
Inside the Sarita Palace.

The orc emperor heard the deafening voice of surrender from the outside world, and angrily smashed the cup on the table in the hall.

"A bunch of idiots! A bunch of trash! And that group of traitors, have they forgotten who raised them? It was the empire!"

After venting his anger.

He calmed down.

"The capital now gathers the last and most powerful orc legions of the entire empire, as well as three demigods and dozens of legends. There is still a battle to be fought."

"Let me think about it again, there are still those combat forces that can be mobilized!"

"That's right."

He called the eunuchs around him.

"Go find the elf magician teaching group that came to Sarita to support teaching, and ask them to take action. The conditions are arbitrary. As long as Sarita can be defended, any price is fine!"

The eunuch nodded and quickly ran out of the palace.


he shouted to the outside of the hall again.

"Tolek, tell all the troops in the city to defend Sarita City at all costs!"

"I'll go to the temple again and pray for God's help!"

"The empire is about to perish, won't God take action?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Take my palace guards with you!"


Tolek nodded and ran out of the palace with a palace guard of hundreds of people to read the emperor's order.

Seeing that everyone had left the palace.

The emperor spoke.

"Katak, come out!"

A black-robed figure walked out of the emperor's throne behind him.

"Your Majesty."

"Take my guards to secretly protect the imperial concubine Esama and the seventh prince Yarik, and then take them to the secret tunnel to wait for me. If the imperial city is broken, we will go south to the city of Sama on the south coast."


"Also, move all the treasures in the inner treasury away, this is the most important thing!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After the orc emperor made the arrangements, he took a deep breath.

"Okay, you go out too. I'll go to the temple in a while and ask the high and mighty Lord God again!"


In the sky.

Seeing the winged army approaching the city of Sarita.

Jiang You did not close his eyes to practice, but held the long sword at his waist, his eyes fell on the kingdom of the orcs and the God of Strength.

"The capital of the orc empire will be destroyed, can you still bear it?"


The kingdom of the God of Strength.

Ophites sat on the throne, his eyes fell on the temple of Sarita.

He looked at,

a tall and majestic middle-aged orc kneeling in the temple and crying loudly!

"Great God, please send down your divine power and save your poor people!"

"If the imperial capital is conquered by the Winged People, the Orcs will have no power to fight back. There will be no place to worship your temple in the fertile land of western Goreya!"

"Great God, please help!"

The God of Strength Ophitus struggled, but finally gritted his teeth.

"I have to help!"

In recent years, his faith has fallen very fast!

If he continues to be a coward, his faith will be even more scattered.

Orcs have always admired bravery, and his performance over the years is indeed difficult to evaluate.

He planned to ask the Silver Moon Goddess to stop the Lord of Judgment, and then personally take action once, send down divine magic, and give it a try to solve the danger of the capital first.

He was still very confident that the old tree on Mount Heaven could not stop him.

As for the subsequent reckoning of the Lord of Judgment, if his kingdom of God really couldn't resist, he would join the Silver Moon Kingdom of God and worship a main god for himself.

"It's so frustrating!"

"I'm Sequence 0, the master of power!"

"Damn Platinum Moon!"

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