Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 141 The souls of believers should return to the Kingdom of God!

In the same year.

In the north of Ferland.

The war between the trolls and the elves was in full swing.

In addition to the 300,000 Nadasil elf troops prepared before, the Silver Moon Elf King Court sent another 500,000 elven troops across the sea to the west.

At this time, a total of one million elven troops were in the north of Ferland to attack the Troll Empire.

The Troll Empire mobilized the elite of the country, and the dwarves, lizardmen, mermaids and other races also sent troops to support.

The three million troll coalition forces fought back and forth with the elves and centaurs on the front line and the northern countries. Because the war was too fierce, a large number of elves and trolls died on the battlefield.

Among them were fanatical believers in gods.

Because too many of her own elves died, the Silver Moon Goddess couldn't help but use her divine power to separate her incarnation and come to the battlefield.

The Lord of Dawn, who was afraid that the Silver Moon Goddess would interfere in the mortal war, also quickly incarnated and left.

The two main gods did not take action, but they watched their own people die in battle and felt very distressed.

At this moment.

The Silver Moon Goddess discovered a phenomenon that she had not discovered or ignored.

On the battlefield.

After every elf who believed in the Silver Moon died in battle, an elf soul would emerge from the corpse.

Although they did not stay between heaven and earth for long, they soon dissipated like smoke.

But the Silver Moon Goddess's mind suddenly lit up.

She was a genius with extremely high comprehension. When she was not yet a sequence 0, she was the most talented genius in the world!

Looking at the elf souls scattered on the battlefield.

The soul of every believer is the wealth of the gods!

Moreover, if the believers knew that they could return to the kingdom of the gods after their death, who would still be afraid of death?

So the Silver Moon Goddess could not wait for a moment.

In the confused look on the face of the Lord of Dawn, she stepped into the sky above the battlefield and manifested the "true body" of the gods above the elf army.

When the noble and majestic beautiful goddess stood in the sky, a cold and bright silver moon appeared above the sky, emitting bursts of the power of the Silver Moon Lord.

Below, countless elves saw their boss appear, and their morale was boosted and they cheered!

The Lord of Dawn was confused at this time, but seeing the troll coalition whose morale was low because of the appearance of the God of Elves, he also manifested his "true body" above the troll coalition.

The same morning sun appeared in the sky, bringing warmth and glory unique to the day of dawn!

In this way, the trolls, dwarves, mermaids, and lizards also cheered when they saw their own Lord God coming.

Seeing that they were all here, the Lord of Dawn immediately opened his mouth and asked the Silver Moon Goddess in the opposite sky.

"Ikalia, are you going to break the rules?"

He thought the Silver Moon Goddess was going to take action, and he was ready to take action immediately!

However, the Silver Moon Goddess ignored him, but stretched out her white palm, grabbed the silver moon in the sky, and a bright silver moon light was grabbed by her, forming a silver circular gate.

Inside the circular gate is the Silver Moon Kingdom.

On the throne of the Silver Moon Kingdom, the Silver Moon Goddess had already used her divine power to mark out a beautiful forest covered by bright moonlight in an area of ​​the Kingdom.

So the elves saw a beautiful moonlight forest through the circular Silver Moon Gate.

And at this time.

The Silver Moon Goddess used her divine power to follow the line of faith, wrapped up the souls of the dead elves on the battlefield, and pulled them into the circular light gate!

Under the effect of divine power, even the elves who had not awakened the extraordinary and the extraordinary professional level saw elves singing praises to the Silver Moon God one by one, and happily followed the moonlight road and walked into the gate of the Kingdom of God!

The elves who were still alive on the battlefield were stunned!

"What did I see, Aledo, Duoyao...didn't they just die in battle?"

"That's my brother!"

"Oh my God! Is that the gate of the Kingdom of God?"

Countless elves looked at the sky, their hearts were full of excitement, and a possibility echoed in their hearts!

At this time.

I only heard the Silver Moon Goddess announce in her melodious voice.

"My dear people, the noble and elegant sons of Silver Moon, from today on, every child who believes in me devoutly will enter my kingdom of God and share immortal life!"

"Children, from now on, death is not the end, but the beginning of another journey!"

"So, fight, you will be the luckiest children in the world!"

The voice of the Silver Moon Goddess spread throughout the entire Edes region, and all intelligent creatures heard her announcement!


On the battlefield, all the elves felt a great courage in their hearts, that is, the sense of honor of not fearing life and death and willing to die for the Lord God!

The situation on the battlefield instantly became one-sided.

In the sky.

The Lord of Dawn came back to his senses.


Even if he was an enemy, he also admired the Silver Moon Goddess.

The gods of the Ferland world are in the initial stage, far less than the gods of other worlds.

The Silver Moon Goddess can be said to be the pioneer of many practices.

Including the practice of trolls evolving into elves.

Seeing the trolls showing a decline.

The Lord of Dawn quickly followed suit and opened the gate of the Kingdom of God in mid-air, throwing the souls of the devout trolls into the Kingdom of God, and repeated what the Silver Moon Goddess had said.

The morale of the trolls was restored.

The Lord of Dawn just breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw the contemptuous look of the Silver Moon Goddess and smiled awkwardly.

In the following months.

All the gods in Ferland followed this practice.

On the platinum throne in the sky.

Jiang You also opened up the second heaven mountain for the souls of believers to return.

Because he did not have a godhood, he could not accurately pull the souls to heaven through the thread of faith.

But there was an alternative method, which could barely do this through the long river of blood.

He called it "heaven".

So next, the intensity of the war in the whole world increased by more than a little!

In the 434th year of the Troll Empire.

Sophia led the Islands Legion to join the Beast Hill battlefield!

The 300,000 orcs led by Pancard were defeated again!

This time Pancard had no face to escape again, and fought to the death with the two sisters. After seriously injuring Arrieta, he was beheaded on the Beast Hill!

At this time.

The reinforcements of the Orc Empire were still on the sea!


Arrieta was seriously injured, and Sophia was furious!

She asked Arrieta and her Holy Sword Legion to return to Losendas to guard the Holy Pool of the Sky.

Lucifer and his Glorious Corps were transferred to the front line to supervise the construction of the sea-crossing ship and be ready to cross the sea to the east at any time.

Lucifer is more offensive than Arretta.

She is a brave and radical general who dares to take risks, likes to attack actively, and is good at seizing opportunities.

When the orcs were halfway across the sea, Lucifer led the Glorious Corps, riding the unfinished winged fleet, to cross the sea and fight, destroying the orc support corps that came from across the ocean on the sea!

Seeing that Lucifer fought bravely, he was the commander of the future expedition to the Greya continent.

Jiang You personally stepped down from the platinum throne, picked up the body of the ancient dark dragon, and walked to the sky.

He first suppressed the dark power of the black dragon, took its dragon bones, and then took out a leg bone of the light titan, made a holy sword, forged the power of light and darkness into it, and put a mark of the second heaven mountain into the light and dark holy sword, and gave it to Lucifer!

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