Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 15 The Origin of the Winged People

He did what he said.

Jiang You first returned to the station and announced the news that the danger was lifted, and then asked the tribesmen to prepare bronze tools and find two places in the belly of the Heaven Mountain that could accommodate the bodies of the Titan and the dragon, and dig two large pits!

He wanted to hide them and use them for a long time.

Then, he picked up the bluestone and flew to the place where the Titan and the dragon died together.

When he arrived at the destination again.

The blood of the two demigod creatures was no longer flowing, and the bodies of the demigods were extraordinary.

But under them, several pools of golden blood still gathered.

At the same time, because the power of light and darkness could not coexist.

There was a sizzling sound where the blood of the two sides intertwined, as if something was constantly being worn and then decayed together!

Seeing this scene, Jiang You gave up the idea of ​​bathing in the blood of the Titan and the dragon.

But you have to choose one between light and darkness, Titan and dragon.

At this time, he looked at his appearance and felt that he still preferred humanoid creatures.

So he came to the pool of blood formed by the Titan's blood, and jumped down holding the blue stone!


In just a moment, a deep pain swept through his body, and he felt that every part of his skin and cells were burning!

It was like being re-cast, beating his whole body like a part, and there was a fatal violent feeling, pulling out his blood and pressing it in again!

But soon, the blue stone began to emit a bright light, and a cool feeling spread throughout the body. The violent feeling was eliminated, and the blood mutation calmed down.

Jiang You only had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the severe pain like the eighteenth level of hell came again.

Pain, too painful!

This time, there was no dilution of lake water, he was purely soaked in the Titan's blood.

Outside of his mind, the system's ding ding sound kept ringing! But he didn't have the energy to check it.

He went back and forth like this for three days and three nights. When he could no longer feel the pain and only relied on a strong will to support his unyielding consciousness, only one tenth of the Titan blood in the depression remained, and the brilliance was gone, just like ordinary things.

Jiang You finally recovered.

He first checked his body and found that the gray and black feathers in his wings had all faded and replaced with white feathers.

His hair also turned silver. Except for the wings, the feathers on his entire body, including his face, had all faded, revealing his handsome face and fair skin.

Because he was bathing in the blood of the Light Titan, his charm was greatly improved.

What surprised him the most was that his hands and feet had been completely transformed into hands and feet, which were no different from humans in his previous life.

With human hands and feet, he could do too many things, and his combat effectiveness was greatly improved!

At this time, he had time to look at the system panel.

As soon as the panel was opened, a large amount of system information popped up.

[You bathed in the blood of the Titans, and your attributes changed! ]

[You bathed in the blood of the Titans, and your blood began to change! ]

[You bathed in the blood of the Titans, and all attributes were improved! ]


[You bathed in the blood of the Titans, and your will was improved! ]

[You bathed in the blood of the Titans, and you awakened the power of light! ]


[You bathed in the blood of the Titans, and your Eagleman blood has completely mutated. Please name the new blood! ]


[Name]: Jiang You

[Race]: Eagleman (completely mutated, please name it yourself)

[Template]: Ordinary player (not available yet)

[Template]: NC (Master)

[Profession]: Thunder Wing

[Age]: 36

[Attributes]: Strength 25, Constitution 20, Spirit 25, Agility 25, Charm 30.

[Level]: Unlocked (sealed, to be opened after the game starts)

[Skills]: Throwing (mastery), spearmanship (mastery), swordsmanship (master), thunder force (superb), light force (superb).

[Skill points]: Unlocked (sealed, to be opened after the game starts)

[Talent]: Champion will (You have super insight and reaction ability, and your combat awareness is the best.)

[Task system]: Unlocked (sealed, to be opened after the game starts)

[Countdown to game start]: 3643100 days, 4 hours and 19 minutes.

Seeing the race name, Jiang You's eyes flashed with curiosity.

He wanted to name it an angel, but as soon as this idea came up, he felt a great terror suddenly appeared, and then he gave up quickly!

If you don't deserve the position, you will be punished by God!

"Since you can't be an angel, you can be a winged man first! System, the new race is named: Winged Man!"

Jiang You said decisively.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully naming, the race: Eagle Man changed to Wing Man! ]

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