Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 1 The Eagle Tribe of Gaoman Mountain

The world of Ferland.

The age of Titans and dragons.

The vast sea forest.

The sun is high in the sky, blazing like a scorch!

"Alelotos, how dare you steal the power of thunder!"

A thunderous explosion suddenly sounded between heaven and earth!

The huge roar brought Jiang You back to his senses. Before he could figure out the current situation, he saw a scene like a myth.

The tall giant, who was a hundred meters tall, was emitting purple lightning all over his body. He had a piece of unknown material wrapped around his waist. He held a silver spear with thunder that was enough to destroy the world. He was fighting with a blue lizard that was also a hundred meters long.

The earth trembled in their battle, the sky was torn apart, the forest was trampled into a flat ground by them, and the strong wind wrapped in endless sand and dust vented between heaven and earth.

The blue lizard was full of blue lightning, and its huge body was covered with pieces of steel-like scales, which looked mighty. It was a pity that it was covered in scars and blood, and was obviously no match for the giant.

But he was still unyielding, and he raised his head and roared.

"Atari, when did the Titan Giant become a shameless liar! The power and authority I hold are the world's gift to the dragon clan."

The Titan Giant's tall and strong body was also covered with scars, and his shining golden eyes contained a coldness.

"Humph, everything in the world belongs to the Titan God Clan! You dragons, if you are not thieves, what are you!"

"You are so damned for claiming to be gods!"

The blue lightning dragon roared in anger and bullied again.

He swung his dozens of meters long tail, and the lightning burst on it.

The Titan Giant laughed, holding a hundred-meter-long spear, and went straight.

"We Titans have the power to move mountains and fill the sea, and we can turn the world upside down. Why can't we be called gods?"


After the words fell, the two powerful beings collided again, stirring up dust all over the sky. Thunder fought against thunder, and their fight became more and more tragic.

Golden blood flew in the fight, and scattered everywhere in the forest battlefield.

In addition to the fight between the two most powerful beings, there were also countless races fighting for their lives in the sky and on the earth.

On the ground, minotaurs swept across with trees, goblins carried backpacks and threw stone bullets, trolls wielded stone axes, stone men smashed the ground with their bodies, goat-horned men attacked with their heads, centaurs galloped across the land, snake-bodied men held wooden bows, dwarves raised stone hammers to kill enemies, and dragon-bodied men killed with their fists...

In the sky, eagle-bodied men fought in groups, two-headed flying dragons roared in the sky, flamingos burned the sky, griffins had sharp teeth and claws, and dragon eagles flapped their wings like knives....

This is an epic battlefield of mythology!

Just when Jiang Youyou was shocked, a hand suddenly pushed him from behind.

"Ayou, what are you daydreaming about? A team of two-legged flying dragons is coming."

He turned back in amazement and saw an eagle-man with a human face, an eagle beak, a human body, eagle feet, covered with feathers, carrying wings, wearing simple leaves to cover his body, and holding a stone spear in his claws, shouting at him anxiously.

Jiang You subconsciously looked down at himself. He was also covered by leaves, feathers, and eagle claws on his hands and feet.

"I am not even a human anymore!"

It was strange to say that he was in danger, but he was not nervous at all. He even had time to sigh in his heart.

At this moment, the claws of the blue lightning dragon Alelotos scratched the shoulder of the Titan giant, and a large amount of golden blood suddenly fell in the direction of Jiang You!

"It is the blood of God that cannot be touched by mortals!"

"If you touch it, you will die!"

"The blood of God has the power to burn, you can't look directly at it!"

I saw screams around, and Jiang You had to subconsciously push the eagle man behind him away.

Almost the next moment, he was covered with golden blood.

"No! Ayou!"

The eagle man who was pushed away by him fell to the ground, his eyes were bloodshot!

But Jiang You could hardly hear what he said.

A feeling of burning and burning all over the body was painful all over the body!

It was like being in the sun, being baked by a 100,000 degree flame!

It hurts so much!

Even though his will was as strong as iron, he soon fainted from the pain.

In a coma.

The life of the original body appeared in his mind.

The original owner was named "You", born in an Eagle tribe in Gaoman Mountain. He was a small tribe under the Eagle tribe, a subordinate race of the Thunder God, Titan Giant Atre.

In this ancient and obscure era.

Above the sky and the earth, Titan Giants and Dragons compete for the dominance of heaven and earth, and fight each other endlessly.

They all have powerful powers and are called the authority to rule heaven and earth!

This is a war between Titan Giants and Dragons, and all races are involved, and it is extremely tragic.

This time, he was recruited by the Thunder Titan Giant Atre to participate in the war to attack the Lost Forest, the territory of the Blue Lightning Dragon Alelotos.

And the person who just reminded him of the danger was his companion who grew up with him, Alai.


I don't know how long it has been.

Jiang You faintly heard a vague call.

"Ayu! Ayu! Wake up! Wake up!"

He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw himself lying in a cave. In front of him, besides his friend Alai, there were also several old eagle men from the tribe.

They looked at him with the same concern, as if they were looking at their own children.

Seeing him wake up.

Alai was immediately surprised.

"Ayu, you finally woke up. I thought you were dead."

"Where am I? What happened after I fainted? Is the war over?"

Jiang You asked subconsciously.

"It's over. After you fainted, the great Thunder God Atre defeated the evil blue lightning dragon Alelotos! We won! We brought you back to Gaoman Mountain, and now we are in the tribe."

Alai said quickly.

"How long was I unconscious?"

Jiang You asked again.

"Child, after you fainted, the sun rose and set three times."

An old eagle man who was obviously the leader approached and smiled kindly.

In memory, he was indeed the patriarch of this small eagle tribe.

"Three days?"

Jiang You murmured in a low voice.

"My dear child, according to ancient rumors, mortals cannot touch the blood of gods, otherwise they will be burned to death."

"But there are always exceptions! Mortals must die, and those favored by gods can be reborn!"

"You, you survived, bathing in the blood of gods."

"You are a person favored by gods!"

Several old eagle men looked at him and said excitedly.

Then, the old eagle tribe leader said to him solemnly.

"You, we have decided that from today on, you will be the tribe leader of the Gaoman Mountain Eagle Tribe!"

"Chief, you..."

Jiang You was surprised.

"I am old, but you are like the rising sun, and you will surely lead the tribe to a bright future!"

The old tribe leader smiled firmly.

"Don't refuse, You. There is a clear spring outside the cave. You can go and see what you look like now. The divine blood has given you power and change. You have all the conditions to become a tribe leader!"

Hearing this, Jiang You looked outside the cave.

The golden sunlight shone in, and it was extremely warm.

At the same time, he felt his body, and a magical power filled his whole body.

"I have indeed become stronger!"

At the same time, his mind moved.

A flash of thunder appeared in his hand.

Although the lightning was small, it was as powerful as a thousand pounds!

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