When the Elven Dynasty expanded its territory in Flanders, the Winged Kingdom was extremely quiet for hundreds of years.

The continent of Greia.

In the process of promotion of many angels.

It is guarded by Arita and other first batch of hundreds of angels to complete evolution.

Although the Orc Empire within the territory has perished, from time to time the remnants of the Orc Empire launch rebellions within the territory, which need to be suppressed by strong men at all times.

But the good thing is.

The sky city built by the Winged People back then had been completed, and this time it was driven to the continent of Grea by Arrieta.

Angels sit high on the sky city and attack from the sky at any time to suppress all rebellions.

The upper limit of these angels has naturally been raised. After thousands of years, they will naturally achieve "demigod" combat power and be able to sweep the world.

As for the Archangel Erita, she has long been bound to Jiang You's Holy Seat. This time, after integrating the first Heaven Mountain Seal, once the soul is completely transformed into a divine soul, she can use the various gods suppressed by the Sky Holy Seat. Authority, gaining partial authority over Heaven Mountain, possessing the power of weak divine power.

In fact, she is essentially borrowing the power of Heavenly Mountain.

If the Seven Heavens Mountain becomes bigger and stronger in the future, comparable to the fusion of countless worlds, the strength of the angels will naturally be stronger.

Sophia is the second batch of upgraded angels.

Like Arita, she had been forcibly promoted to a demigod by being bound to the Sky Holy Seat.

Now after integrating into the first Heaven Mountain mark, the soul begins to transform, and only waits for the transformation to be completed to control the authority of Heaven Mountain and possess the power of weak divine power.

After Sophia completed her angelic ascension, she took the position of Archangel of the Judgment Angel and was responsible for judging.

She has enough prestige to bear the name of judgment.

After that, there was the third batch of angels.

And Lucifer is in the fourth batch.

This is Jiang You's request.

Not only because Lucifer is the only Ferrander creature who has become a legend in the world, and his strength is comparable to that of a demigod on his own.

He decided to baptize her himself and preserve the possibility of her following the path of human legend, while also possessing the power of an archangel.


The process of Lucifer's baptism was longer than that of all the other angels.

While she was in baptism.

In the first heaven mountain, Livier, the daughter of misfortune, hugged her sister Sariel, the daughter of fortune, and sat on Jiang You's holy throne. Looking at the situation in the fourth heaven mountain, she couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Sister, you see, my father is much more interested in that Lucifer than we are."

"That is the most valued child under his old man."

Sariel smiled.

"Hmph, when we become gods, I will also help my father conquer a huge territory!"

Livier waved her little fist.

"You're great, Livier. It's a pity that I'm not good at fighting, but I will cheer for you!"

Sariel chuckled.

"By the way, sister. Did mother say anything to me when you came out this time?"

Livier suddenly asked pretending not to care.

"Mother said she regretted leaving you behind."

Sariel lied without blinking.

"Damn it, I knew Aikalia's mother was still thinking of me!"

"It's a pity that we can't go out by the way now, and I can't control the power of bad luck. My father strictly ordered me not to leave Paradise Mountain!"

"Father is also good for you. I will come to see you often."

"You're so kind, sister!"

"Hey hey hey!"

The two beautiful girls were swaying their white calves on the holy throne, very happy.


The angel ascended to the holy pool.

After years of upgrading and baptism, Lucifer's angelic transformation is finally completed!


As soon as she stood up from the Angel Pool, she was noticeably different.

A faint majesty like a god emerged from her body, and more holy radiance made her whole body different from a mortal.

The powerful momentum spreads to the entire Heaven Mountain, which is comparable to the power of gods!

She indeed already possesses the power of a weak divine power. After many years of baptism, she has already forged a divine soul with the powerful foundation of her own human legend.

And at the moment when the soul is created, it directly skips the weak divine power and ascends to the weak divine power.

This is determined by her powerful and extraordinary soul.

In the Sky Ascension Pool, when Lucifer opened his eyes, the aura around him disappeared.

She looked for Jiang You and saw Jiang You standing by the pool, looking at her with relief in his eyes. She quickly flew out of the pool and came to Jiang You.

"King, Lucifer has lived up to the king's respect. Today he has achieved divine combat power and can better serve the king!"

Hearing this, Jiang You helped her up and chuckled.

"Lucifer, you are really good! The Son of the Morning and the Bright Star cannot fully describe your excellence! My child, from today on, you will be the Archangel of War in Heavenly Mountain, and the future War Angel Legion, You will lead it!"

"Yes, King!"

Lucifer responded respectfully.

"Also, since you have become a god, you must also know the difference between gods and mortals. I am equivalent to your main god. From now on, you can call me "Lord"."

Jiang You smiled and said that he deliberately ignored the title of "god".

"Yes, my lord!"

Then, she hesitated, looking like she had something to say but didn't know whether to say it or not.

Jiang You looked at it and said amusedly.

"Tell me, girl, what else do you want?"

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