Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 96 - 96 The day of the fight and a festival

I'm floating in space, surrounded by an enormous aura construct shaped like myself, like a Susano the size of a large planet.

My aura grabs a moon with one hand and slams it down on a planet, on top of the heads of five Gods, killing them temporarily.

Tendrils of aura reach towards the five lifeless bodies as I immediately start devouring their divinities.


I'm standing in a large open field with my Glaive in hand, facing five other deities.

I use enhancement to enhance my speed and to everyone's perception, I disappear and then reappear instantly behind the five as they fall to the ground, cut apart.

I spread my aura and let it wash over them as I immediately start devouring their divinities.


I wake up the morning of the fight, after running various simulations of the fight in my mind all night.

I roll over to see Alice wide awake, staring at me. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" She asks.

"No, actually, I didn't really sleep. I was simulating the fight in my head all night." I respond

"Well, I didn't sleep either." Alice says, a little ticked off.

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"How was I supposed to sleep? You were tossing and turning all night, yelling KAMEHAMEHAAA and CHIDORI, or RASENGAN." Alice says angrily. "You're lucky I don't need sleep."

"Hahaha! Sorry, I didn't know. Why didn't you just smack me over the head to snap me out of it?"

"You had a goofy smile on your face like a five year old kid playing with a new toy. It was kinda cute."

"Riiight. Oh, speaking of new toys, I finished the summoning project for you. That golden crystal you guys got from that Hydra was really something special. I was able to extract and study its magic and put my own twist on it." I say excitedly.

"Oh no. What kind of weapon of mass destruction did you make now?"

I take out seven swords, each with a different design. They're all made of a black Aegis, combined with my own crystallized blood.

"These are summoning blades. You kill someone or something with one of these and a portion of their blood and soul will be absorbed. Assuming, of course, it has a soul. If not, blood will suffice." I explain.

"Why are you giving me seven of them?" Alice asks.

"As they are right now, each of these swords has the capacity to keep one hundred summons. But, if you fill two of them, you can fuse them into one sword, increasing its capacity to ten thousand.

If you fill that sword and then fill another one with a hundred and then fuse them, it will be capable of storing a million creatures.

With seven swords, should you eventually fuse them all, the final sword will have the capacity to store one hundred trillion summons."

Alice stares at me and then the swords in disbelief. "I was joking about the weapon of mass destruction thing, but you went and actually did it." She says as she takes one of them.

"Ohkayy, let's move on. Are you going to join the others today or will you come to the arena?" I ask, changing the subject as I put the other swords in my storage space.

"I really wanted to join the festival, but I guess I should come with you." Alice says as we're both getting dressed.

We eat breakfast with the kids and then go outside as the entire compound is being turned into one big festival.

There are food and game stalls being prepared. And an enormous crystal screen is being set up right next to our lake so the entire Familia can watch the wargame from here.

"I have to go to the arena early. I'll see you right before the fight." I say as I approach Sleipnir.

"Alright, I'll see you then."


"Alright. Let's go over the rules. This is a fight to the death, meaning the fight can only be won by killing your opponent. You cannot surrender." Astraea explains about fifteen minutes before the fight starts while I'm sitting in a dressing room with Alice.

"The fight will take place inside Artemis' personal domain, the Eternal Hunting Grounds.

It has been altered in preparation for this fight, which means you can be as destructive as you want to be.

The fight will be broadcast like all wargames.

In regards to the fight itself, there are no rules other than you have to fight, you cannot leave the Hunting Grounds and the fight does not end until either Fenrir or all five other Gods are dead.

Are these rules clear?"


"Good. You may release your Arcanum the moment you set foot in the Hunting Grounds. You have ten minutes. Good luck." Astraea says before leaving the room.

"Here, take Genesis." I say before taking her hand in mine as Genesis slides off my body and latches itself onto Alice's wrist as a bracelet.

"Won't you need it?" Alice asks.

"No, I won't. I've decided I'm going to fight them as the God of Beasts and Monsters, nothing more than that."

"Alright, as long as you're sure. Just don't die out there." Alice says before kissing me.

"Yeah, I'll try not to." I say as we leave the room.

Alice leaves to take her seat in the stands as I approach the field. I walk down a tunnel and as I get closer, I hear people cheering.

"...Strength, Hercules! The God of Death, Thanatos!

And last, but not least, the God of the Storms, Rudra!

Now, the one who challenged all of them to a fight to the death, the God of Beasts and Monsters, Fenrir!"

All five Gods are standing around Astraea, Artemis and Hermes as I approach them.

"We've gone over the rules. If there are any questions, now is the last chance to ask." Astraea says, followed by silence. "Then I wish you all good luck. Arty, Hermes you're up."

"Stop calling me that!" Artemis says before she and Hermes open two portals leading to her realm. "You're going to opposite sides within my realm, good luck."

Hermes uses his magic as a few screens pop up above the field, showing the audience clear, close up images of everything that's happening.

Not wanting to wait any longer, I'm the first to step through.

The moment my whole body has gone through the portal, it closes behind me.

Now surrounded by a thick forrest, I unseal my Arcanum, turning my hair white, my body grows 50 centimeters taller, standing at 2,45 meters tall.

I close my eyes and spread my senses. It doesn't take long for me to find the other portal's location.

It's on the edge of a large open field, similar to mine. I can sense that only two of them have gone through the portal at this point. I get down on one knee and with one giant leap, I fly through the air in their direction.

*Snap!* The moment their portal closes behind them, I snap my finger.

Thanatos' eyes grow wide in fear as it looks like he's about to get sick. "Wait, wait, wait! No, please! You don't have to do this!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Hercules says, looking at Thanatos.

"He- he- he's a m-monster!" Thanatos mumbles in fear.

*Smack!* Hercules hits him over the head. "Snap out of it man!"

Thanatos takes a deep breath and explains. "He somehow concealed my own death from me. He just stopped doing it. He's going to kill us."

Immediately, they all break the seals on their Arcanum.

Ares grows taller and more buff as his red armor disappears and a helmet now adorns his head. He carries a shield and spear as fire blazes from the top of his helmet. (Pantheon, League of Legends)

Hercules' tattoos start to fade as he becomes more buff and the head of a lion is draped over his shoulder. He carries an enormous, Orichalcum club with an Olive wood handle.

Thanatos sprouts two pairs of dark purple wings from his back as his robes turn into a silver and black armor. A large silver and black scythe suddenly appears in his hand.

Rudra's appearance doesn't change much as a Trishula appears in his hand and lightning starts to crackle from his eyes as a thunder cloud gathers above us.

Apate's appearance doesn't change at all, other than her black dress turning into a black fog.

"Is he really that dangerous?" Apate asks Thanatos.

"He tears my wings from my back and cuts me in half at the waist, using his claws so you tell me."

Their expressions all turn grim and serious as they focus on me.

"Let's not panic. We just stick to the pla.." *BOOOM!*

As Hercules is talking to the others, I use my enhancement to increase my speed and disappear from sight, breaking the sound barrier. Barely a fraction of a moment later I appear right in front of him as I immediately stop enhancing my speed and enhance my strength as I punch Hercules in the face, blowing his head off his body.

With blood splattered on my face, I turn to the other gods with a savage grin on my face. "Who's next?"

"Oh... fuċk." Ares mutters.

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