The three ignorant new lives without sea wings were named like this. They will be protected by the Winged People in the early stage.

With the arrival of the two-race master, the war between the Winged People and the Sea Clan that lasted for hundreds of years has temporarily ended.

The armies of both sides went back and began a new round of recuperation.

Jiang You returned to the platinum throne in the sky.

His second heaven mountain is being built, and his will and true spirit are in the process of sublimation and cannot be stopped.

In fact, it is a good thing that he did not fight with the Deep Sea Mother.

That is a peak demigod who is very close to becoming a god. If Jiang You fights with all his strength, it will inevitably affect the process of advancement, and the gains will not outweigh the losses.

The Deep Sea Mother endured the humiliation and retreated, probably for the same reason.

On the vast second heaven mountain, there is a part that has been built. It is a place shrouded in light. Two souls are in this bright place, wearing white holy clothes and chanting hymns of praise!

"Holy! Holy! How can sinners look at it!"

"How can sinners look at it! The majesty and glory of Allah!"

A wooden house appeared in this world that seemed to be made of light.

This is the heavenly land that Jiang You divided on the second heaven mountain.

In the future, many winged people who died for the winged people or have devout faith can come here.

But now, when he does not have the power of gods, his strength is not enough, and only legendary souls can ascend to heaven.

But it will be soon.

This is actually a place similar to the kingdom of God.

Though Jiang You does not need things that other gods have, he also has to arrange them for his believers.

The first heaven mountain.

On the high platinum throne, Jiang You lowered his eyes for the last time and glanced at the east coast, then closed his purple eyes and continued his advancement.

He has to hurry up.


The Kingdom of Losendas.

On an unknown reef beach on the east coast.

The three Sirens grew up under the feeding of the Winged People. Their growth cycle is very short, and they will become adults in a few years.

After these Sirens grow up, they leave the beach where they grew up and fly to other places.

The Winged People don't mind them continuing to live here, but they won't let them do many things they want to do.

Sirens are free by nature.

They like to live between the sea and the land. They inherited their mother's beautiful singing voice.

They often sing on the coast, confusing the intelligent races passing by, mating with them or killing them.

No matter which race they mate with, the children born are Sirens, females.

This seems to be a powerful racial talent.

In the future, they will reproduce a race, called the Sirens.

And their sister Lucifer's situation is completely different.

Lucifer was brought back to Uriel City by Sophia, taught carefully, and taught the professional system.

Lucifer was extremely talented, just like her father. She could use extraordinary powers at the age of 6, became a swordsman of light at the age of 10, and could sing hymns skillfully at the age of 15.

Sophia was also very concerned about Lucifer's education, in order to prevent the tragedy like Ludwig from happening again.

Sophia simply instilled in Lucifer the same concept of not getting married as herself, and to be loyal to the race and the king forever!

She regarded herself as Lucifer's mother.

Arieta often came to play with Sophia, and every time she came, she taught Lucifer swordsmanship.

This made Lucifer improve in all aspects!


Lucifer still thought of her parents, and she would go to see her unusual sisters in her spare time.

Every time she went, she would bring a lot of delicious and fun things.

But her Siren sisters didn't seem to appreciate it. They accepted all the food and toys she brought, but they hated Lucifer more and more.

Just because in their hearts, why are they both the children of winged people and sea monsters?

Lucifer can be adopted by the vice-lord of the kingdom, while they can only be fed on the reef beach and grow up like wild dogs begging for food.

The blood of sea monsters made their psychology twisted and unwilling. They envied Lucifer's life, which was out of their reach.

So when Lucifer was ten years old, the Siren sisters scolded Lucifer and chose to fly far away, leaving the place where the winged people fed him.

They have grown up, which is caused by their bloodline being more inclined to sea monsters.

And Lucifer's bloodline is almost mostly inclined to winged people.

Under the inherited bloodline of their parents, the sirens also have a certain extraordinary power, and even their singing has the power of the siren's song.

This gives them the power to protect themselves and can gradually become stronger with the years.

The departure and scolding of the Siren sisters was a major blow to Lucifer.

She became calm, perseverant, and keen on practicing.

Moreover, she decided not to completely follow her father's career path, but hoped to open up a new legendary path.

She will be better than her father!

Sophia thinks so!


In the year 2038 of the Goblin Empire calendar.

The seventh Goblin Empire Emperor Hag Amigel died.

This is the only Goblin Emperor who has broken through the legendary realm since Amigel.

But unfortunately, he did not become a demigod like his ancestor Amigel.

After Hag Amigel died, the young prince Weland Amigel inherited the throne.

The succession of Wiland Amigel was uneventful. The Goblin Empire was now plagued by internal and external troubles. The seemingly lofty throne of the emperor was actually a mess.

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