Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 103 The Troll Kingdom is established

1860 of the Goblin Empire.

The war between the Winged People and the Sea People is still going on. Ludwig, who has become a legend, was appointed by the Kingdom's Vice Lord Sophia as a Winged Commander who is responsible for the battle in the Abdo area on the east coast.

The highest commander of the Sea People Corps in this area is Anfeier, the fifth princess of the Sea People who created the Siren Song.

The two of them fight almost every day. Although Anfeier has been promoted to Legendary for a much longer time than Ludwig, she should be stronger.

But in fact, there is not much difference in their strength.

It's just that Ludwig's fighting talent is really strong, and Sophia was once amazed.

In the entire Winged People, Ludwig's fighting talent can be ranked in the top five.

Ludwig has been stationed in Abdo for many years, and he has to contact Anfeier every day. Over time, the two gradually developed a sense of mutual appreciation.

If it weren't for the battle with the Winged People, Anfeier is actually a very kind Siren. She rarely causes casualties to the Winged People's soldiers.

All along, she basically only fought with the legends of the Winged People, rarely intervening.

Even her Siren Song made both sides stop fighting.

She hated death.

During the time in Abdo, whenever Anfel's Siren Song sounded on the battlefield, everyone on the battlefield would stop attacking, and after listening, the commander would order a retreat back to the camp.

This was a tacit understanding formed by both sides over a long period of time, so the Abdo battlefield was also the area with the least casualties among the Winged People.

As the commander of the Winged People, the more Ludwig understood his opponent, the more curious he became.

So in the battle, Ludwig began to talk more, and Anfel gradually began to answer him.

The Goblin Empire calendar year 1880.

Above the sky.

Jiang You sat on the platinum throne.

The original bottom of the top of the Heavenly Mountain was no longer there, replaced by a huge mountain made of stardust and earth. The power of the mountain created a suspended mountain for Jiang You.

The first level of Heaven Mountain, where the throne and Heaven Mountain used to be, is only one percent of the second level of Heaven Mountain, and is located high on the top of Heaven Mountain.

Some of the chaotic and disordered laws around were repelled, and some were absorbed as law fragments and injected into the mountain.

The platinum light shines at the bottom of the mountain. In the eyes of the outside world, the platinum moon in the sky seems to be a little bigger, but not obvious.

On the throne, Jiang You is shrouded in the platinum light, his body exudes golden light, and the vast will turns into the law of judgment, climbing up all the time!

Behind him, the flawless white wings gradually become hazy, as if they are about to turn into real light!

The pure white halo above his head drops wisps of white light, he still needs time!


The Goblin Empire calendar 1900.

The population of the troll blood axe clan has exceeded five million.

At this point in time, Oden Blood Axe has led the troll berserkers of the Blood Axe tribe to defeat all the troll clans, big and small, in the entire southern border!

And not long ago, the last large troll tribe in the South took the initiative to submit.

The trolls in the entire South are ruled by Oden Bloodaxe.

Several Grand Dukes of the South of the Goblin Empire have actually noticed the growing strength of the Bloodaxe Trolls.

They have used various means to suppress the Bloodaxe Clan since hundreds of years ago, but they have not succeeded, and instead made the Bloodaxe Clan stronger and stronger.

The current Grand Duke of the South, Linde Azeba, saw the Bloodaxe Trolls growing stronger day by day, and repeatedly asked the Goblin Emperor Hag Amigel to send an army to wipe out the Bloodaxe Clan, but they were all rejected.

Linde Azeba was scolded by the emperor instead.

Because the mercenaries composed of the troll berserkers of the Bloodaxe Clan obeyed the emperor's orders many times, in the war of the Northern Expedition to the grassland, the troll Bloodaxe Clan provided 10,000 berserkers to fight with the emperor in the north, and a large number of berserkers died in the battle, but the Bloodaxe Clan had no complaints!

In the emperor's heart, the troll Bloodaxe Clan might be more loyal than Grand Duke Azeba of the South.

You, the Grand Duke of the South, have relied on the blood of the great goblin sage Azeba to turn the entire southern border of the Goblin Empire into your own kingdom.

As an emperor, Hag Amigel hated it very much, but he had no way to deal with it.

In his heart, every time he saw the information about the Blood Axe Troll handed over by the Grand Duke of the South, he felt happy, and then he quickly wrote down and directly rejected it.

You, an "outsider", dare to question my "loyal minister"?

It's really against the sky!

This year.

At his old age, Oden Blood Axe miraculously broke through to the demigod realm, and his reputation resounded throughout the South.

Not long after.

From all over the world, a large number of troll tribes knew that a demigod troll had appeared in the South.

Oden Blood Axe's reputation was greatly improved!


In the year 1910 of the Goblin Empire calendar.

Something happened that no one expected.

The leader of the Blood Axe Trolls, Oden Blood Axe, who always regarded himself as a loyal subject of the Empire, announced that he would be crowned king in the South and establish the Troll Kingdom!

The continent was shocked when this news came out!

The trolls, who have always been scattered, also have their own kingdom?

In the same year.

Oden Blood Axe led the troll army to break through the goblin cities of Enia and Dumias, and occupied the Eni River area and Dumias area in the South.

The troll settlements in the entire South were connected into one city.

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