"Boss, don't be sad, don't you still have me with you? Don't worry, with my life span, I will definitely live longer than you!"

Just as Jiang You sighed, a lazy boy's voice came from beside him.

Jiang You's mouth twitched and he turned his head to look.

I saw a little turtle imitating his posture, standing on a stone with his paws behind his back.

The little turtle pretended to look around the mountains, as if overlooking his kingdom.

Seeing his lively expression, Jiang You couldn't help but laugh and scold.

"Xiao Ba, if you can't comfort people, don't talk, and you've lived longer than me..."

He stopped at this point.

This little turtle, didn't he live to the fifth chapter?

He is now the third level of the extraordinary, the hero level.

In the past 20 years.

His corresponding profession has also advanced from the second-level Thunder Wings to the third-level "Holy Wing Walker".

After experiencing the baptism of the blood of the Light Titan, his potential for the power of light exceeds the power of thunder.

Within 20 years, he made perfect use of the extraordinary power of both and built it into his career system.

The third level of the extraordinary is the strongest level below the legendary level.

People who have reached this stage are often called heroes by the world! So it is also called the hero level, and the life span has been extended, and they can live for 500 years!

Of course, this is for ordinary intelligent races like them. The life span of some gifted extraordinary creatures cannot be calculated by common sense, such as the little turtle in front of Jiang You.

This is an old antique who has lived to the fifth chapter. It is possible that there is some extraordinary blood in his body.

Perhaps Jiang You's eyes are too fascinated, and the little turtle can't help but shudder.

"Boss, why are you staring at me like this, it's scary!"

Jiang You suddenly came back to his senses, touched its head, and said with a smile.

"Actually, you are right, Xiao Ba, thanks to you."

For a long time, he will not be lonely!

The sun gradually rises, and the sea breeze blows up the mountain.

Just as Jiang You and the little turtle were joking, a winged figure filled with the power of light fell from the sky and came to Jiang You.

"Chief, there is a troll tribe coming here 10,000 miles to the west."

"Troll tribe?"

Jiang You was stunned when he heard it.

"Why would a troll tribe come here?"

This is a coastal area. Is there no legend of the sea tribe on the current continent?

He thought about it and made arrangements.

"Luol, call the Tianyi team and go with me to see!"

The Tianyi team is the tribe members who have awakened extraordinary powers in the tribe in the past 20 years. There are about a dozen of them.

Influenced by the blood of the Titans, they are almost all awakened by the power of light.

However, because of their extraordinary achievements, their morphological evolution is far more amazing than that of their peers.

Except for the fact that their hands and feet have not fully evolved, their faces have all lost their feathers, becoming the closest to Jiang You.

After talking to Luo Er, Jiang You said to the little turtle.

"Xiao Ba, you stay in the tribe to prevent accidents!"

Don't look at the cute little turtle, but it is a real master-level strongman.

"Boss, I want to go with you!"

The little turtle's green bean-sized eyes were eager to try.

"Haha, Xiao Ba, I don't object to you coming, but you don't have wings!"

The little turtle was immediately discouraged.

Without wings, there are no mages in this era, only legends can fly.

"Okay, Luo Er, go and call people, we will set off immediately!"


Half an hour later.

Luo Er appeared in front of Jiang You with a dozen extraordinary eagle men.

"Let's go!"

Jiang You gave an order, holding a bronze long sword, and led everyone to the west.

A few hours later.

The sun was about to set, and dusk enveloped the world.

Jiang You finally came to the sky above this troll tribe.

He looked down and saw that it was a large troll tribe with a total of 10,000 people.

But they looked very embarrassed, as if they were expelled.

Just as he was observing, a strong and sturdy voice sounded from the troll tribe below.

"Who is the friend of the Eagle King's Court in the sky? We are the "Giant Wood" clan under the command of the Natural Titan. Please come down to see us!"

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