With this, the homeless Nilavya followed Arthur Reinhardt, joined the Golden Lion Knights, and fought in the south and the north.

Because of her dragon-like vertical eyes, Nilavya always wore a mask to show herself.

She used the alias "Nia" and appeared as a man, fighting side by side with the human knights!

Her red hair and brave fighting style made her the best young knight in the Golden Lion Knights, and she was hailed as the "Lion of Flame"!

In the 2389th year of the Goblin Empire.

The human Golden Lion Knights made another meritorious service and broke through the northern city of M'Gass.

The sphere of influence of the Behemoth Court expanded again.


In the 2400th year of the Goblin Empire.

Lucifer led the Glorious War Corps to break through the Torrens position of the Sea Clan on the east coast and killed two Sea Clan legends.

The reputation of "Glorious Morning Star" spread throughout the Sea Clan, especially the blood of the Siren in her body, which shocked the Sea Clan even more.

Themis was very upset. She should have taken Lucifer into her own hands instead of pushing him to the Winged People.

But she did not do nothing.

She thought of the Siren sisters who were not valued by the Winged People and were the same mother as Lucifer.

She felt that since they were both Winged People and Siren blood, their talents must be similar.

To this end, she found the three Siren sisters who were breeding on a small island north of the east coast, promised them a lot of resources, recognized their status as the daughters of the Sea Clan princess, and lured them to join the Sea Clan camp.

The talents of the three Siren sisters were indeed amazing, especially in the Siren Song. Hundreds of Sirens quickly learned a lot of Siren Songs!

In the year 2401 of the Goblin Empire.

The three Siren sisters brought their offspring and hundreds of Sirens to join the Sea Clan.

When the Siren Songs of the Sirens sounded on the battlefield, Lucifer was furious!

She personally led the Glorious War Corps to attack the singing position of the Siren Clan.

But she was blocked by the Sea Clan Legend and failed.

But from this moment on, her affection for the Siren sisters disappeared.

In the year 2450 of the Goblin Empire.

Arthur Reinhardt, who was stationed outside Melanson City, broke through the legendary realm and took up the legendary profession, the Lionheart King!

He became the second legend of the Reinhardt family after Wend Reinhardt!

Wend Reinhardt, who was far away in the Three Forks River, cried with joy when he heard that Arthur Reinhardt had advanced to the legendary level!

He said loudly.

"The family has a successor!"

As expected.

After Wend Reinhardt's death, Arthur Reinhardt will become the head of the Reinhardt family.

After advancing to the legendary level, the old legion commander of the Golden Lion Knights abdicated, and Arthur Reinhardt became the new leader of the Knights, commanding the Golden Lion Knights.

At the same time.

Arthur Reinhardt wrote a letter to Pollack to send people to find the traces of the red dragon Atlapans.

Year 2453 of the Goblin Empire.

The red dragon Atrapans was found in the Putilas Mountains east of the Haros Plain in the North.

At this time, the battle between the Behemoth Royal Court and the Goblin Empire was temporarily stopped.

Arthur Reinhardt decided to take his personal guards, the elite soldiers of the Polek Territory, and the dozen heroic human knights of the Golden Lion Knights, who he had made friends with over the years, and Nilaivia, to the Putilas Mountains to fight against the red dragon!

After three months of preparation and trekking, Arthur Reinhardt's troops successfully arrived at the red dragon's lair.

There are a large number of dog-headed men and goblins here.

The red dragon seems to like them as slaves very much.

Facing the dragon's nest army.

Arthur Reinhardt handed the army to Nilaivia to lead, and defeated the goblins and dog-headed men and other slaves!

He swung the greatsword, flew in front, and swung the sword directly to face the red dragon Atrapans!

The legendary characteristic of the Lionheart King, "Lion King", gave him the power to rival the Red Dragon, and he could fight the Red Dragon head-on!

The battle was going on to its fullest.

Behind him, a winged golden lion with a white-gold moon mark on its forehead appeared, roaring to the sky!

The Red Dragon was suppressed little by little, and his body was covered with wounds.

Just as Arthur Reinhardt was about to kill the Red Dragon Atrapans, an accident happened.

Behind the mountains.

Another loud dragon roar sounded.

The Red Dragon Atrapans was overjoyed.

"Ysera, you are indeed my good sister, come and help me, let's kill this human legend together!"

In the sky, an adult legendary green dragon suddenly appeared behind the crowd, flying in the low sky, spitting corrosive acid, burning Arthur's dragon-slaying army.

Then, she came to the vicinity of the Red Dragon Atrapans and roared loudly!

"Atrapans, don't forget, you owe me five dragon eggs!"

"Don't say five, ten! I'll give you ten!"

The red dragon Atrapans promised hurriedly!

"You said it!"

The green dragon Ysera nodded with satisfaction, and then a green light shone on her body, and a large amount of negative status enveloped Reinhardt!

At the same time, a series of green mists appeared in the sky, enveloping Arthur Reinhardt.

Arthur Reinhardt just wanted to dodge, and the red dragon that had been suppressed for a long time exploded, igniting flames around the sky, blocking his retreat.

Seeing that there were enemies in front and behind, Arthur Reinhardt made up his mind and had to fight to the death!

The phantom of the lion king behind him roared to the sky, and led him to raise the sword high and attack the green dragon Ysera!

However, the green dragon was very flexible, and the red dragon hurriedly came to help. For a moment, Arthur Reinhardt was at a disadvantage.

As time went by, he gradually became weak, and the scars on his body stained the armor red.

On the ground below.

The dragon-slaying army he brought also fell into the sea of ​​kobolds and goblins, struggling to hold on.

Once he dies or escapes, they will be wiped out!

But if he doesn't leave, as the only legend of the Reinhardt family, Wend Reinhardt is old. If he stays here, the Reinhardt family will surely decline!

By this point in the battle, he had already regretted it endlessly. Years of hatred and the joy of advancing to Legend made him lose his caution.

But on this continent, the human race who had never seen a giant dragon really didn't expect that there was a giant dragon like the Green Dragon.

Seeing Arthur Reinhardt in a dilemma, the red dragon Atrapans laughed loudly, swept away the embarrassment just now, and said proudly.

"Arthur Reinhardt, you don't know how delicious your sister was back then. I couldn't stop eating it."

The red dragon looked at Nirevia below and said angrily.

"Oh, and that bitch who betrayed me is here too? Hahaha, I'm going to let you experience something worse than your mother!"

In the sky, Arthur Reinhardt, who was becoming more and more exhausted, suddenly remembered a family secret that Wend Reinhardt told him when he met him after he advanced to Legend.

"The Platinum Moon in the sky is not only our faith, but also our bloodline ancestors! Arthur, if you feel that your family is in crisis, you can pray for the help of the Platinum Moon!"

Recall this sentence.

Arthur Reinhard no longer hesitated, resisting the attacks of the two giant dragons, piously facing the platinum moon high in the sky, stimulating the power of his bloodline, and shouted loudly.

"Great Platinum Moon, please show your mercy and protect your loyal Reinhardt!"

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