Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 144: Elf Princess, Grand Mage Moneril

The Winged Army crossed the sea to the Orc Empire, and the gods in the sky watched and were delighted.

The Orc Empire has an excellent location and a large population, so the potential of the God of Strength, Ophitus, is huge.

It would be best if the Winged People fought with them and both sides suffered losses!


Greya Continent, above a small town on the west coast.

The Orc Army huddled in the city and did not face the enemy head-on.

The young general of the Winged Thousand Team in charge of the attack thought hard for a while, and then asked the Winged People to take out the rockets and shoot them into the town.

As for whether the Orc civilians were accidentally injured, it was not within their consideration.

For a while, the rockets were fired at the same time, and the fire began to spread in the town.

However, soon, the Orcs carried basins of water and sand to put out the fire in the town.

In the sky.

Lucifer frowned a little.

"They are quite well prepared!"

Facing the Orcs' turtle tactics, Lucifer decided to listen to the opinions of his generals.

Just like that, more than a dozen legendary winged generals gathered in the sky where Lucifer was.

This is a winged feature, a sky combat meeting.

In fact, their floating city has not been developed yet.

Otherwise, this meeting would have been held in the floating city.

It cannot be said that the alchemists and scholars of the winged people are not careful, but when there is no magic, the effect and consumption of floating are extremely great, and the gains do not outweigh the losses.

In the sky.

Lucifer spoke first.

"Everyone, the orcs rely on the turtle tactics of strong cities and thick walls, and hide in the city. I guess that the orc cities we encounter later are all like this, so who can break their defenses!"

"Fire attack has proven to be ineffective, they are prepared!"

A legendary winged man said.

"Commander, they rely on strong cities, and our casualties are large if we attack. If we send troops to surround them without attacking, can we let them die without food!"

Lucifer shook his head.

"This way we can win without fighting. But we have come from a long distance, and the time will be long. We may not have enough supplies as they do. Besides, the territory of the Orc Empire is vast. How many cities can we surround with just our few people?"

At this moment, another legendary general suggested.

"Fire attack doesn't work, how about water attack?"

Lucifer shook his head again.

"This place is close to the ocean, of course we can solve it with water attack, but if we go deep into their belly, it will be useless."

"Let's just attack the city with legendary weapons!"

"Are we going to use legendary weapons for a small city? When the war starts, every winged person will need to fight!"

Another legendary winged general said.

"Commander, I have an idea. If we let a few warriors of our army work together to lift a large stone and throw it at them from a high altitude, we will definitely be able to break their city defenses!"

Lucifer smiled.

"This is more feasible. The walls of such small towns are small and not thick. If the tribesmen work hard, they can be broken. But it cannot completely offset their advantages!"

"Commander, why don't we just send our entire army to overwhelm them with our numerical advantage!"

"It's a waste. It's too much to invest 10,000 people in this small town. However, it is also feasible to overwhelm people with force!"

At this time, a legendary female winged general said.

"Commander, at this time, if there are some ground cannon fodder troops on the ground to cooperate with the attack, climb the wall under our cover, we will attack in the sky and on the ground, and cooperate with the falling rocks, it may be effective."

"Just don't know where to find ground cannon fodder!"

Lucifer nodded slightly.

"This is also okay. As for the ground cannon fodder troops, aren't there all over the entire Greya continent?"

"I don't believe that there are orcs in this world who are not afraid of death!"

Then she gave a loud order.

"Pass my military order and send two more thousand-man teams to help break the city first. After breaking the city, first smash their temples, kill all their priests, and then use various means to recruit the orcs to form an auxiliary army."

"This battle may last longer than we thought."

"Gu Qina, you go back to Uriel City in person to seek supplies and support, and tell the deputy lord about the situation here!"


After that.

Three thousand winged warriors first fell with rocks, then charged and captured the town at the cost of dozens of casualties.

Dozens of orc soldiers surrendered, and some orc civilians in the city also surrendered to the winged people because they were afraid of death. After the temple was smashed, the rest of the orcs attacked the winged army, some were killed, and the rest were captured.

After Lucifer asked about the location of the largest city nearby, Jiakoli City, he took the captives and the surrendered orcs to Jiakoli City.

The rest of the Winged People were divided into dozens of troops of different sizes, and they attacked the cities on the west coast of the Orc Empire.

Three months later.

Lucifer's expeditionary force occupied the Gakori area on the west coast, and some Winged People died in the battle.

But this area is only the northwest corner of the entire Orc Empire.

Lucifer, who has always been proud and brave, also sighed as he looked at the vast territory of the Empire.

"Another time-consuming war."

Fortunately, the Winged People did not lack experience in long-term combat.

In this way, Lucifer slowly began to capture cities and territories on the Gereya Continent, eroding the territory of the Orc Empire step by step.

At the same time, she tried not to massacre cities in order to recruit surrendered orcs to join the cannon fodder army.

It’s not like she hadn’t thought about leading the entire winged army to attack the capital of the Orc Empire and destroy their core.

But in the Orc Empire, the chieftains of the Orc tribes have great power and political rights, and each has a large number of troops.

Even if the emperor died, it was not considered to have defeated the orcs, and their forces had to be eliminated one by one!

Year 443 of the Troll Empire.

In the north of Ferland, on the battlefield between the Troll Alliance and the Elf Alliance, a dragon knight corps composed of five-color dragons suddenly appeared on the side of the Troll Empire, which once defeated the frontline elves and drove them to the city of M’Garth.

But soon.

On the side of the elves, a dragon knight corps composed of metal dragons also emerged.

The elves turned the game around, and the battlefield returned to the vicinity of the city of Edes.

On the battlefield of Garso between the northern countries and the Troll Empire, the sudden appearance of the five-color dragon knights caused the coalition to panic, and then retreated to Mohand.

Fortunately, at the critical moment.

Arthur Reinhardt led Reinhardt's most precious Griffin Knights to join the battlefield!

Stabilized the situation.


Troll Empire calendar 485 years.

After decades of expeditions, Lucifer has occupied one-third of the land of the Orc Empire.

It is almost approaching the capital of the Orc Empire.

After years of fighting, many Winged People died in battle.

In order to maintain the rule and the morale of the frontline soldiers.

Gradually, about one million families of the expeditionary forces also moved to the Greya continent little by little.

They left the coverage of the Holy Pool's energy, and the life span of the Winged People in the Greya continent may be lower than that of the core area of ​​the Winged Kingdom.

They only have a life span of more than a thousand years.

Although they all left voluntarily to reunite with their relatives, I don't know what the descendants of these Winged People will think after seeing the life span of the Winged People of Ferland.

On the other side.

Finoton Continent.

Nadashil Elf Forest.

Elf Royal Court

The daughter of the Silver Moon Elf Supreme King Artes, the Elf Princess Moneril, spent many years and finally opened up the first legendary path of magic, advancing to the Grand Mage!

The first path of magicians was passed down by her to the elves.

That is: Magic Apprentice (Formal Level) - Magician (Master Level) - Mage (Hero Level) - Grand Mage (Legendary).

And under her, in recent years, she has also specially trained a magician group including job transfers.


The 486th year of the Troll Empire.

This 10,000-man Elf Magician Group was thrown into the front battlefield!

As the commander of this magician group, the Elf Princess Moneril stepped onto the stage of the continent for the first time.

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