Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 92 - 92 Home and the Ripatorium

It's been a few weeks since I returned from the Doom world. I'm standing in the lower levels of the underground compound built beneath the mansion.

I'm using telekinesis to put the components of a ring shaped portal device together. Once that's done, I connect it to the newly installed solar chamber I built in the mansion's bas.e.m.e.nt.

Immediately blue energy converges in the center of the ring as it opens a portal to my realm.

Two men immediately walk through from the other side, followed by two women and a ten year old girl. "Flynn, Valen, Olivia and Mrs. Taggart, welcome to Orario. From now on you can freely travel between my realm and this world."

Flynn nods politely as Valen looks around the room. "So, you told us about this so called Falna you gave us all, but to clarify, basically you've used a spark of your divinity to tap into our latent potential right?" Valen asks.

"Yes, that's exactly what it is." I say as I point to a large, crystal bowl filled with rubies. "Take one of those and crush it in your fist. You'll be able to speak and read every language spoken to you. From now on, every Night Sentinel is welcome to travel here to train."

They all take a ruby and as they crush them, it liquefies and enters their mouth. *Cough, cough!*

"Alright, now you can take that elevator to go up to the mansion, where Luna will explain everything you need to know." I say before I teleport up to the mansion myself.

"Done already?" Alice asks as she walks out of our bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.

"Yes, everything is now finished. Now all I need to do is activate the Ripatorium." I say as I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her.

"A room that automatically spawns demons. How did you come up with that idea?" Alice asks before she kisses me and escapes my embrace. She drops the towel, showing me her a.s.s, h.i.p.s swaying as she walks into the closet and grabs her armor.

"The dungeon. I figured we could use it for training. And now our Familia members won't have to go to the dungeon everyday."

"Well, it's a great idea." Alice says as she walks out of the closet, wearing her new armor she had me make for her.

Even though it looks completely made out of leather, it's almost as strong as a full plate Aegis armor. It's black with red, complementing the style Alice adopted after she got the title 'Blood Queen' when she reached level 4. She has red streaks in her hair and wears red eyeshadow.

"The kids are coming with me to the dungeon. They'll be acting as supporters while I'm going to the middle floors with Twilight, Athena, Beowulf and Duke." Alice says as she straps her dagger to her left t.h.i.g.h and a vial of my blood to her waist.

"Alright, be careful down there." I say before she kisses me and leaves as she turns into a swarm of bats and flies out the window.

After a quick shower, I go down to a part of the underground compound that is separated from the rest, only connected by one long hallway. At the end of the hallway, I stop in front of a thick, solid metal gate that is covered in thousands of runes, carved across every square inch of its surface.

I put my palm on a crystal panel in the wall on my right as the gate immediately opens, revealing a walkway, suspended above an enormous arena.

I walk inside and halfway across, I approach a wall on my right and put my palm on its surface. Immediately a secret door opens and I enter a perfect square room that is 10 by 10 by 10 meters and has every square inch of its walls and ceiling covered in runes, except for one spot on the floor, in the center of the room.

I walk to the middle of the room and use one of my claws to cut my palm.

I drop blood on one of the runes as it starts glowing red immediately. As my blood perfectly streams across the carved out runes, they slowly all start glowing when my blood touches them. My blood even streams up the walls and onto the ceiling.

When every rune in the room glows red, I run my index finger across my palm, smearing it with my blood and crouch down. I then draw a last rune in blood on the ground.

Every rune immediately shines more brightly as I walk out of the room and seal it behind me. I then walk across the walkway, to an elevator that leads down to the arena.

As I walk into the large open arena, a crystal panel rises from the ground in front of me. I approach it as its screen displays five lines.

- I want to live

- Hurt me plenty

- Ultra-Violence

- Nightmare

- Ultra-Nightmare

Seeing as I ain't a p.u.s.s.y, I immediately tap Ultra-Nightmare as the panel turns to black and shows one word written in blood.


A large humanoid demon walks out, wearing an imposing armor adorned with skulls. A shotgun in his left hand and an Argent Energy blade in his right. His face looks like a skull with two large horns.

My own upgraded version of the Marauder, a demonified Night Sentinel who died in the service of the Khan Maykr.

I hold out my right hand as my Demonic Crucible appears and the red, Argent energy blade forms from the hilt.

I then hold out my left arm as Genesis forms a gauntlet. I hold it in front of my body as an Argent energy shield forms from it.

The Marauder thrusts his sword into the ground as a pack of six red, spectral hellhounds appear in front of him. They immediately start running towards me, splitting in three groups of two, attacking me from the front and the sides.

"Stop." I say as the hellhounds immediately stop approaching me.

"Sit." I follow up as they obey my command again.

"Stay." I say as I walk past them towards the Marauder.


A large pile of demon corpses of every kind disintegrates into nothing in the middle of the arena as I walk out.

Above the elevator, a large screen depicts my name, 42 minutes and 27 seconds, wave 55.

"Not bad." I say as I walk into the elevator and exit the Ripatorium. I then go back up to the mansion and take out a palm sized, crystal pad that basically acts as my version of a phone and I send out a message to every Familia member above level 3. 'The Ripatorium is now open.'

Once that's done, I immediately get a call from Alice. "Hey, how's the dungeon?"

"Fenris, we have a little problem here. Mind if I summon you?" Alice asks.

"Alright, just give me a minute to seal my Arcanum." I say as I know the dungeon does not enjoy Gods intruding and would respond by unleashing a more powerful version of the nearest Monster Rex if one were to flaunt their divinity like Hestia did in the anime.

Alice hangs up as I immediately seal my Arcanum. I learned how to do it myself, without external help.

My Familia's emblem appears on my c.h.e.s.t as my hair turns black and my body shrinks down from 2,3 meters tall to 1,95 meters.

I then feel a gentle pull towards the dungeon as an image of Alice, surrounded by the wolves and children appears in my mind.

I don't resist as I'm instantly teleported to the dungeon, now standing in the middle of a rune formation drawn in blood on the ground.

I look around and I immediately notice what's going on.

Apart from us, there's a group of all sorts of monsters from the dungeon who are just looking at me curiously, without hostility.

There are harpies, lizard men, two minotaurs and even a wyvern just to name a few.

"Honey, these are Xenos. They appear to be sentient monsters." Alice says as she stands next to me.

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