487 years of the Troll Empire.

The Sun Elves of Senahil heard that the Trolls were defeated on the front line, and moved to the south again.

This time, the Troll Emperor Oden Bloodaxe directly allocated a piece of territory to them near the human Dawn Kingdom in the south of Ferland.

Later, this area was called the Valley of the Sun!

After the Sun Elves arrived in the south, in order to ensure their rule, the Lord of Dawn descended again.

The royal family of the Sun Elves, the Sun King lineage, was born.


The front line of Edes.

With the defeat of the Troll Empire, the Elf Army sent a small force south to pursue the Sun Elves, but gave up because the Sun Elves had already left.

The commander of the Elf Army, Veliya, personally led the troops to cross the Central Mountains to the west and attack the Garso defense line from the rear.


The front line of the Troll Army in the North was defeated.

However, this time, because the news of the fall of Edes City was obtained in advance, Garso's Troll Army did not suffer much loss.

Garso's Dragon Knights even wiped out an elven army that pursued too deeply.

With the fall of Garso, the Troll Empire lost all its northern territories, and they had to build a defense line in the Falling Star Lake area at the junction of the central and northern regions.

Speaking of this Falling Star Lake, it was hundreds of years ago that a kingdom of God in the sky fell and smashed on the earth, forming a lake at the junction of the central and northern regions.

The elements are chaotic here, which has weakened the elves' magic to a certain extent.

But because of the battle of Edes, the terrible damage comparable to natural disasters made the elves' forbidden magic famous in one battle.


All races in the world today have begun to study and learn elven magic.

But the Silver Moon elves are very tight and are not willing to hand over magic easily.

The Orc Empire of Greya also requested the magic assistance of the elves.

In order to prevent the Orc Empire from being defeated too quickly.

The elves sent a squadron of magicians to the Orc Empire to provide magic assistance.

But the orcs' talents seem to be a little useless in magic.

After several years of teaching, the orcs could only gather a hundred magicians.

However, an orc genius named Grolie did not learn magic, but under the influence of magic, he discovered the use of fighting spirit.

Not long after, he researched and created a profession suitable for some orcs to practice, the path of swordsman.


The 488th year of the Troll Empire.

In order to continue to maintain the covenant with the northern countries, the elves divided the Garso area to the Reinhard Kingdom, the Emon Kingdom, and the Orc Kingdom, which had fought with the Troll Empire in Garso.

They only occupied the Edes area and began to transform the land in this area, build new cities, and build the Silver Moon Temple.


The 490th year of the Troll Empire.

In order to deal with the magic army of the elves, the Lord of Dawn gathered the devout priests of the temple of the empire and created the priest profession for them. The priest has the ability to heal, defend, and fight.

The most important thing is that after the priests gather in an organized manner, they can work together to release the divine barrier.

When there are enough priests, sufficient spiritual power and fanatical faith, this divine barrier can effectively block most of the damage caused by forbidden magic.

This army of priests is called the Temple Priests Corps. The high priest of the Temple of Dawn therefore requested the Lord of Dawn to change the temple into a church so that he could have better organizational power to summon the priests corps.

The Lord of Dawn agreed and appointed the Lord of Dawn as the Patriarch of the church.

The Church of Dawn appeared.

In the 491st year of the Troll Empire.

After the elves rested, Vilia led the elf army and the magician corps to attack the defense line of Falling Star Lake.


For the first time, the Temple Priests Corps blocked the damage caused by the forbidden magic of the magician corps.

But this time, many priests died of exhaustion.

Moreover, each fanatic priest is the treasure of the Lord of Dawn, and it is extremely painful to die one of them.

And the magician only needs to learn systematically to get a job.

The longer the time, the more beneficial it is to the elves.

Fortunately, the Troll Empire finally has a means of confrontation.

After another magician in the magician corps advanced to the legendary level, the Elf Princess, the Grand Mage Moneril returned to the Finottun Nadashiel Forest.

Not only to open a magic school and continue to train magic talents for the elves, but also the request of the Elf Supreme King.

He only has this one daughter, Moneril is both a princess and a crown prince. How could he let her stay on the battlefield all the time?

The record in Edes is enough to qualify her to become the Elf King.

But Moneril's pursuit is not to become the Elf King, she has a higher pursuit!

As for Moneril's approach of opening a school in Nadashiel.

The gods have their own thoughts, and some gods are even ready to secretly use their incarnations to go to the Elf King City to learn from them in person.

It's really that their believers are not very reliable. After so many years, they haven't learned the essence of magic.

The gods are also distressed when the believers are not strong.

We can't let the elves take this opportunity to dominate the world!

So an interesting scene appeared.

When Moneril opened the first magic course at the Elf King's Magic Academy.

The Silver Moon Goddess, who also transformed herself into a student and came down to earth in person to test the Elf Princess' potential to become a god, discovered that these her classmates were so shameless!

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