The strong power of faith gathered on the body of the God of Fire, Felhams.

It gave him the power to gradually raise the Kingdom of Fire to the sky.

And above the sky.

When the Kingdom of Earth was about to rise successfully, the Earth Goddess Geria released her mind and connected with the Earth Elemental Realm in the Star Realm.

Suddenly, the vast and boundless shadow of the Earth Elemental Realm appeared again above the entire Ferland World, dyeing the world a yellowish earth color.

A large number of earth elements came from the void, mainly integrated into the God Realm of the God of the Earth Goddess.

Some of them poured into the Ferland World.

There were even some earth element creatures coming from the big world, some of them went to the God Realm of the God of the Earth Goddess, and some came to the most concentrated area of ​​the Earth Element in Ferland.

This time, it was much bigger than the movement caused by the Golden Lion when it ascended to God.

The world will received the gift from the Earth Elemental Realm, and some cheered and jumped for joy, and the earth elements between heaven and earth began to become active.

During this period, the magic constructed by the earth element was more lethal.

Some earth element spells also appeared during this period.


The Earth Goddess successfully raised the Kingdom of God and achieved the peak of medium divine power in one fell swoop.

During this period.

The Silver Moon Goddess, the Lord of Dawn, and the God of Hades have been with the Earth Goddess. After her Kingdom of God was built, the four gods talked together in the Earth Kingdom for a while before leaving.

As for the Fire God Felhams, after sensing that the Earth Goddess had successfully ascended to God, the last trace of worry in his heart was removed, and he was focused on ascending to God.

Although Jiang You disappeared, the light of the Platinum Moon has always illuminated the path of the Fire God to ascend to God.

Like the Earth Goddess, at the moment of completing the ascension to God, Felhams connected the Fire Element Realm in the Star Realm with the idea of ​​fire.

So after the Earth Element Realm appeared in the Ferland World, the Fire Element Realm also appeared in the sky of the entire Ferland World.

The fire element between heaven and earth suddenly boiled.

On the earth, countless volcanic magmas surged up, but fortunately, the earth element had just been strengthened, and it was considered to be virtuous and could withstand the explosion of the fire element.

Some fire element creatures also poured into the Flame God Kingdom and various volcanic magmas and other places where fire elements gathered.

During this period, a large number of fire magics also strengthened their power and affinity.

As the fire god Felemus successfully reached the peak of the middle power, the phantom of the fire element world in the sky did not dissipate.

A fire element king as tall as a Titan suddenly appeared in the phantom of the fire element world.

He looked down at the entire Ferrand world and suddenly laughed.

"Felemus, can you refuse my help just by saying no?"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and suddenly, a huge and boundless rain of fire collapsed from the fire element world like a whole sea of ​​clouds composed of fire, falling to the west of the Balod continent, covering the entire Ferris Plain.

Countless red wheat fields were burned, and the whole earth turned into a fire area!

Inside the Kingdom of the God of Fire.

The newly promoted God of Fire, Felemus, was furious.

"Manlades, you've gone too far."

But he was not strong enough, and he did not dare to enter the Fire Elemental Realm to attack and kill the powerful Fire Elemental King. He could only use his power to protect his own Flame Giants.

As the rain of fire grew bigger and bigger, the wild laughter of the Fire Elemental King, Manlades, grew louder and louder, and the range of the rain of fire also expanded on the Balod Continent.

The wailing of countless creatures sounded from forests, grasslands, rivers, lakes, hills, and swamps.

Just when the entire Balod Continent was like being tortured.

Between heaven and earth, the platinum moon shone brightly, and a majestic and majestic eight-winged figure stood between heaven and earth, separating the shadow of the Fire Elemental Realm from the Balod Continent.

He looked at the Fire Elemental King who was laughing wantonly, then looked at the Fire God Felemus who looked ashamed, and then looked at the countless faces of panicked and desperate creatures on the Balod Continent, and smiled.

"Don't panic, don't panic."

"I'll kill him!"

This fire element king should be able to bring a lot of benefits to my Heaven Mountain.

After saying that, he used his part of the power of fire to open the space-time channel between the Ferland world and the fire element world, drew his sword and stepped forward, shining, and stepped into the fire element world in person!

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