Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 183 The creation of the legendary path of the bard

Uriel closed the door of the tavern and then said with a smile.

"I am not one of the Lord's favored ones, just a devout citizen."

"Bartender, bring me a large glass of wine called "Northland Wind and Frost"."

"Okay, Lord Bard."

Seeing Uriel's gentle attitude, everyone was no longer as serious as before.

A dwarf with a long beard shouted.

"Do devout people also need to drink wine?"

"Hahaha, of course, isn't this something you dwarves understand best? A moment of joy does not affect my faith!?"

Uriel asked with a smile.

"Well said, bard!"

A lizard man wearing half a helmet and covered with scars stood up, raised a huge wine glass and laughed.

“God doesn’t answer everything, but wine does!”


As he spoke, he drank the wine in one gulp!

The other drinkers of all races laughed and drank their glasses full of wine, but Uriel lowered his eyes and remained noncommittal.

"God won't respond to everything. That's because you are not pious enough!"

But he didn't want to spoil the fun, so he still drank the "Northern Wind and Frost" wine handed over by the fox maid in one gulp.

After drinking, he looked at the drunken people, and suddenly felt a comfortable joy filling his body and mind. He couldn't help but pick up the harp, looked around at the people, and laughed.

"Everyone, how about I sing a great poem for everyone at this time?"

As he spoke, he did not wait for the adventurers of all races in the tavern to object, and played an impassioned tune on his own.

"The king ascends to the sky and lifts the moon into the sky!"

"The hymns of Paradise Mountain are immortal, and the white gold light shines on the world."

"You are invincible, you are majestic and glorious!"

"Heaven and earth praise your great deeds, and the gods bow to you!"

“…….(omit one thousand words)”

"Lord, you are the white moonlight in every people's heart!"

After singing, Uriel ignored the expressions of the adventurers of all races and laughed.

"A song called White Moonlight for everyone!"

As he spoke, he took another glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

And at the moment when the wine passed his throat, he suddenly felt his mind become clear.

A feeling of spiritual enlightenment spread throughout my body!

Ribbons of light composed of musical notes and poems floated around him.

This is a symbol of the surge of extraordinary power.

Have fun, have fun!

At this moment, Uriel's body and mind were united, the bard system independent from the hymn system was finally perfected, and the legendary path of the bard was successfully created.

Singer (formal level, the same as the hymn system) - Choir (master level, the same as the hymn system) - Bard (heroic level) - Great Performer (legendary)

By the time he came back to his senses from the advanced realization, the entire tavern adventurers had just come to their senses from his singing.

At this moment, Uriel felt envious as he looked at Uriel who had advanced to become a legend.

"Can you advance to legend by singing a hymn?"

In this era, the gods will not die, the demigods will not rise, and legends will be the highest combat power in the world.

Just then.

Everyone in the tavern suddenly heard sacred songs ringing throughout the world.

The next moment.

A beautiful and majestic female angel descended from the sky, her whole body shining with pure white light!

She had the majesty of a god and unparalleled power, which made the lawless and courageous adventurers in the tavern subconsciously hold their breath.

In the corner of the tavern, a figure in black robe tried to hide himself in a dark corner, with a very low sense of presence.

And in the envious sight of all drinkers and adventurers.

The holy and beautiful female angel walked to Uriel's side and smiled softly.

"Uriel, the Lord has heard about your career and you have done a good job. Today, if you advance to legend, follow me to heaven and become a member of the angels!"

When Uriel heard this, he couldn't help but be happy!

He has long heard that after a winged person becomes a legend, he can go to Uriel City and be taken to high heaven by the guardian angel Arita or her angel adjutant to transform into an angel.

Unexpectedly, he had just become a legend today, and he was personally invited by His Highness Lucifer, the Archangel of War who had become a god. It was such an honor.

In this situation, he couldn't help but want to sing a poem.

However, Lucifer seemed to see what he was thinking and laughed.

"Uriel, keep your creative talents. After you go to heaven, you will still have dozens of poems to write."


"Dozens of songs?"

Even Uriel, as a creator, everyone was confused.

Does the Lord want me to go to heaven and write songs?

Just when he was doubtful, Lucifer walked up to him, pulled him up, and the holy light surrounded him, and they went to the sky together.

He laughed while flying.

"I have ten songs, the eldest lady has ten songs, the second lady has ten songs, the master has ten songs, the second master has ten songs, and there are some angel sisters who also want your help. It's not just dozens of songs!"

"Uriel, come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

"...Your Highness, I think..."

Urielton felt dizzy. God's deeds were so famous that he wrote so many hymns.

But you... I have never heard of some of you!

However, Lucifer narrowed his big eyes and turned around to ask.

"What do you think?"

"Nothing, Your Highness, I will definitely finish it!"

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