Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 84 - 84 Killing demons and recruiting Commander Valen

I fought my way through the hundreds of demons, and now I stand in front of large stone doors, 200 meters tall and at least 50 meters wide. I punch the door as hard as I can, blowing a large hole through it. I walk through it, into an enormous room with a ceiling at least 500 meters high.

Three large flashes of light shine in front of me and three demonic Titans appear before me, each of them 150 meters tall.

"Haha, alright then." I snap my fingers. "Cue the music." I say as Mick Gordon's Metal Hell starts playing.

Arch-Viles also teleport inside the room as they immediately start summoning all kinds of demons throughout the room.

In the back of the room, one bright flash illuminates the whole room as a three meter tall demon appears. A kind I have never seen before. It's entirely covered in armor plates, it has two large horns and one eye.

I decide to get rid of the Arch-Viles first. Without them, demons will stop spawning in the room.

I raise my hands and use my telekinesis to drag them to me.

I extend Genesis into a spear and as they fly towards me, perfectly lined up, I skewer the Arch-Vileson through their c.h.e.s.ts.

"Demon kebab, yum." I say jokingly as I grow to match the demonic Titans in size. As I grow, I eat the Arch-Viles off the spear like an actual shish kebab.

As I'm now the same size as the demonic Titans, I grow the spear as well, and turn it into a Glaive (Sword on a pole) made of pure, unbreakable Aegis metal.

I slash my glaive horizontally, across the neck of all three Titans, faster than they can react, decapitating them all at once.

'Huh, a little anticlimactic but whatever. Let's see what that strange demon in the back has to offer.'

I casually walk towards the unusual demon as I kill all others that cross my path.

As I get close, the demon raises its arms in my direction and I suddenly feel a faint pull towards the creature as a single tendril of energy leaves my body, and flows into the demon through its arm.

The demon immediately stops its attack as it falls to its knees and tries to puke out the piece of my soul it just tried to steal.

A stomach-like sack on the creature's back inflates more and more until... *BANG!* it explodes violently.

I raise my own arm and the part of my soul floats to it. I swallow it whole and approach the demon's corpse.

'Hmm, interesting ability. I wonder if I could adapt it so I won't have to bite someone or envelop them in my aura to devour them.

That would be useful.' I think to myself as I envelop the corpse in aura and devour it.

'So it's called a Harvester. Made to harvest souls and turn it into a volatile form of hell energy.

Well, it certainly got more than it bargained for, trying to devour even a tiny piece of my soul.'

I grab the Crucible and pry it loose. 'Alright, now I just need to go to Argent D'Nur where I'll be able to turn this into an Argent energy source. But first, I should recruit the Commander.'

I launch a quick, imperceptible pulse of aura across hell so I can map it properly. After a second or two, I find out where Commander Valen is and I turn into a stream of energy before landing just outside his hideout.

I walk inside and lasers and cannons all point at me. Not recognizing me or anything about me, they start shooting. I hold up my hand and create a barrier from both my aura and telekinesis.

I casually walk inside and stand in the doorway as Valen watches his defenses fail in taking me down.

"Deactivate." Valen says after a while. "Who are you? The purpose of my self-imposed exile in hell was to be left alone."

"I came here to hear a story. Yours to be exact. I've heard it told before but not from your perspective."

"That is why you came all the way to hell? To hear my story? Haha!" Valen suddenly starts laughing. "I have never heard something so ridiculous."

"Asking you to tell me, is me being polite. I can just read your mind and memories. So why don't you humor me."

Valen looks at me for a few seconds, seemingly considering his options before he sits down on a chair next to a fire and points to a second chair. "Take a seat."

He looks at it and after he sees me drinking it, takes a sip himself. "Mmm, not bad.

When the war against hell had just begun, my son led a force of Night Sentinels against a group of demons that had been hunting children. It turned out to be a trap and my son died along with his men.

At some point they found out they had my son's soul in hell and they started tormenting me with visions of his endless torture.

One of the Sentinel Priests, Deag Grav, approached me and revealed to me how he and the Maykrs actually worked with hell and he offered me my son's life.

All I had to do was lead a large invasion of Night Sentinels into hell. I did what they asked and the Night Sentinels were all trapped and separated in hell. The Slayer and I were the only survivors and when I made my way back and confronted Deag Grav, he told me how he had turned my son into the Icon of Sin, an incredibly powerful titanic demon that embodies the pain and torment of hell.

After I found out, I exiled myself to the deepest part of hell I could reach and here we are." Valen says before he gulps down the last of his beer. "Did you get what you came for?" He asks.

"Did you?" I ask him, looking around his place. "I get why you wanted solitude, but while you were wallowing in self-pity down here, Argent D'Nur has mostly been destroyed and turned into a hellscape. Your people have almost all been killed, their souls tortured to produce hell energy.

And now the Khan Maykr has set her eyes on earth. Another people for her to slaughter like cattle. So are you going to do something about it, or are you going to keep rotting away down here?"

"My people did not want my help, to them I became Valen the Betrayer."

"Maybe they didn't want it. But they needed it, and you had made an oath to protect them, to fight for them and one day die for them. And yet, here you are, in your own cozy little part of hell, like it's a f.u.c.k.i.n.g vacation."

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Valen says, clearly getting annoyed. "And as for earth, it is their time to give pennance as it was for my people. They cannot be saved."

"Ah, yes, of course. Wouldn't that be easy? If the demons and Maykrs were somehow this unstoppable force that cannot possibly be defeated, well then it's not your fault Argent D'Nur fell, is it? They couldn't be stopped anyway."

"Every man has his limits, stranger. You are about to reach mine." Valen says, now clearly getting angry.

"Do you want redemption? Then join me. Help me unite the last remaining Night Sentinels and we'll fight against the demonic horde. We will drive them back to hell and we will put an end to them for good. Help me do this, and I will lay your son's soul to rest."

"How can you promise something like that? Who are you?" Valen asks, suspicious of my intentions.

"I'm a god."

"You're God? Really?" He asks looking me up and down.

"No, not God, A God, a pagan or heathen God as you might call them."

"I'm not convinced."

"I don't have to convince you of anything, but I'm certain that if you follow me, eventually you'll see for yourself. Besides, what do you have to lose?" I ask, looking around his cave.

"You want me to help you convince the Night Sentinels to help you save earth? And in return you will end my son's torment?" Valen asks to clarify.

"Yes, I will."

"Fine, you're right anyway. I don't have anything to lose."

"Good, let's go to Argent D'Nur." I say as I open a portal with my claws. "Oh, don't forget the Celestial Power Core." I say before walking through the portal.

'The Celestial Locator, an interesting piece of technology, capable of tracking creatures above a certain power level with absolute precision.'

After a few seconds Valen walks through my portal with a case in his left hand and a large hammer, powered by Sentinel energy in his right hand.

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