Year 235 of the Elven Dynasty.

After hundreds of years, the deputy king of the kingdom, Sophia, finally completely transformed her soul into a divine soul, which was enough to withstand the power of Heaven Mountain that was comparable to the gods.

So Sophia handed over the affairs of the kingdom to Areta, climbed to Heaven Mountain, and accepted the power of the Archangel of Judgment in Heaven Mountain.


Year 256 of the Elven Dynasty.

Sofia successfully obtained the power of the Archangel of Judgment and gained power comparable to that of weaker gods.

at the same time.

Arita also transformed her soul into a divine soul during these years.

Sophia returned to the earth, allowing Areta to ascend to heaven and become a "god".

More than ten years later, the guardian angel finally lived up to his name.


Year 259 of the Elven Dynasty.

Sophia, who already possessed the power of the gods, noticed the difference between mortals and gods for the first time.

As the staff in White Stone Castle got along with her, they gradually became affected by the power of the gods. They lost their own will and only knew to obey her orders.

Only legends are immune, but legends are not all internal affairs talents.

This was never possible before.

Sophia came up with the idea of ​​abdicating the throne.

But such an idea is undoubtedly a retreat in her eyes.

However, for the sake of the Yiren Kingdom, she still told Jiang You this idea.


In front of the platinum throne.

Jiang You did not blame her, but comforted her.

"Sophia, you have done a good enough job. For thousands of years, you have been taking care of the Winged Kingdom on my behalf. I have always seen your hard work."

"As you said, you should abdicate. But as far as I'm concerned, the moment you become a god, your mission in the mortal world will be completed."

"Now, you are the Archangel of Judgment, and Heaven Mountain needs you even more! As for the Winged Man Kingdom, leave it to the young people!"

"So, my Archangel of Judgment, I order you to find a young heir who is strong enough to bear the weight of the kingdom within a few decades to take over your career!"

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing this, Sophia knelt down on one knee, with tears in her eyes, and loudly agreed!

Year 289 of the Elven Dynasty.

The Goddess of Luck and Misfortune are the result of decades of searching and deliberate cultivation.

A silver moon elf named Fiobo followed the prophet's career system under the guidance of the two goddesses, and finally pushed the prophet system to the prophet (hero level).

And because of the Silver Moon Elf's long lifespan, although pushing the prophet system to the heroic level cost him a lot of energy and vitality, he still managed to survive.


Elf Dynasty Calendar 313.

The northern human race Reinhard Kingdom.

Ponte Reinhardt, a direct bloodline of Arthur Reinhardt and a member of Reinhardt, was found to have outstanding prophetic talent.

The royal family reported it to Archangel Sophia through the Platinum Temple, and then the two goddesses of fate learned about it.

Sariel and Livier were extremely happy when they heard this.

They transformed themselves into the mortal world, entered the Platinum Temple, and guided this royal bloodline to the career path of a prophet.

And this royal bloodline also entered the temple system.

Elf Dynasty Calendar 314.

Sofia officially handed over the affairs of the kingdom to her chosen heir, Michael Limir.

Michael Lemel was born on the eve of the establishment of the Elf Dynasty. He was extremely talented since childhood and was especially good at fighting. He had great courage and keen insight.

His wisdom is not weak either, and he has unique views on the continent's situation, races, and gods. What's even more rare is that Michael is humble and has a sense of justice but is not pedantic.

As a result, he was appreciated, trusted and entrusted with important tasks by Sophia.

Later, three years before Sophia abdicated, Michael advanced to the legendary swordsman of light and was successfully promoted to an angel.

In the selection of successors, Michael stood out and eventually became Sofia's most effective assistant during the last hundred years of Sofia's rule.

In the later period, Sophia almost no longer handled government affairs, but was completed by Michael.

Michael became the de facto deputy king of the kingdom.

This day.

Inside the White Stone Castle.

Sofia was in the vice-general's office, looking at Michael who was handling the kingdom's government affairs conscientiously and with ease, and finally let go of the last knot in his heart.

"Michael, I have decided to go to Heaven Mountain today. From now on, the development of Losendas Kingdom will be left to you."

When Michael heard this, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said firmly.

"Your Highness Sophia, I will definitely not disappoint my Lord and your expectations!"

Sophia nodded with satisfaction, then smiled:

"I will go to heaven, Michael. Is there anything you need me to tell our Lord? This time, I will convey it to you."

Michael pondered for a while and then said.

"Your Highness, actually there is still a little bit of it."


"That Anna's treasure store, I always thought that their shop owner, the Northland human named Anna, was a little strange."

"What's weird?"

"Almost all the Northlanders in the treasure store are fanatical admirers of Anna. Moreover, the bank plan proposed by Miss Anna recently is too amazing. I think it is necessary to let my lord know."

"Ana, okay, I understand."

Sophia touched her chin and nodded seriously.

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