After that magic class.

The intelligent races all over the world began to truly rise in the magic profession.

In addition to the first legendary magic path of the Elf Princess.

Many years later, legendary paths of various magic systems were born.

Summoning system, undead system, shaping system, demon system, space system, soul system, astral system, life system, deformation system, psionic system, messenger system, sacred system, etc.!

The original first legendary magician system of the Elf Princess was called the elemental system.

The magic system presents a flourishing posture within a framework, and all of this originated from that great magic class.

——"The Record of the Goddess of Magic Moneril's Deification"


500 years of the Troll Empire.

The God of Wisdom and Healing, who is active in the human area of ​​the Three Forks River, requested to become a subordinate god of the Lord of Dawn, and wanted to raise the kingdom of God and ascend to the throne of the true god.

Arodas hesitated but agreed.


The God of Wisdom and Healing, Gotagus, who has been hiding among the human race and spreading faith for many years, ignited the divine fire with the human faith in the Three Forks River area and raised the kingdom of God.

High in the sky.

When the goddess of wisdom and healing Gotagus raised the kingdom of God to the sky.

Jiang You, sitting on the platinum throne, suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes, and the purple eyes burst into a dazzling divine light.

A mighty divine majesty covered the entire Heaven Mountain and spread out to the outside of the sky.

The next moment.

He stood up from the throne, in the terrified sight of the father of the oak, Silivans.

He held the purple-gold long sword at his waist horizontally in his hand, took a step forward, and appeared in front of the kingdom of the God of Wisdom and Healing.

A firm and decisive sword slashed out!


An extremely bright pure white sword light lit up between heaven and earth, the sword light whistled, and the meaning of judgment was like the Milky Way above the nine heavens, falling on the kingdom of the God of Wisdom and Healing!

In his eyes of trembling, the kingdom of God that had not yet reached the final stage was split apart by this sword, along with the throne, and he was completely exposed in the empty sky.


On the broken throne, the eyes of the God of Wisdom and Healing lost their light the moment the kingdom of God was broken. He did not look at Jiang You, who controlled his life and death, but looked at the vast and bright sun in the sky, with a look of despair on his face.

"Arodas, my Lord God?!"

Only a silver moon was seen blocking the sun.

Going closer.

You can see a cold and majestic goddess and a golden-haired male god confronting each other.

"Arodas, you already have enough gods!"

"Ikalia, get out of the way!"

"Arodas, forget it, that ignorant God of Wisdom and Healing is definitely dead."

"The priesthood of wisdom, the faith of the human race, the way to death!"

Arodas looked at the distant sky, the broken Kingdom of Wisdom and Healing under Jiang You's sword, and then looked at the Silver Moon Goddess who was blocking him, and sighed.

"His wisdom, after all, did not overcome the desire to become a god!"

"His wisdom, also want to guess the heart of the gods?!"

The Silver Moon Goddess added disdainfully.


In the distance.

In the broken Kingdom of the God of Wisdom and Healing.

Jiang You walked slowly, walked through the ruins of the Kingdom of God, and came to the front of the God of Wisdom and Healing, Gotagus.

"If you had been hiding, I would have been too lazy to look for you. But you actually dared to ascend to the throne and challenge my bottom line, then no one can save you!"

On the throne, Gotagus, who knew he was doomed, looked at Jiang You with despair and resentment, and finally cursed.

"Uriel, your sword is stained with the blood of the gods, and you will be retaliated by the gods in the future, you..."

However, before he finished speaking, Jiang You killed his soul and body with a sword, and his godhood and divinity were suppressed by the throne of judgment.

"You really worry about nothing!"

He laughed in his heart.

"Whether the future is the destruction of heaven or the twilight of the gods, it is none of your business."

After this battle.

Jiang You gained the wisdom and healing godhood, returned to the platinum throne, and the fourth heaven mountain became much clearer.


The 501st year of the Troll Empire.

Arthur Reinhardt swept away the believers of the God of Wisdom and Healing in the Trident River Human Tribe with thunderous force, killed the Governor of Trident River who had long had independent ideas, re-established the belief in the Platinum Moon and consolidated the royal rule of the Reinhard Kingdom!

At the same time.

The territory development of the Reinhard Human Kingdom began to approach the west coast.

For the first time, the pioneering knights of the kingdom came into contact with the barbarian tribes active on the west coast.

Because they belonged to the same origin, the Reinhard Kingdom wanted to bring them under the rule of the kingdom, so it sent envoys to contact the various tribes of barbarians.

The hardship of life and the same human blood made the barbarians want to join, but they were doubtful and hoped that the human king would personally promise them and give them conditions.


In the 507th year of the Troll Empire calendar.

Arthur Reinhardt personally led the Golden Lion Knights and the Griffin Knights to the barbarian tribes in the north of the west coast and met in a plain area at the estuary called Bailefat.

The powerful human kingdom king and army convinced them and signed a surrender treaty with Arthur Reinhard.

From then on, the barbarian tribes in the northern part of the west coast belonged to the Reinhard Kingdom and were willing to fight for the Reinhard Kingdom.

Arthur Reinhardt also enfeoffed seventeen barbarian noble lords in the northern part of the west coast, and gave them the protection of the Reinhard Kingdom.

At the same time, the Reinhard Kingdom sent an elite army and summoned young and strong warriors from various barbarian tribes to attack the ogre tribes that had always been enemies of the barbarians in the south.


The 512th year of the Troll Empire.

The Lord of Dawn obtained the contract priesthood, and his strength steadily moved towards powerful divine power.

In fact, Arodas has already begun to plan the priesthood of hope, which can provide him with great help and even push him to a powerful divine power in one fell swoop.


The 523rd year of the Troll Empire.

The Silver Moon Goddess obtained the priesthood of sleep and is planning the priesthood of dreams.

This is an extremely powerful priesthood. If successful, it can advance to a powerful divine power.


The 555th year of the Troll Empire.

After years of fighting!

Lucifer led the Winged Legion to the city of Sarita, the capital of the Orc Empire!

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