in the room suddenly displays Admiral Stenz.

"What is that thing?!" The Admiral asks impatiently. "Just when Fenrir defeats one of them, another shows up? And this time it's bigger."

"Admiral, you wouldn't happen to have another one of those Oxygen Destroyers, do you?" Mark asks.

"No, the one we launched was a prototype. We have another one being assembled but it won't be ready for at least a week. And it didn't do much good the first time, what did you think would happen with this one?" The Admiral responds.

"Look!" Doctor Serizawa says as he looks at Fenrir, surrounded by Titans.

Everyone immediately focuses on the Titans as Fenrir gets down on one knee and launches himself into the air, straight at the sphere.

The force of the jump itself causes the Titans around him to take a step back.

In less than a second, Fenrir gets through the sphere, dragging the golden heads behind him.

Immediately, the sphere dissipates back into a massive storm that splits in pieces, creating multiple smaller storms spreading out in different directions. After a few minutes they all disappear except for one, traveling southwest towards Skull Island.

After Fenrir left, the Titans all went peacefully, following Fenrir's last order and returned to their habitats.

A few minutes later, without a Titan in sight, the people aboard the USS Argo all look down on a completely demolished Washington DC as the water starts retreating back to the ocean.

"Soo... I guess we should help clean up?" Stanton says.


A few hours later, Doctors Mark and Emma Russell are together with their children watching news coverage of what's being called 'The rise of the Titans'.

"Behind me, you can see some of the devastation caused by Ghidorah in a matter of minutes.

The sheer amount of destruction and loss of life are incalculable.

Here alone in Washington DC, a city of almost seven hundred thousand people, the current death toll stands at over ninety thousand." The young newsreporter says, trying to stay professional while holding back tears.

"Due to the combined force of all four branches of the military keeping Ghidorah distracted long enough for evacuations, along with the timely intervention of Fenrir, despite the enormous losses, many lives were saved today."

The reporter suddenly falls silent for a few seconds as she turns to the side to look at something.

The camera man turns his camera to follow her gaze as a large, black circle appears in the air, where seconds later Fenrir steps through.

"He's back! Yes!" Andrew says enthusiastically as he jumps off the couch and goes outside.

He can see Fenrir in the distance getting down on all fours and turn his arms into legs, taking his wolf form.

His parents follow him along with his little sister. They watch together as Fenrir walks inland.

"I'm glad he's okay." Andrew says as he watches the giant wolf walk away.

"So am I son." Mark says as he puts his hand on his son's shoulder.

"You know the TV showed him up close, why are we standing outside watching him from a distance?" Madison says, apparently annoyed.

"We can always watch that again but how many times will we get to see him with our own two eyes like this?" Andrew responds to his sister without taking his eyes off Fenrir who is almost gone at this point.

"Actually, before this all happened, your mother and I were going to tell you something." Mark says, getting the children's attention. "I was offered to run the monitoring station on Skull Island. I'd be gone for months at a time, so it's not ideal but your mom and I decided together that I should take the job. You could come visit and who knows? You might get to see him.

According to Doctor Andrews, he walks by there every once in a while."

"REALLY?! That's awesome!" Andrew yells happily.


After making my list of possible extraterrestrial Titan threats and coming up with a few ideas on how to deal with them, I decide it's time I go get my rocket.

I make my way back to the surface and spread my aura thinly across the United States, so it's invisible and undetectable.

After a few minutes I find out where I can find an Oxygen Destroyer missile.

As I approach the base, sirens start to wail as military personnel mostly run inside while others get into helicopters and other aircrafts.

I stop directly outside the base as I'm being surrounded by helicopters. No one shoots but at the same time they have no idea what to do as I'm not moving at all and they're all painfully aware that shooting me would be like trying to kill an elephant using a mosquito.

After a while, I take the last step and enter the base. I put my nose to the ground and sniff, pretending to search for something.

Knowing exactly where I need to be, I sniff around the entrance of one particular facility and I sit down, look at the helicopters and growl.


A few minutes earlier, inside a control room in the underground facility.

"Put the base on high alert and get Admiral Stenz on the line right now." Captain Dunner says as he looks at a live video feed showing Fenrir approaching the base.

"Captain, what do you want?" Admiral Stenz asks as he appears on a screen.

"Fenrir is on my base, sir."

"What is he doing?"

"He seems to be looking for something."

"Fenrir is on the exact same base that created and houses a weapon that, from his perspective, was used against him? I don't think it's hard to figure out what he wants." Admiral Stenz says.

"We can't just give it to him."

"What would you rather do? Use it against him? You'd be sacrificing a lot of lives. If you give it to him, all you lose is time and money.

You don't fight earthquakes, captain, you ride them out. These Titans are living, breathing natural disasters. But this one is special, he hasn't killed a human and even appears considerate of human life. So please, for God's sake, don't antagonize him further and give him what he wants.


For the last few minutes I've been sitting in front of the weapons facility that houses the Oxygen Destroyer, slowly increasing the intensity of my growls.

Getting impatient, I raise one of my paws and claw open the roof. Looking inside, I see the missile was already being loaded on a truck so they could ride it outside.

'Oops, guess they did figure out what I want.'


"How did he find it?" Admiral Stenz wonders out loud.

"I'm more curious as to his behavior while he was on the base." Dr. Serizawa says, sitting across from Admiral Stenz. "He waited before entering the base as though he was announcing himself. He then sat in front of the exact place where you were keeping the weapon, giving you the time and opportunity to give him what he wants rather than take it by force.

Only when his patience grew thin, did he try to do so. None of these are behaviors of an animal."

"What are you saying doctor?"

"This encounter has reaffirmed my idea that he is the key to coexistence.

If we find a way to properly communicate with him, we would take a huge leap towards accomplishing this goal.

I want to dedicate more of Monarch's resources to it."

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